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        This One Favor


“Everythin’ is going to be alright.” Brittany placed Noah's shaking hand on her swollen stomach.

“You see,” Brittany started, “My mamma had me when she was about our age, and she turned out just fine. She raised me all by herself with no man’s help and I’m just like any other kid. Shoot, I might be even better!”

Brittany giggled because for the first time in her life, she had a purpose. Her smile was big and the twinkle in her eyes glistened like the stars they were sitting under.

“I like this spot.” Brittany dangled her feet and looked at the rushing water underneath her.

“It’s so romantic, like somethin’ from a movie.” She inched a little closer to him.

“So uh, whatcha’ thinking about fer names.” She tilts her head down in front of his face, but his eyes were fixed on the moon. Brittany looked down at her feet.

“I think I like Luna for a baby girl, and Noah for a baby boy,” Brittany whispered, still locking her eyes on the water below.

“Noah is a stupid name,” He spat, “I hate kids that are named after their Father.” He looked at her in disgust then turns his attention back to the moon.

“It's ok, we can think about that some other time.” Brittany held back tears, as she managed to crack a smile.

“So,” Brittany hesitated, “I was talkin’ to my mamma on the phone last night and she tol' me we could stay with her for a while, until we can take care of ourself. I tol' her I was droppin' out and gettin' a job to pay the bills, to take care of our little family.” Brittany took her hand and ran it across her stomach.

“Family,” Noah snickered, “You think what we got is family?” Noah stood up and looked down on Brittany. She started to fold in on herself, her head between her knees and hands over her head. Brittany felt something cold run against her back and then she heard a click.

“Get up, Brittany.” Noah’s shaking hands were holding his daddy’s pistol. Brittany slowly lifted herself off the ground holding her stomach.

“Noah, please don’t take this away from me,” She whimpered, “Don’t take my baby away from me.” Noah had a single tear run down his cheek.

“I have no choice, my dad, he’ll fucking kill me! I… I can’t let this happen!” Noah laughed to himself crazily and ran his hand through his hair. Brittany inched closer and put her hand out towards Noah.

“I promise you’ll never see me again, let me go and I’ll go somewhere far away! I’ll raise this baby and never ask you for anything, Noah!”  The pistol made another clicking sound as Noah’s finger sat on the trigger.


“Just let me do this one thing for him, just this one favor.” Noah looked at her swollen stomach one more before he pulled the trigger. The sound of the pistol echoed in the forest around them. He placed the gun to the side of his head. "Why don't I do myself one too."