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  As I stare  at the pool of blood surrounding me I immediately cry for help, but nothing comes out of my mouth. I'm slowly dying. Light fills the place that I think is my room...a savior perhaps? I close my eyes wanting everything to just disappear for me to just disappear, I hurt all over my head especially. I  just want the pain to stop, sweet sweet sleep.
  Beep.....Beep...Where am I? I say looking around, I'm not in my room, the walls are white and blank there are tubes coming out of my wrists. I try and sit up only then to realize the stitches on my head. As I lay there in silence the door opens, a women with green hair walks in, she is wearing a white suit and a mask. Where am I, I say almost a whisper. She doesn't respond, I say it again but this time as loud as I can manage, still no response and for some reason at that very moment I start to cry, not like the kind of cry when your pet fish dies or your friend moves away, the cry that sounds sad,weak and helpless. She comes closer and touches my head I immediately try and turn away but too weak to fight the force of her cold hands pressures me to silence. She just rubs my forehead still not talking, the pain is very excruciating and my body quickly becomes numb and without warning I fall asleep the last image in my head of a black figure standing over me.  
   When I wake up I'm in a room, not the room like before this time it’s just a regular  room with a chair that I'm sitting in. How did I get here? Who are these people in white and black? All these questions quickly race through my mind. A hospital maybe? But then what is this place with a single chair? There are no doors or windows only a pale yellow light above my head.
  I don't scream for help because for some reason I just know no one will come for me. I leap out of the chair ready to make a run for it but instead fall back, again and again I try and get up and move but the invisible force weighing me to the chair is impossible to resist. The door in front of me peaks open and a blue light shines through, a tall figure in black walks in, a man. The one I'd saw before. His face is filled with anger and distress maybe even a little sadness. I don't recognize him but I can for some reason feel a connection a connection that's so similar it almost feels normal but this is not normal this place is not normal and if I could remember I would assume my life back then was not normal.
  He walks a few feet into the room. "Winter" he says in a sad but firm way, like when your teacher tries to make you pay attention in class, this was like that. This name "Winter" I know it but don't know it enough to respond. He says it again this time more fierce. "Where am I"? I say almost yelling "ur in government control" at that very moment it all came back to me in a series of flashbacks,  the blood, the bombs, and the destruction.

I still don't know what exactly happened to me but I just remember little flashes off and on like of people sitting around a table eating dinner talking and laughing(maybe my family), and of strange figures coming close to me that look to fictional to be real. Sometimes these images are frightening and other times I'd wish they'd never end.I think the man sees that I'm in deep thought so he leaves the room but for some reason I'd wished he would have stayed, I want to know more and see more about this place and why I'm even here?

  A few hours pass and I assume I fell asleep at some point, my butt still glued to the chair. Their is no point in crying for help or trying to resist the force keeping me here because I am here and there is nothing I can do, nothing except try and remember the past and plan for the future. The only problem is I'm not sure of what my future will be if I stay in government control much longer.

  The women with green hair walks in and puts a clock in my room, she does not talk but swiftly hangs the clock and walks back out the door. I watch the clock for hours not knowing if it's even the right time but it's the only thing I have. Between hours 4 and 5 the girl with green hair  brings a tray of food to me. She doesn't come near me so she slides the tray by my feet, the force of the chair makes it very difficult but I manage to gather the tray. A small loaf of bread and a bowl of some type of mush lies before me, I feel like a prisoner, but I think even jail would be better than this. When I look back up from the tray she is gone.

   Later that night as the lights in my room and hallway shut off, I had another vision. Just a mere image of tall skinny figures holding what I think is some sort of metal object and standing over me in a tilted position. The man in black came in the next day exactly at 2:00 o'clock, every day since he comes to see me at this particular time. I should know the routine by now but for some reason he still scares me but I try not to show my fear. “Ok Winter, you know the drill, what is your name?” I don't answer not because I don't want to but because I just don't know. He moves on clearly annoyed but I don't bother engaging in the crap he asks me. “What's your birthday?” I still can't answer, he then proceeds towards the door “you could at least try to remember, I really am trying to help you!” He never said this to me before, he sounded so sad and tired but only one word stuck with me after that “help”, how? How the hell can he help me? And if he is, it sure doesn't seem like it, if he really wanted to help he’d answer some of my question then maybe I might be able to give him some answers. The clock now reads 2:45 and all I can do is sleep, dream, question and wonder if i'll even remember how to walk.

    The funny thing is I can remember what things are, I know how to talk, read and I assume write, but I can't remember anything about ME and my past but somehow everyone else knows who I am but I don’t. Imagine if you just woke up one day and u were a totally different person, you didn't know your name, where you live, your family or anything, you're just there! Existing but at the same time not truly living...thats whats happening to me.

