Activities Building at James Livingston Designed Phi Chi Medical Fraternity Housing on North Campus, February 1960

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 13, 1960
In Activities Building: The living room in the activities building is highlighted by a curved, marble-faced fireplace, helping make it an ideal place for casual meetings or formal fraternity affairs. A wall of glass (not shown) overlooks the Huron River, distant wooded area and the U-M's impressive Medical Center. The living room is flanked by a music room and study-library.
Ann Arbor News, February 13, 1960
In Activities Building: The living room in the activities building is highlighted by a curved, marble-faced fireplace, helping make it an ideal place for casual meetings or formal fraternity affairs. A wall of glass (not shown) overlooks the Huron River, distant wooded area and the U-M's impressive Medical Center. The living room is flanked by a music room and study-library.
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