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1 ,,.„■. iau li 1, ■■ h ii . ■■■. " ■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ' p l'' '"" '"' fcjvjj ■ ■■ .■■■ '" " " ■''"■' . , I, M'imyn . hiBurance. Aun Albor. , ■■ ■ -1 ■■■■- ■■' -'"■■ X, il. ■ :-. ■ ' SLO" üotroit . v,n.rbor n. '■ '"" Ai!:"r8. ■ ' '" '" ö .. J '■'■ ■■ ■ ■ "■ A"r' okBon i '., I ,i Store, '■■ ui ■ J. .v ( ■ "' Al1""Arlxit. C. d..:; ■ "■■■ n A'üüfr„ s. i : '■''' '■■:'r(. irlwr. '. J IX ;. - AV ,. . . TarJ, A'nri Atbni Kxaft HavilaM), Machinisla, Anh Arbor, 1). Barnbï, 1 1 Hduw, Uïlroii. . .■:; C .. Uruggiïl, Battle 'oü:: & UDiso.i, HarncM MAti Ann Afl vv. '- r)ilr'"1j. ; ,. Ypsilnntf. Jt. ■ ■ ■ Ann Afb"T. IT. W. Wtxi.ra, Hardware, Ánn Arbúr. J. S.-,:ac..-::. Tail ir, Ann A'rbor. S. 1 . : : Gei o( Seicnco. & Zío-, I ■ Ustrir. V,'m Attori o il Luw. Aan Arbor S ■ , .f, Ann Albor. ,KTIS, Tl il i NllllirJ. Vv. Vü.l ias, C l.iuet VVnre, Detroit. OAtlOc & RiTMONB, Cluihing Gtorc.Oi troit. Ivgalls L.1MB, Ob Fisbkr, Sieani MiU. Ai:n or. TEJE PROTECCIÓN INSURANCE GOM PAN Y, II A 11 T FORD, CCKX., CONTINÚES to iosure ipon tbe most i ,v,u , wi Ilii g . baiiii, nierrock in miils. umi o'liir kift I? ol' tnsuraMo pi"' ■}■ . : , of iheir Agency i Ann r. frithe p INl ollice building, oppusilS ihe Ljuii ot' YYuihu-iuw. D. MIJÍTIRE, Aceat. April, 21, lQi7. ' 3iá-tf A List of -Books FOFl SALE BY rOWItüRS St. VffBLJL, At The Pihve::oïogica! Cabmet. 131 Aasüüan Sírt-í'f, NEW YOBK. All c.ï W fa r.rn nn'Jy buundin eheaptbrm. ErpRT.ssLY io Bend eïjimt., at the Dreaenl i , ; i . cea : flieil to eui-ii woik. Uur iiienda al i dia anci ni.iy no cncli5evhe nidney Tor eiihet ol ihe foUowing - . ■ ■ receive ihem ly tha return l'ibe lirs: in lil. PURENOLOny PROVED. 1LLUSTHATED &. Sfiili i litinn en By O. ö. ÍPowlkr: eofltaining ovar 500 panes linio. Illustraied bj m;. . vuigs. Á ï'aACTtCAi. Suindaid wurkou thu Science. Prioe .' I . itEBIORt ,'XTELLECTUAL 13IPIIOVEMEST: - Ni w eilmon. greotly e.ilarg imprBved. Uy O. S. Fówi.ra. Applied 10 seli e"lu".iiioi] ondjuvenile instruction. lllns1 . ■ ■ . ngs. A valuable work fbi ld nul voiinir. Pp. 530. 12mr. l'rice lü) i-cnts. REUG10X. XTU!. .L A.VD REVEXLED-. - Or iha Siofn! B 1 . l'!i f n 1 ;ï, wi ; i vi !: ' nj i:in d in ihe Script uré. By ) S. ■v:.:i: prict1 5ÍI cenls. Lü VI'. .: P REN t GE;- Amüed 10 tle Iniprovement 01 (,i;i ng. By O S. Fow j, .;. (ii n hich m 11 a ih in glueen ihuuBand OTiies liavo bcn suU ivi'.liin u year. - Prico S5 cents. líVTfVENES!á:r-Or ibe evils nnr1 remedies oi'j .