Pauline Acres Women's Club Plans For 10th Annual Dinner-Dance - "Tokyo After Dark", February 1964

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 26, 1964
Mrs. Allen Eschelbach (left) and Mrs. Leroy Ehnis (right) are finding that the theme of the Pauline Acres Women's Club's annual dinner dance, "Tokyo After Dark,' lends itself to a wealth of artistic ideas for decorations. Japanese holidays and customs will be incorporated into the decor at the affair, which will be held Saturday.
Ann Arbor News, February 26, 1964
Mrs. Allen Eschelbach (left) and Mrs. Leroy Ehnis (right) are finding that the theme of the Pauline Acres Women's Club's annual dinner dance, "Tokyo After Dark,' lends itself to a wealth of artistic ideas for decorations. Japanese holidays and customs will be incorporated into the decor at the affair, which will be held Saturday.
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