Sgt. Tony Traczyk & Petty Officer Robert Brunner, February 1943

Published In
Ann Arbor News, February 22, 1943
Two of the four heroes who will speak at Hill auditorium tonight, during the program climaxing the Army's salute to Ann Arbor war workers, are Sgt. Tony Traczyk (left) who learned in Egypt how American tanks compare with German ones, and Petty Officer Robert Brunner (right) who was at Singapore just before its fall and participated in the invasion of North Africa.
Ann Arbor News, February 22, 1943
Two of the four heroes who will speak at Hill auditorium tonight, during the program climaxing the Army's salute to Ann Arbor war workers, are Sgt. Tony Traczyk (left) who learned in Egypt how American tanks compare with German ones, and Petty Officer Robert Brunner (right) who was at Singapore just before its fall and participated in the invasion of North Africa.
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