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University of Michigan: Faculty Women's Club Fall reception, October 1967

University of Michigan: Faculty Women's Club Fall reception, October 1967 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1967
Coffee, Tea Or... Coffee, tea and an assortment of pastry treats were on the menu as members of the faculty wives group took turns pouring at the refreshment table. Mrs. Joseph T. Hartsook (left) offered coffee to several wives who had just come through the receiving line. Greeting members in the line were Mrs. Frank H. Smith, membership chairman; Mrs. Brymer Williams, club president; Mrs. George J. Huebner Jr., University regent; Mrs. Harlan Hatcher, wife of the U-M president; Mrs. Robben W. Fleming, wife of the University president-designate; Mrs. J. Philip Wernette, club vice-president; and Mrs. G. E. Sharples, newcomer chairman.


Mildred R. Hartsook, Ruth B. Williams, Anne V. Hatcher, Aldyth Louise (Quixley) Fleming, Eleanor Wernette

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