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She lived in two houses throughout her entire life. The first was her childhood house, where she lived until she was twenty-three. She never made any close friends there, and only had two birthday parties during her stay. No one came to either. She moved to her second and last house in Indiana, after her mother suggested she move out. No one threw a welcome party when she moved in. She moved between jobs for several years, finally settling on being an insurance agent. Her co-workers seldom reached out to her, so she never reached out to them. She worked there for thirty-six years. None of her co-workers ever remembered her birthday. Despite living in the same house for fifty-six years, she never got to know her neighbors, save a girl she had watched grow up who used to borrow sugar from her when she was in grade school. It was obvious that the girl didn’t like her. Eventually, after eight years of retirement, her body gave out, and she was moved to hospice. She died in her sleep. Her funeral was planned by the hospice staff. Only six people attended her funeral, and three of them were her caretakers.