Living Area of Keller Home On Huron View Blvd., December 1955

Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 10, 1955
Open Planning: The living area reflects the trend called open planning. The living-dining room shown here leads directly to the kitchen. Only the moveable counter divides the two. Note the exposed, random-spaced ceiling joists and the absence of right angles. The standing, metal fireplace is a dominant feature of the living room. The door (left)leads outside.
Ann Arbor News, December 10, 1955
Open Planning: The living area reflects the trend called open planning. The living-dining room shown here leads directly to the kitchen. Only the moveable counter divides the two. Note the exposed, random-spaced ceiling joists and the absence of right angles. The standing, metal fireplace is a dominant feature of the living room. The door (left)leads outside.
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