- su ilny. ifttluding wnming nnd - .'i i 10 the Afarried andSinjile beinj a Supnleiñen! tu Lovc uiid raitniage. - 1'; ]-■■ ! 'J ci nu. MXTJtlMONT:- Or Phrenoiogy nm! riivsinlo py aiM'l'.' '! ;o tiio 8cJotitn Í i-uuenial coni nioM Inr lile ; by O. S. 1' 0f wlnc'i more [ban 3(l.iHK)c havo beerUHö in ihi United iate3.besifJefl hi .. ,' been re in KBjfl ui-I. 1 ce 25 SYNOPSIS OP PHRENOLOGV AXD i'.: L N. KoAi-Kfi. comI)i,.; a c . sel i;' inri ol i lie funcMong of ihe body nn l min '; nl p the nd Iniorml lisg i e h's ni i !' by thn uid "i M igne is u anu' Net:'. -1 ■:.'. [llnstrated. i'ncu 1' cetits. ''';..': - neiv editiun. enlared nnd t ■ . i. - mnlydid ol a)l th 1 O e ins. -i oly i lltis:roietj. Algo n ion ciso HisniKY ol iií ir ni 1 1 1 J p adi . ■ s in ui ui I nitions. 13 y L. N. Fowi.tR. l'rici :'7 c Mits. Y tLOB W r. o vm E:- Desi 1 1 Studeul ra tVlost üf ïhi orgaosareil lli iwotngrsvingf, Iidwill. A goud iliiny for i , i 2 cents. PHREN0LOGY AND PHYSIÓLOOY:- Applied to Tetnfïerance, oi' thfe'iöws of li'e uvi heal'h, ol w!;:;-'.i itjiwar,1 cr twenty thotwan b ■ ■ be :i solJ. Nu ono shuulJ bc williuut it Pnce (' tenis. .7311' L WNO:-Or he ":)h of compres i :i u : ;,1 lif -., mi-I :heri ■ ■ i:s, Every y ui in ::i hotiWhavea copy. T.nS work Irisáis l'1. ! SYNOPSIS OF PllUENOLOGY, ' CH i.'ÏJ': - Dusfgncd for the nsi; "I Pri rarciio!'].';i-u. Witb upwarda ol' 40 engrov -' : hundred. THE PHRENOLOaiCXL ,LMNC l'OP i i? : - ' ' i' i ,'i : tl;( Likenesses of min dlsiineuijhed individuáis, bcsides a bt l.wliich h )W8 the loc.-iii ui ' al! the organs. Ninety thousand hve - been sold. Pnce G ceúK, or IJ cupies fot 5 rcn'í. A SOBER TEMPÉRATE LIFE:-r,y Louis Cur.N a ii'i. ml writen by hïin at t!iü rif'o wi ii n li '. iiesá ui ilie auihor .wijn. by his temnèmti h ■! tbë rem i io u í lol '. :ion;ï ;iw to ' be ity ui ioo ! nocí ss '■ v to pi')!iti lili'. rl'i:i' woik has bee tnnlnlod into iiculv evory la.,no. Price 'J." cents. 0LQGI0XL JOUHNL:- O; :i ■;; 'ot)d p-iper dnd fypfi, atnply illi'strftted vvhh engravind, ndopted to uil classes. Jt will lo Found very nstructrw and iis-ful. 'J'unns Cnü Dollar a year ín :i v i rice. ;i:'S PH.YSIOLOGY :-Trom ihé Imi E fin i nes nnd ohservutions by O. S. Fovvlkr. 'l'his is the bst ork extant on Heilth and LougOTity. Pp. Hmn. I'rice: 7") cents. PHYSIOLOGY-AXIMAL AND MENTAL : - ÁppÜG 'i' the 1' eaervütion and iiestoratiun ol K. i..ih. By O. S. Foivlek.- . 50. BBlfC KTION: ITS ELr.MEMTAllY PRIXOIPLES .- Fnundwl on X itHreof .Mm. By .1 . ÖPoazBEtia, M. I). Sixili :i Loiidon editioa, enlnrsred and wiproved by the authur. Pp. 32, lSino. Pri Books for sale at the Phrenogical Cabinet, atrelail [trices onhj, allor cithcr ef lehieh may be ordered and simt by mail, ai. ilie prtcc ajieie.d Ui eacH '.'