James W. White

CHELSEA - James W. White, 76, a resident of this area since 1937, died yesterday at Veterans Hospital in Ann Arbor, where he had been a patient since Dec. 27 He lived with his daughter at 341 Michigan Ave. in Grass Lake.
Mr. White was born Dec. 2, 1879, in Detroit, the son of William H. and Ruth Gilmore White. He was married to Florence Grieve on July 4, 1903, in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
He served in the Spanish-American War from Aug. 7, 1899, to June 30, 1901, with Company B, 35th Regiment of the Army, and was employed as a laundry salesman in Detroit. Mr. White came to Chelsea upon his retirement in 1937.
He is survived, in addition to his daughter, by his wife; another daughter, Dorothy Wiendred of Grass Lake.
He is survived by his wife; two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Wiendred and Margaret, both of Grass Lake; and a son, William J., also of Grass Lake.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Staffan Funeral Home here, the Rev. B. R. McNally officiating. Burial will be in Acacia Park Cemetery at Birmingham, Mich.