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An.v Arbor. April 23, 1947. The long spcll of cold. dry weather has been relievcd by heavy rains, wliieh will be highly benoficial to [lie whcatand grnss. A'c noticfl but litlle diflTerencc n the Wliet markdt. 80 cents are oflered lotlav. The curreni price for corn s 37} ocntF. Pótatoes, 37 í to 44 cents. New Yorkj April 20, 7 P. M. Aihet in fair demand nt $5,00 lo $5,50 foi Po's and Pearls. Genosee Flor sold to dayas high osS8, to the e.xtent of some 2,000 bb!s., and Western and Troy at 7,87}. The aggregato sales were 4 nr r.000 bbl. The sales of pareéis to arrivc ere also highcr. The sales ure 7 to 8,000 bbls. at 6,024 a 6,50 in M y and $6,12 è a 6,25 in June. The inquiry to arrive is Inrge. Holders very firm. - There was ;i salo of 900 bbl. Ohio, ut 97,56). llok'ers of tneal hnve advanced llipir rales, nnd al the close the asking price was $5. Sa'esofö or 0,000 bbls. at t4jö a 4.87J'. Sales öf ryc Hoür nt ü,12. GRAlN. - The ii;quiiy fur wheat is pïod. The supplies hore is vety light. Snlesof 17,000 bu. Geneee to arrive in May at tl, 95, and 1000 do. al $1,60.- Corn liasstill nn upward tendency under a decline in freight?, and northern vellow is not easy to buy at tho close at SI. The Yankees pay neorly as much aga'n for their eala!4es as the Western people; and yel, through their manufactures, they mnke formnes out of us continually.- The following toble of prices in Worcestcr, Mass., wil! be of interest to our farmers. RETAI TRICES. Fur the week cnding April 8, carefully cvrrcctedfor the Citizen. Flour. - Prices remain the same a last woek, ranging from $7 50 to 8 50, nccorciing lothe qualitv. Cohn. - Northern Yellow sella at Si per bushol : Southfrh 95 ets. Oats 50 ets ; Corn Meal $1 for 60 Ib ; Kye $1 per bushel. Pork. - Fresli is scarce. V liole Hogs are fnm at 8 ets; clear porlt, snlied, ia v#orlh fiom 18 to 20 dollars per bbl. Bacon. - The best, Worcester curod, brings 12è. et'. Butter. - The best ariielo oflump, tub Ee'ls at 19 ets; inferior can Lo bad for less. Lard ia worih 121 ets. Mutton is worlh from 5 to 8 cis. by thö parcase. eal. - VVbole is sold at 6 and 7 ct. I'.oos. - 16 cis. n dozpn. Pot atoes. - 62è to 75 c!s. a bush. Onioxs - 75. Craxberries - SI, 75. Beans - dry, at retail, S2 a bus!). Hay. - Good, has been sold during ïho week a! f 16.


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