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I watch the sunset from my bedroom window, it reminds me of how my mom and I used to sit at the tip of my bed and do the exactly same. The only difference being is that she wasn’t right next to me laughing at all my horrible puns. She has been gone since I was eight, but I still remember it like if it was yesterday. Sometimes I like to think that my mom is still out there somewhere, it makes me feel like if she is still here in this world somewhere and I feel safer. When my mom was no longer with us it was like if the gleam in the spark of my life was gone. For me to get used to it was like living without a hand to look after me. I used to live in the palm of her hand and now that she’s gone I just gone I’m just a falling bird, that will one day hopefully land on her palm.


Now I live with my dad, the piranha man, He has been obsessed with them ever since my mom died, which was four years ago, it’s sort of like a hobby for him to have something to be busy with, other than his job. Otherwise he’ll just be sitting all day long thinking about my mom. Every year on my birthday we go out into the ocean and fish for piranhas. They're like those hysterical days, when my dad and I can have a father daughter day. My birthday is tomorrow and my dad insisted that we should go to a different lake this year, but I don’t really want to. I guess I just don't want to let go from the past. I’ve already lost a whole lot of beautiful memories and I don’t want to lose anymore. 


As I walk through the large wooden doors of my school, I tell myself, "Lucia, don't get your hopes up because no one is going to say happy birthday to you just like every year". As I walk through the halls I realize everything looks normal, but it surely doesn't feel normal. I start feeling this hot pain on my back, chest, and face. To prevent my face from being burned up I wipe my face with paper towel from my lunchbox. The security passes by and smiles at me, "Good luck!" He says and goes on to his normal day routine. I walk into my classroom and no one is there. "Surprise! Happy Birthday Lucia!" Everyone shouts as they come out from beneath their desks. "Lucia, I know no one has been really nice with you these years, but know that I've, I mean all of us have gotten to know you, your like family to us. Let's go it's time to sing the Happy Birthday song" says Mrs. Lola more excited than ever.


 When everyone started singing the Happy Birthday song I was so happy, I felt like I belonged. Like if the people did notice me all these years, I am someone. Today I realized that if anything ever happens to me I have a whole family by my side, not just my dad. While I was in school, I thought about it, and decided that I am going to try this new lake my dad was talking about after all he did suggest to go there. I've got to admit my mom did mean a lot to me and she still does, but I can't hold on to the past. Besides I have many more birthdays to go to our usual lake. 


As I walk out of my classroom, I start feeling the hot pain in my back again. I try to walk as fast as I can, like if I was running away from the hot pain. As my foot touches the last step of the stairs I spot my dad. He's pointing to a lovely bag decorated with my favorite colored roses. As I walk to him I feel like if something strange about him, but I just can't tell what. "Hu plexus mom hobo" my dad says as he hands me the lovely bag. "What did you say dad?", "Uh, Uh I said you ready to go fishing?" He says nervously, he was turning red like if someone just found out his deepest secret. I know he's keeping something from me.




My dad and I pull the boat from the hot burning sand getting tanned by the sun, and just before the wooden canoe goes off into the sparkling water, we jump in. My dad starts moving the boat into the ocean with the paddles that look too old to be real. Every time my dad paddled, I feel like we get closer and closer to the horizon, but we never reach it. It's just like the sky, you feel like you’re getting closer and closer, but you will never be able to touch it. As we get closer to the white pole dividing the beach from the ocean, I feel like my dad is getting nervous. "Um, Lucia", "Yes dad" I say as I look away from the sunset. "I need to tell you something. Um, and I don't want you to be upset with me" my dad says turning the same way he was when we were in my school.




"Your mom is alive, I just found out" he says as if she was right there next to him holding his hand "Um, um" I say as my eyes get blurry from the tears ready to fall down my cheeks. When he told me, this I felt like if all these years that, my dad and I have been alone, my mom was there with us. "She called last week, but I didn't know if you could take the news yet. She doesn't remember everything, she will need some therapy. When she went to the Amazon river for her research about piranhas, she had an accident and has been taking therapy" my dad says as he paddles the boat back to our home where my mom will soon be. 




I feel like as if all this sadness I've been living with these four years my mom has been gone, is something no one should ever experience in their life. It is one of the worst things that could ever happen to anyone. It feels like if a part of you is missing and you will never be able to get it back. Your life will become a spark with no gleam. You will try to run away from the present and hold on to the past. What happened to me will not happen to everyone. I just didn't know my mom was out there somewhere, but I could imagine it and it was wonderful. 




When we get home, my dad gives me my present. It is one of the most special things in the world to me, no one can ever give me a better one. The beautiful locket necklace with a picture my dad, my mom, and I put in it, is now worn on my neck where it will be forever. When my is done putting the locket on my neck. I run to my room with my locket and take out everything that my dad put in my room, that belongs to my mom, and place them on my bed. I look at her book where she kept the flowers my dad gave her, and I can smell the fresh and sweet smell like if they were picked just now. When I finish, I sit at the tip of my bed and watch the sunset, and just stay there calm as a charm waiting carelessly for the day to come.