-■ ,,., ,.. .... i'i ■ ;- aai. IMAl lUOH rs, " ;'" , . ir V vu u Cvr.y, ■■ -'_ ' , i i: . OK TÜB yVAT' i, v l . :, " ' J im.i.í W IIK Cl. VS3 IiUUU, " ■ 7 i Hi KaonoOM u 11 ■ ai ' ■ " -r' Tut ! 1.1 ; ohbi ot :....-j. ..;.i, iB ' LA AM' I I 1 . "15 Jast PabJihcd, ïllüslfatcd Editïou oí' FAMíLIMt LKSSO.N.s ON,O(JV. lor 'l: '■'" i!t '' V.iimh. illusinlftd 'by i Inrge niimher of ne nitd nn inal engtavings. L)i(!n ■' fur the u ■ o lic, By Nr. 1-. .N. t'uwr.i u. SO cents. FAMii;iit lessonso'N r:rt'pi;.rK;Y. I ., ; uol umi Komlks. iliily llinsli.ili '! hy apj i ríate cneraving. l'v i. N. Fow ljr trico 25 eeuls. lllustratcd iLíaiiy, VOL. Il, 1817. edit;:!) i;v j. l coaiaTQCK, m. .. U S r of jj"Uutii N itvral !' i'.s p! ij ' )■:;. . int ' ■ Gto "ry, ftfatuTul llttto y, P.ttjiiilogr, Cc. , .--.-i . CplrlSTOGJC, J".íQ. Tlio noctTM of ihe 1'lurtrsteH Botany i." no ;n, -■: fiinnhi. Vr althoHgb. 'i haa beou ; . bUt ti " ■ i i 'I I. ' l'!' 11 ■ 'l ; : o i oí jiltiuit five ihousano, n sufliciüiit inunImt li .-il r ui ií slippen, VI Ilich Miiiot lui s ii' fff noy olher wgf k 'i ihe kind. indi oii!y wi rii'l' iliis charnctcr pubiisheH in h . inmlcy, inch prjnii'es staUility uut! n long 1 Ie Wc iiMii! ií:f pío -;h'í.j pi iIm Becond ycai ui Lbi Uotany nre vcfy Hailering. 0 forth npiiMun is. lbo fic.l t'isl il is vuy papulni ,i lurge circle of' tríenla. Anoiher - miporuiit n i l on Ediiu Por the r 'imii.i: year, wh ■■ populaiiiy ns sn au tlior in llie variouia bcnnrliéa of Kïtura] Sc e lo Itm W nliar iu every f ..'-il ia ili tn ibisooiimr.- We bic liilly Biiisficd liint the IJo iitj wíl, tin■ [ücsi'ut l';a!ürs. beor llie 8evsresi orin,5ii). i i'l we nlend thal il th.ili become the lonja id wui 1 1. ;; ufbiicniioh, il wH n Intro ! k tiuii i i!n: S) ■ t :ni (jf Ii -:;i y, a tliorö on ihe mte ■i, ii toni branch of Vegetable Fbvsiulogy. No ces Pom.1 Botnny, and dcscriptione, both Kirmific and popular, oT nnmeroüa Bpeciea o1 )lülllï. lb ■' Wilich. ini-il:cl!.;il :ii:: . wil! be tully explained. In shorl, il 18 inendod lo pn ■ .■■■.' "1 iné ! ürsi n.l mogt imp.iriml (cis. discoveries, snJ iiicoif.'p, m every deportnieni Í lïie science, The whi) I by spiendid cohjredVnizravings, taken ffom Nature, ijl! bi, and finslr J n ihe nigtesi s . _v 1 e of modem art. Thi worlt ia cíesigncd lo be einineniFy popn;ir in i' ■ . ii. and Iheco ie eoough ol ih i than ii' ii 'ii hbnut i to render i. in no ordinaiy dogree. iiiterösiïng aitt! instrucive ro do not inlcnil to confine omsxlves io tbc loüiniciii dt'scriptións i ench plant. lm io makc t ü lli irouabb' s( i , in all i'.ll'Jllts (i[ Bütüliy. lt v. i.l .