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Each day the same. Wake up, shower in the dark (always cold, so cold), get dressed, walk to work. Use the back alleys, don’t bring up your eyes, keep them down, always down. Each day the same. Change into your uniform, stained with sweat and.. No, don’t think of it. Go, clock in. Sit down, pick up, screw here, paint this, turn that. “Next!” Yells the foreman, and next it is. Pick up, screw here, paint this, turn that- wait, what’s this? Quick, hide it before- “Next!” Yells the foreman, did he see? The time moves slow and fast all the same time, you feel small, yet so large. And soon, the whistle blows like a deadly siren. Each day the same. Get up, clock out- “What’s that you’re hiding, girl?” No, no not the same. Please spare me, I kept my gaze down, I didn’t stray from the rest. But my mistake was already my doom, as the foreman yelled “Next!” and his office door slammed behind me, engulfing me in endless dark.