Pauline Acres Women's Club Sets 'Evening In Old Las Vegas' Dance
Mrs. Donald Johnston (left) and Mrs. Roger P. Stein (right) pose in a dummy painting of two characters from the old west which will be part of the decorations at Saturday night's dinner dance being planned by the Pauline Acres Women's Club.
Zal Gaz Grotto No. 34
Pauline Acres Women's Club
Pauline Acres Subdivision
Party Decorations
Neighborhoods - Ann Arbor
Clubs & Organizations
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Ann Arbor News
Old News
Virginia Donahey
Rosemary Johnston
Roger P. Stein
Robert Davidson
Richard Sarns
Richard Raab
Otto Kruse
Norma Sarns
Mrs. Henry Beekley
Melville Evans
Marilyn Davidson
Marie Evans
Lois Henry
Laura Hann
Joe Foder
Joan Kruse
Herbert W. Hildebrandt
Henry E. Christopherson
George Henry
Frank Bacon
Ellen Raab
Dorothy Easton Blair
Donna Bacon
Donald Johnston
Donald Gray
Donald Blair
Delores Hildebrandt
Charles Donahey
Betty Christopherson
Arthur Hann
Annetta 'Netta' Gray
Alberta 'Berta' Stein
Duane Scheel