University of Michigan: Faculty Women's Club Fall reception, October 1967

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1967
Showing Interest: It was a time of decision-making for both new and seasoned faculty wives at their afternoon fall reception, as they chose among the club's interest sections. Mrs. C. Robert Hutchcroft (left) signed up for the Red Carpet group with the aid of Mrs. Charles Brumfiel and Mrs. Josef Blatt. For newcomer Mrs. Charles M. Vest it was a time for looking - the decision to join would come later. The Red Carpet section welcomes and entertains wives of visiting faculty members and distinguished campus guests to help make them feel "at home" in Ann Arbor. Other groups include art, books, bridge, dance, drama, garden, home, language, music and sports.
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1967
Showing Interest: It was a time of decision-making for both new and seasoned faculty wives at their afternoon fall reception, as they chose among the club's interest sections. Mrs. C. Robert Hutchcroft (left) signed up for the Red Carpet group with the aid of Mrs. Charles Brumfiel and Mrs. Josef Blatt. For newcomer Mrs. Charles M. Vest it was a time for looking - the decision to join would come later. The Red Carpet section welcomes and entertains wives of visiting faculty members and distinguished campus guests to help make them feel "at home" in Ann Arbor. Other groups include art, books, bridge, dance, drama, garden, home, language, music and sports.
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