University of Michigan: Faculty Women's Club Fall reception, October 1967

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1967
Remember When? A special corner of the Michigan League ballroom was set aside for the "Longtimers" of the club at the reception. Reminiscing at one point in the afternoon were (from left) Mrs. A. H. Lovell, Mrs. Fred S. Dunham, Mrs. Wells Bennett, Mrs. Walter E. Lay and Mrs. A. Franklin Shull. The seasoned members have their own interest section, called "Tea and Tal."
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1967
Remember When? A special corner of the Michigan League ballroom was set aside for the "Longtimers" of the club at the reception. Reminiscing at one point in the afternoon were (from left) Mrs. A. H. Lovell, Mrs. Fred S. Dunham, Mrs. Wells Bennett, Mrs. Walter E. Lay and Mrs. A. Franklin Shull. The seasoned members have their own interest section, called "Tea and Tal."
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