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Architect Priscilla Neel Designs Own Home With Convenience In Mind, May 1952

Architect Priscilla Neel Designs Own Home With Convenience In Mind, May 1952 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, May 24, 1952
"Open planning" went into the home of Dr. and Mrs. James V. Neel at 2235 Belmont Rd. Mrs. Neel, a graduate architect, designed the structure with cost and convenience factors in mind. The result may be seen from these photographs. A view from the living area [this photo] shows the entry (with home-made screen of basswood dowelling), kitchen, the dining area, and corridor to the bedrooms beyond. Little James, jr., stands in the doorway to the kitchen. The exterior picture shows the expanse of window area around the terrace and the long horizontal lines.

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