Library Asked To Seek Relatives Of Former Local Man
Aid of the Ann Arbor Public Library has been asked in a search for surviving relatives of a self-styled "gentleman hobo," Charles E. Whitney, who died a year ago in a hospital hotel at Charlotte, N. C.
Whitney, who apparently was a water-color artist, was taken ill and died in Charlotte a few days after registering at the Selwyn hotel there, according to a letter and newspaper clipping sent the library from Mrs. J. B. Neely, of Charlotte.
Before he died he spoke of a sister in Ann Arbor; and papers in his suitcase indicated he was born Sept. 1, 1866, and was a graduate of the University of Michigan.
However, a check by D. R. Jeffers, reference librarian at the Public Library, indicated no one by that name ever attended the University. The city directory of 1883-84 listed a Charles Whitney, mason; and that of 1886-87 listed a Charles Whitney, foreman.
Anyone having any information regarding the "hobo-artist" or of relatives is asked to communicate with Mr. Jeffers.