-la.i ■!!:■ ii.l l iii.-H Ij:i in tha cnltiïajiri of plimts and (1 wi n. la a word, il wil! compulse llie wholc tcicict. Wc ;;ivo htlow ihe opipium ol tbc prese. Fr. .ni ihe Christ'n Adv. & Juur.. udiwd by T E. Biírid, M. D. The p.imeii paerrna nro really exqu done ; md the great mui vel v.iih ns is, lïow ihe vvurk c I at ilie hnv priceof %í, ptr inniim, or lwo copies loan addrjss l'oi .■5. in Bcan be choaply niuitiplied. bul iainting: must bc execüled s paratety, :tnd wMltóui ihe ;iil of Isbur-saving machiiiery. lt will give us jeai pleaaure 10 announre (be successivu numbers ui ilrs bo.iutitul perioilical, ib vs iic be6n led ii ..o b'u ly ol Bolany no( unly an n recreation, l.ut entinetii!; promoüve of piciy. From Exchange Pnier?. ILETSTRATRD CO rAST.- Noñbernx f tbis ve'y preity floral work lins been f eceiveii. nnJ is. as iisim!. filled willi piales represejitinj nátiv id fori j n Buwer. umi wifh maner re luttng thereto. Wc have hrelofore epuken i lern s of Ciiinrneinlatioii af iliis wnrli. V'e ihink ; superior 10 nny tbirigof iIjc kuui published. HJ.T.-TRATKD BOTANT.- To n!I lovers of ilic besultful in Xniure and Art, we eonimèni ihia wnik as eminenüy wortfay of patronage. - X. V. Tribuut. ILLTSTRATED BOTAN ï-r-Among the various iuhiiciiii.iis thni flóat uur country, i Bef none ïhm we consiilerui more uteresi u it,p tlorist of auaiirer ol Nainre, ihe IJIiislratei f)ola;iy. Il s illustrated with from loar 10 six engrftvinifs evcry monH), handeomety c rcpresentiog ihc plant true to Raiure. Ita re.'id inj matter ia deecrïp ive of thp pTunts represc:it üd, inaking ita valuaLile as eilao bu.iuiiiul wurk. TER MS. Tliia work wil! te puUuliei! monthly, witi irom six lo ten Bowera, hmidkomely pájnled, i. ni.ii number. Prioe, ftS.Ofl .1 ye.ur, ur uvo coji les sent 10 one nd'Iress tor ;sr.l]il. [HP A t;ry liberpl (hs'-.):i tl ;i!!oV'"ï [o n J. K. WgL.LMAN, lWislier & Propi So'. 1 i í. Nsiu-s!. Junuani ï. I.S-17. I'. S. Kdirora ho Ijüvr puliliahed nur Pros ;vuis for ü l yéar, v.-iil pfeuse pttblish tii, ir ihfi second yt-;r. N. I. rublisliers oí newspapera who whó wil jive the above ikree inieniua - .ve the wurh one joar. PROSPECTUS. BERALD CF T l THTlie Jouinnls ui :he doy aredivicied into thio ■■■ 'II, thfi hirnZüi. :. tl ■ i Ihe l'tip nu. 01 ilie fitteen bundred erial puMicntian noi'rland, I iihow ol bul iwó 01 threo whicl pretend (o be ievoted to ihe Cimiot ui Tmtn W uil subject. uniestr.iini.