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Mrs. Epple In Her Kitchen On Heatheridge St, July 1959

Mrs. Epple In Her Kitchen On Heatheridge St, July 1959 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, July 3, 1959
Among the many efficiency spots in Mrs. Epple's home is a wooden counter area for chopping or preparing baked goods. The area is adjacent to a left-handed refrigerator which allows freedom of the right hand to place food on the counter. Above Mrs. Epple are convenient pull-out flour and sugar containers and at the right are cook books for quick references. The cooking area (not shown) and the above area both have been lowered to suit Mrs. Epple's height and to make work more relaxing. Cabinets below the counter are used for storing baking dishes.

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Donated by the Ann Arbor News. © The Ann Arbor News.