Eli Gallup stands on a green at the Municipal Golf Course, March 1961

Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 28, 1961
TAKES LAST LOOK: Eli A. Gallup, superintendent of Ann Arbor's Department of Parks and Recreation, retires Friday at the age of 70 to end a 42-year career with the city. The man who has had a park and lake named for him by the City Council takes a last official look at three activities he has been instrumental in developing. [Here] he stands on a green at the Municipal Golf Course.
Ann Arbor News, March 28, 1961
TAKES LAST LOOK: Eli A. Gallup, superintendent of Ann Arbor's Department of Parks and Recreation, retires Friday at the age of 70 to end a 42-year career with the city. The man who has had a park and lake named for him by the City Council takes a last official look at three activities he has been instrumental in developing. [Here] he stands on a green at the Municipal Golf Course.
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