-d liv secinri in or pariizai interest, or by desire, Iroin selfijli motives, t iba grmet Rdntber oí readers, wliicli are not controlled y toine religio i ::iy. (ir othetsociety uf est are dj. -ui,' ]y al ih . huwever gopd, it it be unlhvorabiy re 1 by ilie masa ; Dor putilisli itoe lones .ipinirfns ot nny indtvidaal. il liicy be oppose lo ilic: general Benúmant. liunwi. 'he IVjriodi c.'.ls of tha clay, du nol mnint.'iiu jnonn illcgiaiico to Truili, mi ilie irinuiili oí whiuli de penda tlie greatest gsod tu im: hmn .m lannly.- The Cauee uf Trutd deiíioiida Journuls d laher iaterests, throagh i - [hethoaghi ol cyery candió muid [.■;in ba bruught belore tli (publio nrul ilioroughly canvaised. It witl be dcvótu'l lo tbo inierMIof Rsligton Pbiloappliy, Literuiure, ácjence nnd Au. J will review iho new putiliiratións as ai oí Bübílamial vmIiic. and i im ■■ doCIrinns i'im rnay bo published, 1'lnlns .; !n-i ir;i!e! ihe infinite V. BOUIldll u ö "I in CCMJtülIJl hllill His PhysicaLUuiverse, and il is ijme Uie sin demonsirniiuns wure rnádo in rr!;i!:nu in th Menial kVorld, ' In ihe luniur ihesiUitíii der ia manifest, while ihe lam :nid niiscrics ihat afflicl mankind, indien deepest cunfusisn and dlsurd.r. Ui ia mitre spojisble for the e'vils of (he Mi i i-ir man originales thom, and by man thsy u:m and will be remaved. The discussion of tlie I, vv-. of our mental nn I plivsical organizaiion, ond ih dience t theni, aslheonly mude ni cegeneraiiun. will consiitute a particular feature of ihe Iíkkald UK '1'uUTII. Il will encicre vigorously in all ilie Relbrmf of the diy whi';li are Innnded in Truih, uhd n it will ' hopo nll ih inus umi 'believe 'i il tor the final trjumpb of Httoianity ovi r . the only limit 10 its aspiraligns will be ihe enlire redemption of rhu Human Race. The Herald ol Tmth ia ptrbiiehed nmnihly. irCinc nnati. comoing eipJit octavo pages, neatlj prinUd on fine paper, fi will eómprie twn voluoifs aiuiuftllv, of 48Ü pages oh, and will ht offered on the followin? liberal lerms : One yeorly wbscrlpiion, $3,00 ; Two copies ner year, $5,00, Five eopira per year, II 00; Ten copies per year, $20,00 ; Twenty copies per V-ear. $3ü,0U. Ollers o' twenty copies fur ihe extraordhlacy low price of $10. ,„ made f. tl,,,-, ilone who form a club and .,rdor the woik tu be , ni to tho im 8 " Ihi 1 u ' ' ■■ ■■ A hbunl n. Wlll 18 un lè 1" A-gMl'W. i li i Jd 01 Tiutb ploced on n nrm h".-''-B ] individuará ul Bieat eB"miy i"Itt' ' i v i Bpeai iiiiipi;ly on ilm liini ul Bncl ih. Papera cfpT'"8 Ibis Proípertiií n luw t:im ull icceive ili-. wuik. L A. HIÑE, t"..i;io. Cinr n a. t . Jan. I, 18 17. Xcw Establishment ci.ocKS, WATCHES, AND TUK wbMribei woidd rtépeetfaHjr innmmr,tu liie rmz-ns nl mm I :.