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Personal Essay


Hi my name is Sam and I’m here to share with you a personal experienced in my life. It involves a mean kid, an awkward dance, and 6$. So, let’s dive into this story.

            It was about 8:00 a.m. and the second I got up my first thought (like always), was “why do I have to wake up”. Regardless, I got up, got dressed and went to eat breakfast. Today’s special was dry cereal, courtesy of chef Sam. After that I packed up my things and headed out the door. The school is like a 5-minute drive but for me it was a 20-minute walk. When I finally got to school, (emphasis on finally), I went to the cafeteria to buy my 6th grade dance tickets. The 6th grade dance is in the elementary cafeteria where they set up tables for snacks. I usually hang around my friends at the snack table.

            When I finished giving the lady my money I went to first period which for me was Advanced world history. My teacher gave us a study guide which we had to complete by the end of class. That went by fast and then I proceeded to sneak my snacks into class. When the class finished, she gave us this lecture about behaving at the dance. After History, it was time for Language Arts/ English.

            In Language Arts, I sat down next to my friend Daniel. He asked me if he could borrow six $ for the dance. I told him yes, but he would have to pay me back after the dance. He said that was fine with him. After that in second period we just read a passage about a garbage man’s schedule, (I’m bursting witch excitement.) After that I had math class, this day was going great.

            When I got to math class I sat down next to Daniel. In math, we were learning about fractions. Then suddenly in the middle of the lesson the office said, this was the last chance to buy discount dance tickets. I told Daniel “you should go”. He said “no it will be too crowded. I figured he was right and kept working on my math problems. When we got out of Math class he went to 4th period P.E, and I went to 4th period Science.

            In Science class, we working on our atoms and molecules assignment. Although I was feeling tired and dazed. I had already finished mine so I took a mini nap. At around 12 though my teacher called for lunch but I was sleeping, so she had to shake me. When I got to lunch, I was later than the other kids. And if you’re late the security guard gives you detention. Because of this I had to sneak around behind the tables, then crawl to the lunch line and get my food. When I got my food, I found my friends table and sat there. Then I ate lunch and talked with my friends.

            After lunch, it was time for 5th period which for me was P.E. When I got to 5th period we did our daily exercises which as usual I failed at. My sit ups looked like a hamster in a ball. My pushups looked like push downs. After exercises we went out on the field and played dodgeball. As usual I was running from the ball, I didn’t care if I got out. Well, I did care because if I got out I got hit. My body can take another dodgeball to the gut. And the end of dodgeball it was time for the ending stretch. The reason I hated this was because you could hear cracking, from all the bones. After that it was time for 6th period.

            For me 6th period was Aggriscience. In Aggriscience we were finishing up our plants. My plant looked like it was coming along nicely. However, my friend Ryan’s plant looked like toxic gas was spilled all over it. After I turned in my plant I waited till the end of class, when it was time to go to the dance.

            When I got to the dance it was awkward. There were like 50 kids there already and all of them were just standing there. I was wondering where Daniel was because his class room wasn’t that far. Still the line is like a war zone. That’s probably holding him up. After about 20 minutes I was wondering where he was. I figured he was coming and joined the conga line. In times of boredom the conga is always fun. After a while I realized he wasn’t coming and felt betrayed. I figured even if he wasn’t here I could still have fun. Unfortunately, I was wrong it was boring. Because of this I decided to head home.

            The next day at school I went up to Daniel and started talking about the dance. “It was really fun, wasn’t it?”. “Oh, yeah it was great” he said. He then gave me back my money. After that we didn’t speak about again. Even today he still thinks I don’t know about what he did.



            I went home that day thinking about why he did that. We were good friends, we hanged out a lot after school and I thought we could trust each other. I didn’t bother asking him because he wouldn’t tell me if I asked regardless. I always thought he was a true friend and we would be there for me, But I guess I was wrong. Regardless I know that he’s not a true friend. He just used me for some money. I guess the moral of this is to be careful of who you truest. You never know if they will stab you in the back one day. I hope you use my mistake to make sure you don’t make the same mistake as I did. That’s all I leave you with.