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A fire-Jamp explosión lately hnppened n a large coal mine at Barnsley, Eng, )y which T3 persons lost tlieir lives, and some others wero severely hurt. Webster and Caliioun. - Webster and Calhoun aro said tobe now engngpd upon great works, which are to be tlie crowning efTorts of their lives : Mr. Calíoun upon atreatise on the principies of government, and Mr. Webster upon a ïistory and exposition of the Constituon. The amount of fines and costs paid for violation of the license Ittw, at the Courl of Common Pleas. in Frnnklin county, Mnssachusetis last weck, is said to be over 81300. The Astor House was brilliantly illuminaled last evening, in honor of Gen. Taylor's lnst victory. There were ten íundred and fifty-four lights, and ten ransparencies, bearing the ñames - " PaoAlto," "Resaca de la Palma," " Monerey," and " Buena Vista." A large and delighted the crowcls of spectalors with the very bet music, and the skyockets ascended nt interval from the roof. It was a splendid afluir worthy of he occasion and the establishment. The ieople called for Gen. Gaines, who acknowledged the compliment in a brief speech, and retired amid repea'ed cheering. Gen Taylor's name soon afier appeared in firewoiks on the roof of the building, nnd was hailed with prolonged cheers. - JV. Y. Sun. Appointjients and Promotiöns in the Armt. - The Washington Union of the 15th inst., confains the following appointments in the Aimy : Brigadier Gen. Pillow, to bc a Major General in place of General Benton, resigned. Brigadier General Quitman, promoted to be a Mnjor General. Col. Cushing, promoted to Le a Brigadier General. Corrüption Fcnd. - The New Uampshire Siatesman says, tliat .$25,000 was sent to New [lampshire from Washington, to aid the slaveiles in carrying that State. Says this paper: "Dependent men were constantly beset, and given large sums to vote the radical ticktt." - Western Citizen. The London " Standard " says, .that the Romish clergy in Ireland recêive annually for confes-sions, 1,350,000 ; for christenings, 150,000 ; for unctions nnd burials, 270,000 ; fop marriages, 1,350,000; for prayers for deliverance froin purgatory, 450,000 ; collections at chapéis, 2,410,000 ; cúrate colleclioiií, 101,000; grant to Maynooth Collego, 45,000. Total, 6,135,000 ! To Cure Warth Or Corns. - Ta-ke theyolkofan egg, thicken it with fine salt, which ppry as a jioultice at night, leaving it off it the morning, Thus continue for two or three nights, utilil the part affected bears a whitish appearance; then leave it off entirely, and the wart or corn, it is said, will come out rooi and branch. If a little of the leaves of rue is bruised and added, it is said to be the bctter. The atmosphere was so full of olectricity )twt evening, that tho Telegraph at this end of the line was entirely unconIrollablö- the instrument working by the joint action of lio artificial and the natural lightning, so that ou.l.v onco in a wliile n word, or paris of words, could Ie caughl. - Duff. Cour. The " American Eagie," u ncw Amarco-Mexican paper, has been stai !ed in Vera Cruz by Messrs. Peoples, Raniard & Jewell. F rom the first specimen of the paper,tliecontenlsof wliich have been previously in our pnper, we augur much fbr its success and popularity. It is certainly a grent imp'-ovement upon its predecessors, El Indicador and El Locomotor. MaumoTH Ox. - We aro informed that at East Broolclyn, N. Y., thore is now an ox fweyeirs old, raised on Long Island, mensuring 19 feel in lbngth, 11 fect in girth, 6 feel in heiglit, and whosc weight is over 4,000 pounds. "IIow Much Better is a Man than a Siieep ? " - Rev. Garlnnd Mooie, n loca! preacher in the M. E, Cliurch, old a femnln slave, whon ha removed trom Kentucky, for a jackass ! In tin1 New York E veiling Posf, t wossome time since published, thnt thrcr hundred and eighly bodies of human beings, wlio had dicd from drutikenncss. were gathered up in the streels of that city by the Coroner, and bured in Uip yenr 1846, at the public expense. If this Dumber died in the slrects, we lenve othe:s to conje t re how many die. from the same cause in other places. A yoiing man was triijd befare Mayoi Robinson, at Frinceton, N. J., and