-iui'y thai lo'haa openei) n hop -in t.h abóve place inil ■iMiif-r s'iiM'. .fermerty kntiwn is ' Sbcperd'a ; ihere ha Ig prepared ro do ai.i. iaM' ui rejjairig n tho-line ofclrttka. yvaicno, jewetij &c., ),l Hl' ■ '! I A, 1.. jream i i pe K -;" i U3 m. "; 'i11' '"'''■ ' ' ■Inips. he 11 iitet liiinsclf ihal he can g e c inrf ia ifuvlton i" :il ihoae whA riiay favui him wiih :ln-irw.pik 'He haa i)id ia cn uuiil) rccivmg, clnuks', watclie. niid jeweliy w 11 Utfscri'pti ins, #hicli lm will ell -■ etoojr os th che W VV. DKX'l'KR. A h S O G R O C E R 1 E S ni nll kinib: lach ia, Tess, Sugarg, MoIomís, !í,i ins, C'i!re, Peppera. Spice. Fish. Cnndies, ;■ , ■ . , &i ■ &e. AiüI in laol cvkhtI ii su -11 nn e Inbüu i ■ni(l'l) ei trrzo) coiisaiit y on h ■mil nnll lor ale W, '.. DEXTKB & Co. Dejteb, March 6, I87 312 if Ht9 Cap, - N D - GENTLEMEN' S FURNISH1NG EMPORI17M. T. II. ARMSTRONG, HWIXfi ■ tiikfii ilic Ki.-H'I Nu 5S VVoodnrd A.ra.i '.i doora hollh of Doty's Am I toum, recemly bceupied ly J. il. Cjtniv. s u : :■■ .1 ihe Bioi k of the liit( r In is o'wn, .in,l sts'o engaged i rmmufacturriifi verv dtei.iijiih'n o! II ATS # CAPS, Ho is rif'M ■ I 10 offel 10 ilie PuMic . article in hia linP, eillier of his o or agtcrn ntanufactiin 6ve pef d ni luss bon li ■ ■ ■■ Í in [his raai kef. In his tock w i ! 1 lie fúñnd FTne Nutra, Satín I' en ver, Otter, Brusli an1 Sportins Hat, Fina llgth. S ik. l'l,i,:i. Oil Silk -ni ' Velvel Cnps ; 'so. B I I !n i T ; Cid, Threpd, Silk, lid Ruckskin-Glovesi (-'uljis, LJ.'ü 'iis, W il . ■ Un.biüllüs, &a. T A 1 L O R ï N G . The Pubicrihor hay nlsq secured ihe setviwí if i firét inte Prndiical f'u:ifjr. !y which he will I 1 ■.! to furniah ol eyery st) i.niri leacriplion, and in ilie most nppmved und faalv oaMe matiner. He ii coi it:n tly r ci mri ihe :iicsi foshions, and, eroploying the be?l ol i, en. ;, : t ti. ,u he will luu ihe be"t l Bntiifncii'in lo :i!I that mny favor hiin with ihuii xitrünage ín Uiis biam.h of tas bu es. SlO-tf Farm Ibr Sale ! ! TI1K Suliscrilier ofieis for s.le his F:irm, aílu ated two milea easi ■! ihc vilUiiie í Anti Arh r. ''lie larin contuiíis eigluy acres of lanil ivell walered, and foriy acits undur hnprovum c n t . For furiher partiri'lir? pnqnire oñ tlie premses of ROÜK1ÍT B. GLAZIKR. Ann Albor. April I. ÍS 7. 310 3m fiScvised Siaïtitcs. NOTICK ia bereby given ihat the Re Iñ have been received ;ii ihe nlficf rtie Coaniy 0 1 ■ r k . ;mJ are ready i'or de live.'y tí all persone entuled 10 thoni. Ann A;,-.,-. fíprÚi, lí'J7. 