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Kiwanis Convention Brings 1,000 Delegates to Ann Arbor, August 1953

Kiwanis Convention Brings 1,000 Delegates to Ann Arbor, August 1953 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, August 31, 1953
Three of the 1,000 delegates to the 36th annual Michigan Kiwanis convention chat this morning outside the Rackham Building. They are (left to right) Keith Sturdevant of St. Joseph; Dr. C. M. Loesell of Ypsilanti, a past Michigan District governor; and Charles P. Cowdin, 91, of Detroit. Cowdin is one of three surviving founders of the Kiwanis movement. He is a charter member of the Detroit Club No. 1, the first Kiwanis club. It was founded in 1915.

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