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...And We're Back

by eli

As you've noticed, is back online after a brief network outage at Merit, our internet provider. Sorry for the downtime!

On a related technical note, we have solved another problem that was preventing some patrons, notably AOL users, from receiving library notices via email. If you're still not receiving email notices, and you want to, please contact us and we'll look into it. Due to the outage, today's due date reminder notices went out a little late, and won't reflect if you returned your items this morning.

Thanks for your patience during the outage.


It would be great if we could see which books that we have signed out cannot be renewed (have holds on them). We used to be able to see that. I always try to read the books with holds first. Thanks.
I can get the list with holds from the librarian, but would like to get it online.

Donahuek, thanks for your comment. The new system handles renewals differently, and doesn't directly offer this information, but we think we've figured out a way to bring this valuable feature back. It's currently planned for our next release, coming this fall.


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