Smell & Tell | Follow Your Nose In the Great Outdoors
Saturday June 2, 2018: 2:00pm to 4:00pm Add to Calendar / Add to Google Calendar
County Farm Park at Washtenaw & Platt Road
Refresh your soul and raise your spirits as we follow the springtime scent trail at County Farm Park, where plants, flowers, roots and trees that shape the June scentscape are waiting to be discovered.
Follow your nose and learn how to describe smells in nature using “scent mapping” a sensory evaluation technique used by perfumers. Discover aromatic secrets of spicebush, cherry bark, pine and more, including spring ephemerals that captivate the senses with their fragrant fleeting beauty.
THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL - AS IS SUNDAY. This event is limited to 24 attendees and registration is required. This event is geared towards adults - there will be lots of listening and learning. We will repeat this event on Sunday, June 3 - please register for one event only. We’ll meet at Platt Road Pavilion (by the kiosk and playground at the park) and begin promptly. To register please email your name, phone # and your chosen DATE to
The Smell & Tell series explores the art + science connection in flavors and fragrance. It is led by Michelle Krell Kydd who is a trained “nose” in perfumery and editor of the award-winning blog Glass Petal Smoke. The Smell & Tell series celebrates its sixth anniversary year at the Ann Arbor District Library and is ongoing.

Library Event
Local Creator
Nature & The Environment
Special Events
Smell & Tell