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-John A. Wells Sub-ïrensury agent, who had gone from Detroit to Chicago lo bring on Ü5,000 in gold for the u.seof the Government, lost the whole omount, some dexterous thieves hnviiig contrived to take the boxes conlaining thcmoney frnm the stage, while nta ch'inging slalion nbout twelvc miles from Lngansport, Indiana. The preceding item of news comes to us from the Wliig papers of.every part of the country, accoinpanierl by vnrious and most ingenious comment-s showing how bad a tKing a sub-treasury is, aiid how readily and surelyabank could have made an exchange ol L5,000 iVoni Detroit to Chicago. All very truc. A Bank could have made the exchapge with great ease, cheapness and facility : and n Bank could have managed the afluir so as to cheat the government out of the whole of t. Sueh things have been done, on a much larger scale, too, I han t bat of $5,000. How securely the .Michigan State Dank exchanged a half million of the State Funds ntPustod to its keeping by Gov. Mason ! No doubt there is danger of Uncle Sam's funds sticking to the hands, or rather the pockets, of tbose who hnnrlle them: hut we believe a footingup of all tho losses hitherto sustained would show that bankers have been much moredangorous to the treasury than foot-pads, or pickpockets, or persons employed under the existing Sub-Treaiury law. (U3 Tlie Detroit Advgrtiser is out in praise of Gen. Tayior. It contends that although he is southern born, he has lived all over the country so much that he is "a inan ol' the nation." That paper sIJs, - " Much better would it be to have lliis brave, fenrless, intjepetident, firm, nnd upright veteran, sjavcholder thougli hc may be. President, than to entrust the intfrcsU of the nation to some timid, tFiicUling. tirne-serving politica) demagogue, ready, at all times, lob.-irter sectional or national interesls for temporary popularity or power." The plain Englisli is, that ihe Advertiser will go for Gen. Ta.ylo.rfor President ' if be likêfyMo ptove nvaihible. ; The Marshal) Stntesman savs ! i " As for as " our humble self " is cotlcerned, if our firstchoice cannot he gratified, we know of no man we would sooner support, than the tried pntriot and gallant chiefiain all.idpd to. Of bis ' phanl election, f nominnted, theie cannot bo the slightest doubt." CC0 A friend w rites us from Schoolcrafl : 11 At tho recent town meeting Ve ' cpeded in carryingno lieonsein the town of Schoolcraft by a majority of 31. The '' Whiga succeeded in electing nll the town offisers by a small plurality vote over the Liberty party ntid Dernocrats except tho Supervisor which lliey lost by lie vote with the Liberty cnndidute, and the Liberty party obtained the Supervisor by drawing. (U3 The Free Press publishes a letter from Niles, datod April 12, which says : " A horrible accident occurred to-dny at Mfahbwaka. The Pilot hd just lefi the lock on her first trip, with n large company on board. She had liardly starled when a movernent of the persons on board careened her so thot she could not be sleered. Siie swung round, rnn igainst the bridge and turned bottom upwards, drowning Charles Kellogg, (of the firm of Kellogg & Brothers, of White Pigeon,)and two others. Kellegg's bodv bas not been found. The boat is a completa wreek." 07" The New York Tribune lias been calculating the poüticnl complexion of the next Congress. Of the members elect,81 are VVhigs and 58 Democrats. - Of thoso to be chosen, it cstimntes 35 will be Whigs, and 54 Democrats: so that the ne.xt House will probably stand 116 VVhigs to 111 Demociats. CC The official report shows that at the batlle of Buena Vista, '260 American troops we re killed, 114 lyounded, and 23 missing. (t? The Law and Order party of Rhode Islnnd have carried the State. - The Libcrly vote for Governor was about 300 - doublé that of last ycar. 05 The Mayor of Detroit has issued his proclamation for an illumination of the city this evening in honor of the victory nchieved over the Mexicans. Oy The VVhigs Iiave carried (Jonneet icuf. fhe Liberty vote lnst yar was 2,225. It is said to have fallen ofl some. C?" Tho peoplc of Wisconsin have rejected the proposcd State Constituí ion by five or six thousand majority. F. J. B. Crnne hns hoen appninted Postmastorin this villagp,in place ufGeo. Danfoitli. (U3 The Phrenological Journal for April lias boen received.


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