Coming Up Roses
"La Rosa" is the theme chosen by the Pauline Acres Women's Club for its 14th annual dinner-dance Saturday evening. The Grotto Club on Stadium Boulevard will be the scene of the 7:30 p.m. event. Mrs. Roger P. Stein (left), program chairman, and Mrs. George A. Conn, decorations chairman, put finishing touches on decorations for the party. Mrs. Allen J. Eschelbach is chairman of the planning and publicity committee, and Mrs. Richard N. Sarns, club president, is co-ordinator of all committees.
Zal Gaz Grotto No. 34
Pauline Acres Women's Club
Pauline Acres Subdivision
Party Decorations
Neighborhoods - Ann Arbor
Clubs & Organizations
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Ann Arbor News
Old News
Veola M. Conn
Roger P. Stein
Richard N. Sarns
Norma Sarns
George A. Conn
Caroline Eschelbach
Allen J. Eschelbach
Alberta 'Berta' Stein
Doug Fulton