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Making Winter

by CeliaM

Book cover showing photo of yarn, tea, and cinnamon rolls.For all of you hygge fans out there, this one's for you - Making Winter: A Hygge-Inspired Guide to Surviving the Winter Months by Emma Mitchell. Just reading this book is hygge. The beautiful photography, simple illustrations, and meandering prose make it an absolute delight to read. 

Even though the book focuses on winter, the fresh recipes and nature-inspired crafts make it feel like spring. The last two sections, "The Grayest Days" and "Looking Ahead to Spring" spoke to me the most as I eagerly await the warmer weather. Even when the weather is too cold for outdoor gardening, it is never too early to plant flowers indoors or imagine spring through watercolors. I especially enjoyed the simple, cozy crochet patterns. I can't decide whether to start with the pantile shawl or hellebore boot cuffs!

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