Mrs. Mackmiller's Vegetable Garden, October 1967

Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1967
Gourds Have A Handle Almost dwarfed behind a near 100-pound squash, youthful Jimmy Salisbury reaches for a gourd he can more easily grip from his neighbor, Bertram Hilbert. At right is Hilbert's niece Mrs. George Mackmiller, who planted the pumpkin-like squash and over a dozen other kinds of vegetables in their acre garden at 1301 Pear St.
Ann Arbor News, October 12, 1967
Gourds Have A Handle Almost dwarfed behind a near 100-pound squash, youthful Jimmy Salisbury reaches for a gourd he can more easily grip from his neighbor, Bertram Hilbert. At right is Hilbert's niece Mrs. George Mackmiller, who planted the pumpkin-like squash and over a dozen other kinds of vegetables in their acre garden at 1301 Pear St.
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