Cadet Lt. Russell Speirn & Tech Corp. Tony Silvery With Walkie-Talkies, February 1943

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 22, 1943
HOW TROOPS IN FIELD COMMUNICATE: In the battlefields troops keep in constant communication with other units by means of the "walkie-talkie" radio. The unit, which will be demonstrated in the Army's public salute program in Hill auditorium tonight, is shown being operated by Cadet Lt. Russell Speirn and Tech. Corp. Tony Silvery at the courthouse this morning. After a group of soldiers came here from Detroit to visit the city's war factories.
Ann Arbor News, February 22, 1943
HOW TROOPS IN FIELD COMMUNICATE: In the battlefields troops keep in constant communication with other units by means of the "walkie-talkie" radio. The unit, which will be demonstrated in the Army's public salute program in Hill auditorium tonight, is shown being operated by Cadet Lt. Russell Speirn and Tech. Corp. Tony Silvery at the courthouse this morning. After a group of soldiers came here from Detroit to visit the city's war factories.
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