Hitching Post Decorated For St. Patrick's Day, March 1964
Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 17, 1964
Irish Airs: A hitching post in front of the home of Eugene N. (O') Bertoni, 1425 Pontiac St., has its smiling Irish eyes covered with a little wearing of the green today in observance of St. Patrick's Day. The derby, ribbon, plastic mesh and cardboard shamrock all are of a brilliant emerald hue.
Ann Arbor News, March 17, 1964
Irish Airs: A hitching post in front of the home of Eugene N. (O') Bertoni, 1425 Pontiac St., has its smiling Irish eyes covered with a little wearing of the green today in observance of St. Patrick's Day. The derby, ribbon, plastic mesh and cardboard shamrock all are of a brilliant emerald hue.
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