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Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? To soar across the sky or lift cars with your bare hands? Only a few years ago this was just a dream, an impossibility. But since the first time Wonder-Man soared across our sky, superheroes have existed. Wonder-Man was the first, but others soon followed. Some had fallen in vats of toxic waste, or been bitten by an insect of some kind, and others had just been born with it. No one could quite figure it out, but superheroes just existed. I can still remember the days my Mom and I would curl up on the couch and she would read me Superman and Captain America comics until the sun went down. And now superheroes like them are flying through my very own city, fighting evildoers and protecting the innocent. I wish Mom could have seen it, but the cancer took her too soon. If only I had superpowers like Wonder-Man, I bet I could’ve saved her.



Another day, another hundred innocent lives saved, another villain locked up, and yet another photo op. You know what I used to be? I used to be security guard, that’s right! A security guard, not even a police officer, and I took it so seriously, you know? I really believed I was the only thing standing between Vancorp’s top secret projects and total destruction. I didn’t even know what they were doing in there, all I knew was what everyone else knew. That it was top secret and could “change the world”. Of course one day, I, “the singular wall preventing the whole universe from blowing up” saw some “suspicious activity” and in my utter stupidity, “investigated”. Well you know where that got me? Stuck in the middle of a test room filled with who knows what, just as the experiment was about to start. I still remember the look of horror from those scientists when they realized what was happening, but it was too late, I was done for. That is, until I woke up in a hospital bed with strange new powers. Powers which I wish I had never gotten, because no more than three days later, I was whisked to the mayor’s office, and told that I had a new job. A job in which I would wear a stupid costume and run around all day using my powers to fight bad guys. Of course my naive younger self agreed, and look where it got me. With the mayor constantly breathing down my back, always saying I could do more to help my city, that my image isn’t good enough, That I need to seem “cooler”. To be honest, I think it’s getting to me.



Not only was I late for school because I missed the bus, but Gary Evans, or as I call him, The Jerk, tripped me on my way to first hour, making me drop all of my homework. I wish he’d just get on with his own life instead of ruining mine. Sometimes I wish I could just punch him in his rotten nose and fly away. Anyway, The Superhero League of America Fan Club finally sent me my membership pin. I was so excited when I got it, but I had to make sure I hid it from Eric, because he’s always coming into to my room and touching my stuff. Wonder-Man is supposed to be making a speech today at 4 PM outside town hall, so I have to get down there right after school.



The Mayor’s having me do yet another photo op today at town hall, where I’ll wave to all the suckers he wants to vote for him for a third term. I wonder what would happen if I just flew away and never came back. Wonder what he’d do then. This was never my idea, never something I wanted. I was never that kid who dreamed of being a superhero. I suppose the only thing that is keeping me here is the occasional bank robber, or lame supervillain.



On my way to town hall, I stopped by the power plant. I know it’s stupid, but the three most common ways to get superpowers are being accidentally exposed to something radioactive, being bitten by something radioactive, or being part of a government test. I’m a minor so it’s hard to be part of a test, and the getting bitten thing isn’t very reliable, so I just hope some of the radioactive particles will join with my DNA or mutate it. After standing there for a good twenty minutes, I don’t really feel different, so I run to catch the bus downtown.



Well, the mayor just had the gall to come up and request that I don’t “mess it up”. I mean honestly! He wouldn’t even need me if he had superpowers, but wait- that’s right! He doesn’t have superpowers. All the people want is for me to kiss their babies and sign stuff, plus a few “super fans” part of some stupid fan club, always tell me how awesome I am, and want to know all about my experiences. I usually just try to avoid them, but today this kid in a Captain America shirt ran up to me before I got on stage, and I felt so bad for him I gave him a signed picture, one of the dozens the mayor makes me hand out, but The kid freaked out when I gave it to him.



I got to the speech early and actually met Wonder-Man! He gave me a signed picture and everything! It was so amazing I thought my heart would beat right out of my chest! I’ll finally have a real Wonder-Man signature to add to my collection.



The speech went well, as usual, and before I could sign autographs, I got called off to fight another “villain”. They all think they’re my “archnemesis” but they’re just people who really wanted to be superheroes and failed. I’ve heard there’s actually been a rise in hospitalizations due to being exposed to toxic waste. It makes me think that superheroes coming into existence wasn’t really a good thing. Before we existed the world wasn’t a worse place, there were still policemen and armies to protect the people. I’ve also found that the people, like myself, who gained superpowers were the people who didn’t want them. It makes me feel bad for the people who idolize us, and really proves my point that the world would be a better place without superheroes.



I’ve been working on my superhero costume. I think I want to honor Wonder-Man’s color scheme, with his bright orange WM emblazoned across his blue suit, with orange gloves and boots. On my way home from the speech, The Jerk and his cronies beat me up again, laughing when I got a bloody nose, but they’ll see. Just wait until I get my powers, they’ll never be able to beat anyone up again. I’ve noticed that standing in front of the power plant hasn’t seemed to be helping, so I may need to take a more proactive approach. I’ve heard rumors at school that a lab downtown is doing tests with top secret chemicals, and it sounds right up my alley.



