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C Ó J CËR T OF Sacred Music. THE AKM ARBOR CHORAL UNION will give n Concert of Sncred Music at the Prenbytcrinn Cliurch in this Villnge on Thursday ovenini,, the ÜOth inst., uniler the direetion of Rpv. E. P. Ingorsotl. mueic to be perlormed a a choice collcction of Tunes, Arnhems, Set Picces elc, mot of which are new to thia community, nnd will be performed lor the hrst timo n this villi2. The Choir will be nssisied by eevornl tííatirr- guislied singers from abrond, by ihe Orgnn, and otlier instrumental aopompaniinents ot a high order ; nll which wiil give proroise of a rieh musical entertainment. And as the concert is lor the benefit of the Choral Union itsell. :o ennble t to def'rny the currer.t expenses ol their School, i t is hoped and expoced that a Iarge audience will bc in attendance. Tickeis for single njmifsion, 25 ets. ; cbildren and families at a reduced price. Let all the I vers of song. therelbre, (and w(u arenot?) bepresenton the occ ision ; ir ho can we appropnale ourshillings to a more delightfol objec ts? GEORGE IIILÍ,. Pres't. of the Cuorat. Umo.n. Ann Arbrr. May 4, '47.


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