Al Smith Celebrates His 94th Birthday With The Old Timer's Bowling League, December 1965

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Ann Arbor News, December 4, 1965
Possibly the oldest bowler in the nation and certainly the oldest in the Ann Arbor area, Al Smith (seated), celebrated his 94th birthday when the Old Timer's League rolled in their weekly competition yesterday. Helping Smith celebrate his birthday are league officers Vice President Floyd Routson (left), Secretary Del Packard (center) and President W. P. Holcombe.
Ann Arbor News, December 4, 1965
Possibly the oldest bowler in the nation and certainly the oldest in the Ann Arbor area, Al Smith (seated), celebrated his 94th birthday when the Old Timer's League rolled in their weekly competition yesterday. Helping Smith celebrate his birthday are league officers Vice President Floyd Routson (left), Secretary Del Packard (center) and President W. P. Holcombe.
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