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AADL in the Michigan Daily

by valerieclaires

This week in the Michigan Daily, columnist Susan LaMoreaux shares her fondness for the Ann Arbor District Library. She highlights AADL programs, services, and community partnerships, including our ever-popular Tools Collections and PALMA: Proyecto Avance: Latino Mentoring Association, run through the University’s Residential College.

She interviews our own Laura Raynor, who explains how AADL looks at the community when developing new services and collections.

What sticks out most throughout the piece, though, is Susan LaMoreaux’s love of the library. She writes:

“In many ways, I did much of my growing up between the old brick walls and metal shelves, and among the thousands of pages and stories contained in just the downtown branch alone. I don’t intend to stop using this collection, even with all the resources on campus that are made available to me because of my student status. That may be partly because, even for those with no library card, it’s always free to walk down William Street and step through those doors.”

You can see her full column on the Michigan Daily website.

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