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Serving Two Masters

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The Whg are greatly distracted in their councils. A very iníluential portion of them is inclined to profit by the present populai euthusiasm, and secure the nomination of Gen. Taylor. Anotherclass, more disposed to regard conscience and consistency, can see no propriety in sunh a movement. Others, again, repudiating the ma.xim of Ho!y Writ - ' No man can serve twomasters' - fondly imagine that they can reco'ncile all differences, harmonize the glorv men and the conscience men, t.-ike a doublé hitcli, as it were, upon the public mind, by putting up Taylor for the Presidency, Corwin for the Vioe Presidency. Corwin is in favor of wiihdrawing our armies from Mexican terrilory ; Taylor is thechosen instrument for leading them onward into the very heart of Mexico.- Taylor gnins victories, and Corwin bewaüs them. Taylor has done nll he could tomake tlie war ' glorious ; ' Corwin has done all lic could to make it infnmouf.. Tnylor is a slaveholder ; Corwin hates slavery, and would rejoicp, at any time, to see the slaves of the former running for ilieir liberiv. ' But what of all this ? Is t not wise to become all things to -ill men, that we may gain some ? We'll put up Taylor - that will prove our patriotism nnd fielity to slavery j we'll put up Corwin - that will show our philanthrophy and fidelity to freedom. We will serve two mnters, and so secure douMe wages. Whal aspectacle ! - Nat. Era. 05 A correspondent of the Liberalor writes from Irelaii'l : " Daniel O'Coxnell is going orgone lo Trance - unable, from depression of mind and deb'lity of body, to altend to his dulies n Parliament. He is a broken down man. II is nfluence in Ireland is diminished - nearly gone. Tho young Irelnnders havo run him down. Father Mathew is li:tle heard of in these times ofdistress. He died when he avoved his intention to make Teetotalism a sectnrian and priestly question. 70,000,000 busliels of barley were used in brewing and dittüling last year in this kingdom - enougl) to feed 5,000,000 of peop'e the year around ; and 9-10 of the ministers of the nation encourage this consumpiion, by tippling their wioa and toddy. On tho 24th inst. these clergv are going lo fast and pray for the removal of ihe famine ; and they will go from their fosting and prnying to drink their gin and whiskey. Thus they im,iously fhther the resulls of their tippling upon God ! They eneournge the des'.ruction of food by drinking, and they pray to God to save the people from fatnme. Thusslaveholders fast and pray that the Gospel may begiven to every creature, and then turn round atid punish with death any who aflempt to give it to their slaves ! " (tj5" Col. Flood, who has conducled the Detroit Freo Press for tho last eighteen months, has retired from ihnl paper. He wns, perhaps, efficiënt ns a mere partizan editor, but nothing more. Mis produetions might excite a hatred of Federalism, of VVhiggery, but they were poorly calculated to inform, irstruct, improve, or elévate, bv the discusión of great principies. Desides, he has vied with the Adverteer to see which could excel in lowscurility and personal blackguarding. In ;his grcat contest, of which their respective readers have so long been applauding spectators, victory has incíineJ to neiiher side. Bo!h haveshoivn tliemselves well skilled in the meanest scurrility, and are qualified to set up as teachers of the art. CyThe Oakland Gazette sajsthat alife of Gen. Taylor is to beshortly published at Philadelphia, of which 500 copies will be procured by the Pontiac Rough and Pveady Club. It will contain an accurate likeness of the general and beautiful illustrations of his military expleits. VVe would suggest that amongthe laltershowld he placed the porlraits of those BloodAou7icZs,purchased in Cuba by the government, and imported nt his suggestion, as has been stated, for tho purpose of hunt ing Indians and runaway slaves in Florida. . (tJThe village of Jackson went " No License" by 55 mnjority. The conle-t on ihis question was quite animnted.


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