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Ypsilanti High School Wrestlers Champions of Huron-Rouge Conference, February 1961

Ypsilanti High School Wrestlers Champions of Huron-Rouge Conference, February 1961 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 25, 1961
Champions, As Usual: Ypsilanti High's wrestling team joins The News Pictorial Honor Roll today as champion again of the Huron-Rouge Conference. No other league school has won a wrestling title since the circuit adopted the sport four years ago. Members of the team are (bottom row, from left) Jim Carter, Alan Bastian, Bill Bedford, Tino Lambros, Ron Gillum, Ernie Gillum, and (top row, from left) Dennis Mannisto, John Curtis, Ken Walker, Bob Arvin, Joe Arcure, Don Harrison and Norm Taylor.

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Donated by the Ann Arbor News. © The Ann Arbor News.