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The daylight sky gradually receded from the city’s sight while a shift was in motion from busy streets that turned into empty streets. Another day went by and the people were fast asleep, getting their desired rest. This cycle of day and night would never cease to end in the eyes of Bejar.


Bejar woke up in a restful manner, facing a golden cross that was hung on his wall. The opposite of his usual daily challenge of getting up out of bed early on a Monday morning. He followed his routine, washing up before descending down the stairs into the freezing kitchen where the windows were wide open since Giulia had fixed up a delicious meal for the two of them.


“Last night I dreamt of paradise.”


“Oh, so you did?” said Giulia while sitting down reading the daily newspaper. Slowly Bejar sat down to begin dining and make his day right with a soothing cup of coffee that would make anyone feel energized and wide awake for the busy man’s day.


“It was one of those dreams you know that you’re dreaming, but you still go along with it and don’t hold back.” Giulia put down her paper and began sipping her brewed coffee. She was intrigued by what he was saying.


“I’ve had a dream or two just like what you’re talking about,” said Giulia.


“This was different though,” while taking a sip of his coffee. “Our work, my work, became a reality. All that hard work and effort-”


“Went down the drain and nothing had happened,” Giulia finished it for him. “You ought to be grateful that you or I weren’t sent to the correctional facility after our work was exposed.”


“Our children betrayed us and our work. The future could’ve been different I guarantee, believe me, it could’ve been different,” said with a straight face by Bejar, looking out the window.


“Forget about it Bejar, there is nothing that could’ve prevented that from happening, we live in an ever changing world,” sadly said by Giulia. “Eat your food, you’ll be late for work today.”


“I’m not going anywhere today or tomorrow or the next day. I’m staying right here in this house until I feel the need to leave the house,” defiantly said Bejar.


In the back of Giulia’s mind she knew that it was hopeless to argue with Bejar in getting back to work. She thought for a quick solitary moment that maybe would contact Peter, their eldest son, who works as an administrator in the government, however, she threw away the idea. “It’s quite cold in this house, I’ll turn on the heat,” said Giulia.


“I tried, but I could not find a way,” said Bejar with a sigh of defeat. He turned on the television in the left hand wall away from the kitchen door entrance and quietly ate his breakfast. The news reporter gave her daily news report, this time it was breaking news.


“Breaking news, Government spokesperson and whistleblower, Peter -----, was arrested today for plotting an overthrow of the government with his brother, former Government agent, Paul -----, the two men were quickly put on trial last night and convicted of crimes against the People of our nation, both were executed for attempting to resurrect the plans of their father Bejar ----. That’s all for now, further detail will be said once the information is received. Please enjoy this sixty second commercial video from our sponsors.”


The screen quickly changed to a new advertisement, never before seen video, of a man handing out flyers labeled “Change the Nation, Throw Away the Sword” as the man passed out flyers to the many pedestrians who walked on by, he was quickly grabbed by two government agents, posing as citizens, beating the individual. The lessons learned from the commercial was that of siding with the government and not against the government. At the end of the commercial a text box read in bold print: We Are Your Friends, Not Your Enemies, showing a picture of the head government figure portrayed as a godlike figure, smiling at the camera.


Giulia came back as the Bejar shut off the television, knowing that the report on the two dissenters would be the headlines of today. “What did I miss?” said Giulia as she sat back down.


Bejar did not know how to approach this terrible news coverage. He was about to speak until the doorbell rang. Bejar and Giulia stood right up and walked across the rooms to open the front door.


“Good morning Mr. and Mrs. -----, my name is Calvin I represent New Government, I’m happy to inform you that you’ve been selected to be a part of our program which offers you once in a lifetime chance of being in paradise. Upon obligated acceptance of this selection to the program, I ask that you both come with right now at this moment.” said with a smile.


“Let’s go Giulia,” said Bejar.


“Wait, what about our belongings and items,” said Giulia confusingly.


“There won’t be any need to collect your personal belongings. Where both you and your husband are heading to won’t require anything but yourselves. Now please, follow me into the car.” said Calvin politely.


Before leaving to enter the automobile that shined through the rays of the sun; in an instant all of Bejars thoughts and memories came passing by one by one. Bejar thought about the many hours spent with his two sons, teaching them that the life they live could be better if his works and research caught the public people’s attention. He thought about that dreadful night when the agents came by and raided his facilities, burning every document, paper, and flyer they could find. All the tragedies in life flooded his inner being. He remembers pushing back the agents, but the second he saw his sons as informers of the agents he dropped down on the ground and gave up. For the rest of those years he was haunted by the past. He could never trust anyone, but his pious wife Giulia, who was also a collaborator of his works. The sun was shining down on Bejar and time felt as if it suddenly stopped. A feeling of hope surged right into him as he then replays the short lived memory of the news report stating this his sons were attempting to overthrow the government. It made him feel uneasy. It wasn’t easy to identify whether or not Bejar was happy or sad at both his sons valiant attempt to do good for the entire nation. Was it too late to honor their father’s work? Despite the two brothers’ attempt he knew that at least during his lifetime that no good of a change would be bestowed upon the nation or his individual self. This was only the beginning of a long standing war between the dissenters and of the government. Maybe Peter and Paul were good guys after all and only thought best in the long run. Unfortunately they fell like angels from the sky. Thinking about whether to let go of the memories or not was a difficult choice, Giulia would never know the fate of her sons if he wouldn’t tell her. The choice was left to him, he decided against telling Giulia for the best of purposes. There lives would be like everyone else’s. They would live in world in which they were believed to believe what the Government dictates and says.


Bejar and Giulia entered into the automobile alongside another individual who they were not introduced to. Calvin turned on the engine of his car and there they embarked on a journey to paradise, wherever that might be. “You’re both going to love it here, you won’t have to worry about a single troublesome event in life. People will die just to see this place where you’ll be living at for the rest of your lives. Heck, even I would want to die to be where I’m taking you. You won’t regret this extraordinary experience. Away from the violence, it’s bliss,” said Calvin gleefully.

Bejar knew that the worst was over, he would finally live in a world where he wouldn’t have to worry about life itself. Only he, would understand that it was destined for him and Giulia to be able to live where the policies and rulings of life would be left for them to decide, just them and only them. It would take a few hours to arrive at the destination. Giulia was already fast asleep on that Monday morning, she was quite tired. Bejar, as restful as he can be, decided to stay awake for the whole trip. He wanted to see paradise himself and not have to be waken up. He was prepared for it. Not a second thought passed by him as the automobile was on path, driving from city to highway. It was hours later on that the automobile came to a full stop. The unidentified individual who had come along on the road got out of the car and opened the car door where Bejar and Giulia would exit from. Bejar got out of the car and saw paradise. He took a deep breath and exhaled.