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                          Lake Michigan Disaster


On a September weekend in a small apartment complex on the Lake Michigan shore, I( Nicolas)was sitting in the lobby with my friends Casey and Brady. It was a stormy and rainy day. The pouring rain started at night and when we woke up it was still raining We were quietly discussing how boring  it was to be in the apartment the entire day. We looked out of the window, and we saw that it was soon going to clear up . After a half an hour of  talking, we decided to go fishing the next morning on our parents sail boat.

The next day after breakfast we hastily went down to the boat docks and determinately headed out. We were thankful to be out of that prison of a building. The light breeze and cool air really refreshed us.

We were about two miles out when Brady started getting nervous. He would look up at the sky every minute and sigh deeply. Finally he  said:

'' Guys I think we should go back now.''  

''Why? '' I  asked .

''There is a storm coming'' he yelled.

'' Don't be a cry baby''  I said .

''The storm is still away from us we have another half hour to do some more  fishing.''  

''Remember how boring it was in the apartment?''  said Casey.

Brady looked at both of us and then stomped angrily away into the boat cabin. Ten  minutes  later, the waves started getting higher and higher.They looked liked big and scary monsters who were  trying to pull us into the center of all the chaos that was going on.We were getting carried  further and further away from the shore. It was like the whole world was crashing down onto us.The clouds sometimes would form scary faces that were laughing at us like an evil villain. That's when  me and Casey and I should have listened to Brady but it was too late. The weather was so angry that we were just helpless like newborn children. Casey yelled:

“ Wow this storm looks like a big and terrible Typhoon!” I then yelled:

“ Yeah this looks like our last couple hours of our life!” Casey then said:

“ I think we can survive this if we go and seek some shelter before a big wave comes and takes us away !”

“ lets go hide’’ Casey yelled

She and I then decided to off the main deck and join Brady and wait until the sun comes up.While we were in the cabin and the storm was at its maximum rage  i felt like i and my friends were  the most forgotten people ever because i knew that if we died in this storm that people would cry just for a couple days and then try to forget that this ever happened.I could imagine how scary it would be if i got swept overboard.With the first rays of light, I looked out the cabin window and saw that we were approaching  some kind of a shore. When we felt that we were finally on land, we got out of the boat and saw that the mast had been completely ripped off and all of our fishing equipment was gone. Brady then said,:

'' I can see a city in the distance !''

“Where ? Where?''  Casey and I yelled.

“Over there,” he said anxiously pointing to highrises in the distance.

We all looked down the shore and sure enough we  saw a city brightly glistening in the rays of morning sun.

We decided to go to the city and see if we could find someone to help us to fix the boat and get home. We started walking slowly down the beach towards the city. Our clothes were soaked and the wet sand was considerably slowing us down. When we finally completed our exhausting journey we found a bench and sat down to take a rest. After a couple minutes Brady said,

'' I'm sorry for yelling at you when the storm was coming .''  

'' It's okay, '' me and Casey and I said . “Now we should focus on finding someone to help us get home and fix our boat .''

“Well, you know guys, we should try to find a police officer who can get us some help.” Brady said.

''That's a great idea. ''  said Casey. Then We set off to find an officer . While we were walking I asked:

“ What city are we in ?”

“ Chicago.” Brady said.

“How do you know?” I asked.

“ Look at the speed sign. It says 55 mph order of Chicago police department.

After an hour of searching, we found a police officer. He was standing on a cross walk stopping cars and letting people pass by. We came up to him and asked,:

'' Excuse  us, sir, we were fishing on Lake Michigan and we got carried away from home by a storm,  and we need help getting back home.''

''What are your names?'' he asked.

We told him our names.

'' Well, we should first go to a police station and find out where you live and who your parents are.''  

We followed him to his police car and we drove down to the police station where we got some hot chocolate we called our parents telling them that we are all right and would be coming home soon.

Meanwhile  the police officer had gotten a rescue crew that took our broken boat and fixed it .We stayed at the station over night and the next morning we loaded our boat onto a big truck and headed home.

It took us five hours to get back home . When  we  arrived, all our friends greeted us and there were news reporters who were asking us a lot questions . After all the wild celebrations, we said to each other  good  bye. At home we  immediately fell asleep .

When I woke up  the next day,  it was noon. I checked the news and was surprised to see our story on CNN and all the other news channels. I sat down on the living room couch and watched pictures of our boat and me and my friends for about two hours.

               The next day, I got bad news. It was fall when we were caught in the storm. As a result me and my friends had a severe cold and we would only be able to go to school in two weeks. I spent my two weeks reading adventure books about people who were caught in storms and had to survive on deserted islands. I didn't want to be in their shoes.