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Imbalance In Draft For County Denied

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A spokesman for the Michigan Selective Service system offices in Lansing today denied that there was an imbalance of draft quotas in Washtenaw County.

It has been charged that an imbalance exists among the Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor draft boards.

Last year the Ypsilanti board drafted three times as many men as the Ann Arbor board. The two boards each take half of the county. So far this year, Ypsilanti has drafted 217 and Ann Arbor 152.

The Lansing spokesman said that this does not actually represent an imbalance as such. He pointed out that there is a different type of population in the two areas. For example, the Ann Arbor board is faced with 1,147 student deferments while Ypsilanti has 218.

Furthermore, he said that each area has really produced a reasonable manpower, with, Ann Arbor having 1,013 classified 4A and Ypsilanti, 1,025. The 4A classification is for persons with previous military experience.

He noted that the Ann Arbor office now has added personnel to catch up on a heavy backlog, due to the illness of a previous employe.