finec len dollars for smoking a cigar in church during worship. "OuiRAliE DPOM THE AltMY." - So the papers cali the ' nppointmeni by Mr. Polk of an overseer upon his plantation, to a high office in the araiv." How is it, that an overseer is sö much despised ín the South, while the foremen in our shops and manu faetones, are as much resppeted as other people ? Ifil is a disgrace te enforce slave-labor for anolicr, it cannot be honorable to do it for yourself. A Man and two Horse Killed bv Lightnino. - Michncl Carpenter, working on J. W. Rpeve's farm at Woodbury, West Jersoy, was killed by üghtning on Friday, ivith the two horses lie wasdriving. The clothes and boots were torn from Mr. Carpenter's body leaving it entirely naked, and his head, left leg and foot were consideally lacerated. The watch he had in his pocket is lost entiiely, no vestige reraaining except a piece of the guard and kev. A fellow uorkman was stunned. - Neicark Daily. Neat Pun. - A printer, on seeing a sheriff clusely pursuing an unfortunate author, remarkcd, " that it was a new edition of the ' Pureuita of Literature," unbound and not pressed." The Courier and Enquirer states on the authority of a sermón bv Dr. Vinton that from tables accurately and carefully compiled, it is ascertained that eleven-sixteenths of those who follow the sea, die by shipwreck. The avernge of deaths annually arnong this much neglccted class is eighteen thousand, nnd in one winter alone, twenty-five hundred perished by shipwreck on Ihecoast of New England. Fallen in the Name of Liberty. - The seven hundred American?, or more likely twice that number, who endured the ngoniesof a soldier's death nt tlie battle of Buena V isla, are setid, in a Boston paper to have fallen in the name of Liberty. VVhose hbeny? Not that of the killed, surely ; not that of the Mexicans ; not the liberly of slaves ; nor is America more free than before that awful sacrifice. No yoke has been broken by the battle of Feb. 23d,no wrong iias been rightcd - no sufi'ering allev:ated - no joy or hope made to dawn on any class of suffering moríais. VVha; then, has liberty gained ? Nothing j and never vvas that sacred name dragged into worse company than when assoeiated witli the horrid butcheriesof the Mexican war, - a war waged for slavery, and not for liberly, - a war which has clug the graves of ma'ny thousaixls of fo'nflrd and suns, and branded as hypocrilical and Fals our singular prelensions lo a love of liberty, and of justice, und right. Who kttowa orean lell vvith any defniileness, what our nation slightmg for, unless it be to forward ihe ends of soulless anibitïon, and augment the oppressor's power. - Boslon Reporter. A missionarv wriles from Jerusalem, that the Jews there are gieatly alarmed at the progresa Christianity is rnaking thenr. They have institufed secret tribunals,to prevent the ciiculalion of Christian books among their brethrc. Ditor-NEWsrAPEKS are Ihrcc cents postage. Drop-Letters are but tico cents Therefore, fyouwish to send a newspaper to a friend in tbe city, through the Post OfFice, enclose it in a letter.and you save a cent ! All Hat, Cave Johnson ! - Fruits of Slaverí. - In Louisiana ihere have been four colleges establishet!, and libernlly endowed ; and, I state upon authority, that at least lialf a million of dollars has been squandered upon them. The institutions have failed, and become virtual] e.vtinci, bffbi-e ssndtog oirt a single, or at mout, more than a single gradúate. Tirara are no w lu'o colleges n active operation there - the one called Jefferson College, which s a Stato institution, and theother, Centenary, which is under tl e control of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, neither of which is accmnplishing mucli in the way of education. "ín Mississippi, thuiv have been four collogps estahlished. and richly eudowod, three of whicb esist yet in name, one s extiüct, aod ihe endowmeut of all ure lost. These endowmenta amounted to half a million or moru. I nm infonne.l, and I suppose correctly, that not one of these colleges has sent out a single gradúate, except Üakland College, which is a Presbyterian institution, and hasexisied fifteen years, This college has graduated abont