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Ann Pellegreno and Crew at Willow Run Airport Planning Amelia Earhart Commemorative Flight, June 1967

Ann Pellegreno and Crew at Willow Run Airport Planning Amelia Earhart Commemorative Flight, June 1967 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, June 5, 1967
Global Flight Crew And Their Plane - The crew of the Earhart Commemorative Flight pose while discussing last-minute plans for their 26,000-mile trip around the world to trace and complete Amelia Earhart's attempted 1937 air odyssey. The group has tentatively set Wednesday morning as their take-off time. From left to right are Lee Koepke, mechanic; Mrs. Ann H. Pellegreno, pilot; William Polhemus, navigator; and William Payne, co-pilot. Their craft is a 1937 twin-engineLockheed Aircraft Model 10, the same type of plane Miss Earhart flew on her trip.

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