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TV Spotlight: The Night Of

by manz

The Night Of is a critically acclaimed HBO miniseries that premiered last July. Friends recommended it at the time, but I let it skip by once I was fully immersed in watching Stranger Things. The 8-part crime drama revolves around a young man, Naz, who heads off to a party in his father’s cab and ends up spending the evening with a young woman who he later finds stabbed to death in her bed. Naz wakes up and finds her and has no clue as to what happened the night of.

Once Naz is charged with her murder the series continues with detectives and lawyers trying to solve the case that Naz appears to be very guilty of committing. One of my favorite elements of the show was John Turturro’s performance as one of Naz’s lawyer. (Initially James Galdolfini was to fill the role, but after his death Robert DeNiro was set to replace him. Then due to scheduling conflicts DeNiro was replaced with Turturro.)

I highly recommend this show if you’re into crime dramas, mysteries, or detective shows. It is dark, gripping, suspenseful, and superbly written and acted.


Thanks for this post! I seem to miss (or maybe forget about) so many shows! Just starting Boardwalk Empire but adding this to the list!

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