Smell & Tell: Nosetalgia: The Smell of Old Books and Aromatic Passages in Literature
Wednesday July 18, 2018: 6:30pm to 8:45pm Add to Calendar / Add to Google Calendar
Downtown Library: 4th Floor Meeting Room
You always have your nose in a book. As matter of fact, you don’t mind letting people know that sometimes you’re not only reading a book, you’re thinking about how wonderful that book smells! Get ready to uncover the science behind the smell of books (old and new, there’s a difference) and read passages that illustrate just how powerful the sense of smell can be in the hands of a gifted writer. Aromatic references in various texts will be accompanied by smelling specific scents mentioned in these passages. Warning: Attending this Smell and Tell may lead to increased time spent nosing around various branches of the Ann Arbor District Library. Fear not; librarians with scratch and sniff bookmarkers are ready for you.
The Smell and Tell series of lectures is led by Michelle Krell Kydd, a trained nose in flavors and fragrance who shares her passion for gastronomy and the perfume arts on Glass Petal Smoke. The Smell and Tell series debuted at the Ann Arbor District Library in 2012 and is ongoing.