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WL2L8 "ffl L L & 2 CLOTH, CLOTÏÏW rT"MIF. undfrsignod would inform ti ptif.Ue X ihat thay wil! continu to manufacinio Fullul Cloih, Cassinïiere aiiil Flnnnti!, al thtlr Faetory, twu mid n half mik west Hum Ann Aibor, on Huron River nar ilio Ilailmad. tejbjhs ■■ The Drice of makinij ciotb will b Tor ratsi■nee. -14 cis per yard ; Nr f'ulled clo'b, 3TJ c. ner yard : for white Flnnnel. 20 cl, per yard. - Wo will nlao pachango cloih for wnol on rciisonnhlt] tprnts. VV.xil sent b' rnilrodd accoi)][nnio4 wilb instruotioiia wll be p.otnptly nliended lo. Wo b;e done nn cxTeiisiva bimiiïess in innnuficl uring cloih fur rns'omers ior seirrjl ym, nnil lielieva we ut ns ootl "aiiïlHclion na nn Esiobli'hiiienl in ihn Srole. We ibersfora invita uur vd cusiomiTS (o couiinuo, unJ now nies to eourft. Lorrprs sbouM bs ntldrrssed u S. YV. Fmte & Co., Scio. S. W. FO6TER & CO. Scio, April. 1?47. 312-:f. THË PROTECTION 1NSURA.NXE ■ COMPÁNY, HARTFORD, CONIV., CON'i IN'UES to insure upon the rr.ost fnvorablá taren, dwrllirgi, bnms, m#relinndist, niiils. niock ia iniiis, ind otUcr kiBtíí of nsurahle propon;. Applytolhe office of their Agvncy t Anr Arbor, in tre prst ofUcs btiilding, oposite ili Kaak i!' WaahteiMw, D. M'OTIRV., Affnt., 21. IH17. 312-tf Dissolution. njHK co pnnrifrsliip lierotnfore e.istïrhg h X twicn ihfl Subsc-nl.ern ftnder ih n;im ftl Fusri.R t: Din. m this èny rfHtovvri by muitinl r(ineni. AH (Wtnwnfa airwJ lifpwin'ls wül he diosied lv ci'her of ihe finn. TliffM iutlbiH 10 ibeni will rp, 'rotn fin; ncw ftrrancetjiieix, 1U0 noceftsi 'y "i makin proin)t pyuytan, TMi;O!)()[lY: FO8TER OKOKOK DELL. [ Ann Arhor. April 16. If5 J7. .'UO-U


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