  The next day the man in black came back, but this time something is different, the time is the same, he looks the same but something is different. “I don't think you know how valuable you are to us” he says, I'm so mad at him, I don't even know why. I start to scream and claw at him, I nick his neck only wishing i'd scared him more. He jumps back frightened and looks like he’d just bleen clawed by a wild animal. He straightens  his tie and walks in the very middle of the doorframe. “I'm willing to answer some of your questions if you can attempt  to answer mine, and I will try and explain everything to you but you have to understand that some things are beyond my ability to speak of, do we have a deal” “Yes” I say, not wanting him to see how truly happy I am, I then proceed to look down and hide my smile behind my long black hair.”Good, I will come back soon to talk, in the meantime try and contain your enthusiasm” he says this with a little sarcasm but deep down I think he is just as happy as I am and maybe even more.

A couple hours pass, I don't know how many because I'm too busy counting the questions I have to worry about time. When he does return it is late but he shows no signs of tiredness, he brings in a chair from outside my room. Sitting directly across from me I feel very strange, I can't tell if i'm worried or just excited. Breaking the accord silence I speak first “I have some questions I needed answered” he replies with a slit shout “I'm sorry but you don’t get much decision on what we talk about” looking at me like it's my move next I back down. “Let's begin...I will tell you everything that happened and after you can ask questions if you still have them, ok”? “Ok” I say thinking what harm can come from learning what I don't know. “June 6, 2034… our government is very highly advanced, at this particular date we encountered a message that we could never prepare for, a message from space. The message stated that if we surrender our world then we would not be harmed, if we did not agree to this then someone a “simple” they called it. Would come and destroy our world, this “simple” would not come in a different form but simple take the shape of a form we know all too well, a human. The government did not take this as seriously as they should have, they ignored the message and destruction followed soon after. We could not track the signal of the message or predict what would happen next. The “simple’s” is what we called them, we didn't expect it to come this far” he has tears in his eyes and it is clearly hard for him to talk about this, I show a straight face and prepare myself for what he is about to say next…” they didn't come in hundreds or even thousands but simple a single person, an abduction, we are not sure when but you Winter Lee Jones where the abducted child, people say you looked pesesed, you killed many leaving thousands injured and much destruction came. By the time the swat team got a hold of you it was too late. We put you in this facility to keep you under control but it didn't stop, more were abducted until there was no one left. We protected you and everyone in this facility with a powerful protection dome, the dome is highly advanced and so far no one has gotten through.The “simple’s” cut out a part of your brain that made you forget only your life. Many brave people died trying to save this earth but their purpose will never be fulfilled. The bombs started raining out of the sky everywhere on earth, everyone died except people in the dome. The land was destroyed along with animals extinct, we are not sure if there were any survivors. But we expect not considering the terrible damage the earth faced. The government couldn't stop any of this, we got as many people as possible but in the end there was not enough room inside the dome. No one has gone outside since the invasion and people are starting to get worried with the food shortage. You are the only hope we have left in trying to understand why they came, what they wanted and maybe even save our lives.” This was all too much, not what I expected but even though I feel like being alone right now, I process quickly and get ready to ask my questions. “Now that I have told you this Winter you can ask your question but do understand that some information if classified” I jumped in as soon as he was finished “who am I” I started simple, but I can see this question is a little weird for him to answer but he does anyway. “You are Winter Lee Jones, born September 8, 2021. You are 13 years old and live in a small town called GreenWood, which we are currently in. You had a mother named Carron a brother named Jas and me, your father, Joseph” I now understand the connection from before, I didn't know he was my father but somehow I could just feel him. He is sad now but I think relieved he told me, “You also have a sister, Nali, but sadly your mother and brother couldn't make it here in time and were lost to the three of us,” this was all too much, this man was my father? The world is gone? I'm the savior? I could only ask one more question after that “how can I help”? He looked at me with a tilted smile as my eyes burned with frustration and sadness, I wanted to know more yes but not now, now was not the time, now is the time to take back our planet or what's left of it at least…

  Three weeks later, I'm now head leader of TAOP (The Alien Observation Program), we still don't understand why they came to this planet and why they destroyed it but we plan to find out more. I'm better now, with the help of my father (operator of the government control dome we live in) I now can remember some things about the past. We meet for daily discussions of happy memories and bad we had together. My sister is still kind of distance from me but hopefully we can reconnect soon. The scientist  here are very advanced and run monthly test and DNA samples to make sure the “simple” is no longer in my body and controlling it, but overall we are learning more and more about these creatures everyday.The world is still broken and so am I, I will never be the same and I still feel lonely at times and wonder even why this happened to me and why the “simple’s” came to this world.Truly there is no exact answer but we hope to find one soon. And when we do we will break the dome and start a new life, a new life with new memories, normal families with perfect smiles and perfect imperfections. A life that is human except I will never be fully human, I will always be someone different, someone who can not be explained, someone I call simply myself.