ifty. " So says ihe Zion's Herald, a Methodist paper. The cause of this ? Need it he asked 1 Slavery : wbich blights every good Ihing. The Teleüraph West. - The Chica(Journal) unders-tands from (he ngenl employed, tliat subscriptioné of tlio stock of the Erie and Michignn Telegraph company havo now been obtained to the amount of $27,900. The cost of the line from Detroit to Mihvaukce, a distance of 400 miles, at i$125 per mile, is put down at $50.000. Thedeficiency in subscription will bc lessened $10,000 by castern capital, v-hith can be obtained, leaving 812,900 tobe made up at Chicago. The Journal urges ihe citizens to step promptly iörward and subscribo the amount necessary, whicli it considere will secure the completiun of the Telegrnpli from Buflalo lo Detroit this sea son. Shoe Peos hy Steam.- There is a Yankee in Cincinnati who is making eiglit bushels of pogs per day by steam. - His engine is below - in the tecond story the green woo'J is taken - sawed uto letigths, and tlipn planted ofl' The next operation is to crease the top, after wliicli comes the spütting procoss. The next is to grind the pegs and separate them. Lnstly they nre dried by steam; in fact, the pegs are all, from the green tree, made by steam. Rev. J. T. Headley s nbout publishing a work entitled "Washington and nis Generáis," after the stylo uf Napoleon and his Marshals. A line of stage coaches is now running regularly every day between Matamoros and Point Isabel. The Native vote in York is a little over 2000. Raymond & Warring have lost the two elephants connected with the eastern part of heir Menagerie. They refused to go with the ferry bodt to cross the Delaware, but tried to swim across. They were chilled through and drownr d beforc they got half over. They were worth abaut 30,000. Tííe National Loan. - We léarn his morning from Thomas W. Olcott, Ë=q., of this city, that the wholo 18,000,000 loan was taken at from one-eighth 5cr cent. totwo percent, advance. Corcoran and Rigg, of Washington, get 8 or 9,000,000 al one-eighth. They bid 'or the whole at that rate. The bids amounted n the oggregate to fifty-eighmillions of dollars. Set Out Thees. - A single tree ïn Vont of your house will conferthefollowng bencfits. It will increasc the v.ilue of your estáte - t will affbrd a shade for the children to play in - t will be grateful to lie passing stranger - it will invite the )irds to ils branches, who will repay you n rich gushes of free music - it will aJd o the beauty of the city or town - it will irove you to bc a person of wisdum, taste, iberality and public spirit. Will you nat, hen, do the simple deed which secures hese great benefits? Now is the season' o prepare for it - to parchase your trees ind select your positron-. Excellent nurseries nbouud in tbU vicjnity, the frosl is last Icaving the ground,anJ everything is getting in rendiness. Sterne piares the "planting of a trco"amongst the fourcardinal viiMir-s. Let all goveïrï theiYiselvci accordingly.- Ütiem Obs. The " Cork Reporter" says.thal in three successrvediyf, theie ariived in ihut harbor 45 ressefs, Ijlden wiih grain. The markets wero said to be well stocked wiih I ndián oorii (Vhich liad declined in price)yyet die familie did ribt appeaf lo be ia 'he least abated. I. O. O. F. - TliPie are now nliout 25,000 Odd Fellows in the state of New York. On the 4th of June néM ihey celébrate their ainiiversary in N. Yorlr, in (uil regalia, nnd it wijl probaly be one of the rnoit luilliant iageanls that hos ever taken pluoe in the Union. Subordínate lodges ihruughout the State1 ai e inVited to be presenr. The VVay They do down South. - The Ct(tliahoochee,mblisbeii in Georgia btales ihtit on The l'ilh instant, a Negr who had boen convicted of manslaugl ter, was taknn out tor punishment, ac cortling to liis sontpncp. lic received bi-and of tl, e letter "M" on his righ clici-k, and thirty lashcs on h is bare back. Tiie sentenceconfers ihree more degiees of thirty lashes eacli, tobe given respectivcly for lliree regular, Aiccessive tnorning-. The wliipping was taken with n god deal of computare - lut a strorg evidence tbat the Negro's face hurt Mm, Was made abunJantly maiiiiest ut Uie npplication of iha braiiJ.


Signal of Liberty
Old News