Just heard about a break in at Vancorp’s downtown lab. Apparently there’s a masked intruder in the building and they want me to help stop him. They think he might be another powered person. I’m not sure how I feel about returning to Vancorp.



When I got to the lab, the side door was already unlocked, so I didn’t need to practice my lockpicking skills, but when I got inside, I realized something was wrong. There was a guard who had passed out or something, and some of the lights in the hallway were broken, but I kept going anyway. A superhero is brave and fearless, no matter what.



I got to the lab and the police chief told me they’d evacuated the building, but some of the scientists couldn’t be accounted for, so I made my way inside. It was easy to find the intruder,who was standing in front of some terrified scientists, yelling at them and smashing vials. But when I turned I saw a kid in the back, it was the kid from the speech yesterday! The bad guy hadn’t seen him up to that point, but just then he tripped on something, and the bad guy turned his head. I quickly sprang into action and pushed the kid out of the way before he got hurt. Then I tackled the bad guy to the ground and handcuffed him.



The police rushed me to the hospital, even though I said I was fine. Once there, the nurse said I had a broken arm, probably from Wonder-Man pushing me into a wall. But I forgive him, I know he was only doing it to save me, and it was so awesome. The mayor even came in person to say that Wonder-Man was coming to see me!



The mayor says I have to go to the hospital and apologize to the kid or something. He said to give him a mayor’s pin and let him take a picture. I feel bad for the kid, but I’m not apologizing for saving his life, he shouldn’t have been there in the first place! These people who want to become superheroes are dangerous to themselves and others. When I get there I’m going to try to discourage him from doing anything like this ever again.



I was so excited to see Wonder-Man, but then he told me that I should stop doing stupid stuff! That what I was doing was dangerous and I was going to seriously hurt myself or others! I was doing this to help people! I can’t believe Wonder-Man yelled at me. Superheroes are supposed to be brave and courageous and kind, not jerks like the people at school. Superheroes are overrated anyway. Now that I think about it, being a villain is way cooler. They get all the perks, the money, the gadgets, all the stuff, they don’t even need superpowers. If I was a villain I could’ve just forced the doctors to help my Mom, or robbed a bank and used the money for the best treatments for her. Powers wouldn’t have done anything! This is the real world, not comic books.



Dad took me to see Luke at the hospital today. He seemed even angrier then Dad, and he didn’t even want to read the superhero comics I brought him. Dad told me to sit out in the hallway while he talked to Luke, but I knew that talking meant yelling. I wish everyone would stop treating me like a little kid, I know just as much about superheroes as Luke does.



My arm finally healed, and I’ve been taking the time to come up with my villain name and costume. I’ve been tracking Wonder-Man’s movements and I have the perfect plan to confront him. I’ll fight him in front of town hall, that way no one can miss me! Wonder-Man, prepare to meet the Destroyer.



Luke’s been acting strange lately, he won’t talk to Dad anymore and he won’t talk about superheroes. He says they’re stupid, and that I should “get a life”. But I don’t care, because real superheroes don’t resort to insults. I saw him sneak out of the house after Dad went to sleep, so I followed him.



I’ve had it with the mayor, there’s nothing holding me here anymore. There’s been nothing the police can’t handle, so I’m leaving. To where? I don’t know, and I don’t care. I’m not happy here, and I’ve realized I never will be. I don’t want to support this superhero addiction, all these fanatics risking their lives to become something they’ll never be. So I’ve left my costume, and I’m flying to somewhere nice, on an airplane.



I can’t believe Wonder-Man stood me up. He is a jerk, just like all the others. He just wanted to embarrass me! Well no one will be laughing when I take the mayor hostage. Yeah that’s right! I, the Destroyer, am going to take their beloved mayor hostage, just like in the comics! Then they’ll see.



I followed Luke downtown just in time to see him get arrested for trying to attack the mayor. I couldn’t believe it. I don’t know what happened to him. As they tried to arrest him, he resisted, and ran. But as he ran, his costume got in the way, and he fell down. Hard. As they pulled him up, he looked straight at me, and I looked away. I pushed through the crowd and went home, there was nothing left here for me anymore.



I broke my nose, and sprained my ankle, but I’m on every news channel in town! Some of them even used my name! Turns out Wonder-Man disappeared, and no one knows where he went. Bet the coward just ran away.



We visited Luke in the hospital. Dad yelled at him, but I didn’t even look up. I didn’t want to see Luke’s face anymore. As we turned to leave Luke shouted my name but I didn’t respond, I just kept holding Dad’s hand as we left the hospital.



I can’t believe they left me here. My own family! I wish superheroes were just fictional comic book characters that had never existed. I wish Wonder-Man had never existed. This is the real world. Maybe I’ll be a doctor or a lawyer instead.