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Council To Review Dancing Restriction

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Council To Review Dancing Restriction

A request for a dance permit in an establishment that sells alcoholic beverages is expected to lead City Council into a general discussion on the city’s policy of not allowing such permits in these establishments.

Rubaiyat Continental Dining, 339-45 S. Main, made the request at last night’s regular meeting. As the council was about to refer the request to its liquor committee, Second Ward Councilman William E. Bandemer asked why this was necessary since the ordinance was specific on the matter.

City Attorney Jacob F. Fahrner said the request was made in this manner because the committee may wish to recommend the ordinance be changed. First Ward Councilman John D. Teachout said he would like the matter to be introduced before council for a general discussion.

The request was referred to the liquor committee after a voice vote.