War Heroes Arrive In Ann Arbor, February 1943

Ann Arbor News, February 22, 1943
HEROES ARRIVE FOR SALUTE TO ANN ARBOR WAR WORKERS: Four men who have earned acclaim as heroes will tell of their experiences in action, and how American equipment compares with that of the Axis, during the public rally to be held in Hill auditorium tonight as the closing feature of the Army's salute to Ann Arbor war production efforts. Pictured beside a jeep at the courthouse after their arrival this morning are (left to right) Petty Officer Robert Brunner of the Coast Guard, Sgt. Tony Tracyzk of the Army, Sgt. John F. Bartek of the Army Air Forces, and Petty Officer Charles Albert Virant of the Navy. At the wheel of the jeep is Mrs. Frances Lueck, a driver for the Detroit ordnance department. (other pictures on page 14.)
Armed Services
Military Personnel
World War II
Detroit Ordnance Department
United States Army
United States Navy
United States Coast Guard
United States Army Air Forces (USAAF)
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Mrs. Frances Lueck
Robert Brunner
Charles Albert Virant
John F. Bartek
Tony Traczyk
Eck Stanger