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Larry the squirrel was peacefully jumping from branch to branch, carrying a delicious walnut, back to his forest home.  He was traveling to his house in the old oak tree near the rushing river.  When Larry was almost home he heard a sharp yell from a nearby tree.

“Hey Larry!  Where are you running to?”  called the squirrel.  Larry stopped and turned his head.

“Oh, hey Fred.  What do you want now?”  Larry asked.

“Hey man, that isn’t a very nice way to say hi to your friend.”  Fred scampered over to Larry’s branch.

“You are always up to something.  What do you want?”  Larry questioned.

“This.”  Fred grabbed Larry’s nut and stuffed it in his cheek and ran away.

“Hey!”  Larry waited a moment and then sprinted after the thief.  Fred jumped from tree to tree getting farther and farther away from Larry’s home.  The chase went all over the forest until Fred saw his chance.  He ran down the maple tree he was on, and dashed across the ground.  Fred got to the road and ran across safely.  Larry came close behind Fred and raced after his stolen nut.  Larry didn’t even see the oncoming car.