110 ALAROE ehaUron kecle íoraleby BfiCKLEYB &THOM S. Ann Arbop, Town. 310 TiVO üur.-o Wagaona umi ■ Buffgy for mtc by BECKLEYS 'v THOMAS. iTAMK into ni y cnciusure in Deonubcr lrint, ü L pule red ULI Kli. dbout two years olii, wiili a white eptii on her furehoad, and éotiic wlnio on ihe back nnd fl.mks. 'I be owner is i i cali, pay charges mul lúke hei nway, v,:!l be sold acc.ifdina lo luw. WILL3AM LENNON. .lm Arbor, March 84, 1-Í7. 0-8w f?íiík Kpës Albany and Troy Cu! AÍUU' .iiiis3diu G)J. 20 Kega Wjmugbl Nails 6d to 12,1. 5) Boxea ■ Bellevemiu " G.asa froni 7 X 9 i lü X II. TO Kcgspure Leadin Oil. 500 lb. ' dry. :( i G Hom Linsesd Oil ■Jil. ():,'(! luui l'inc Lunibtf, serisoned, clcnr stuff. Tngelhèr ivitli a ful! assortmerit ot Locks, . Bdtta, Bcrew, Window Blind Fatten ings, Ve lur salo al witnin a fraction ol Uuirun pricee. ii ilio BIG ANYIL STORE, UPPER TU iVN. IIK.NUY V,r. WIXLP. An Arbor, Marcli 13, 1--17. 30Ö COUNTY ORDERS. rSHHE ]iiph(.'si price paitl i oali ly G. F. Lew X is, Excliaiige Braker, oppositg ilic Jusuriiiicg ijink, Detroit, for on uny ol ihc conntissiA tlieStnreol Michigan; ■ e tu lies o f a i I kiadsuud luicuntiití'uiií's Cali ml sec, h-. I. 1845 841-tl On íland AgainS TI1E Sübsériber would respecifullv ntjiify thfi public, (hal lie isioeiitod onct inore in the villfige nf Aim Arbor, :mJ 15 repared i Dccornmo.dflte ilie pummunity wiih ;t ehoice and well selected nssorimenl of ZfüW GOQ&8, t'onsisiiiiL' ni Dri Gooüfi, í ui'ci.i.i s. IIaiídWVKK, IjOO i S AMí Sumís. I KHKIltY. iïèc. itc. Which lí wiíi fell for READY I'AY as clc-ii ime (uilüy ül (Juuds can bu had al ;n jthet stoie in lown. Persona who wish to malte purchasetfnr Cáíti. ■■a Cah l'ricei, will du weli lo cali beforepurclia1 st lieie. JJy keeping ilic fir.-l qmliiy ofnrticlps, by solíiii' al sniiill profits, and i. y a íiiir and bou c. in businwfj he expecis 10 inerit a liberal aliare ol public patronage. M,,si k,,,.!soí COUNTRY PRODUCE will !n' tiktn in p;ium;nt fpr Goou's. JO" Don't fui g I tlie plací:. - on tlie East Sido if M.-iin atrent, a lew ioott amiih of the Public Square. In llic sanie bturu with C, lilis';, Ji M. WHEELfcR. Anu ArSor. Nov. 84 1Q4&. ï!W-tf FURNITÜRE & UPHOLSTERING WAREJR.OOMS. STETEIfS & ZUO, ÍN lheloer erfd of ihe Blook. dironly oppíisite tlie Michigan Ksfm.ANGK, have 011 liand a Urge aasortment ol' FURNITÜRE, : tlieir own manu acturc, uhicli lliey will sell very lo for Catti Tliey alan keep experinncM] Upholeterer, and lo du all kinds of Upliolstering at tbe shoi test 1101 ice. Farniture o! all kinds made to order of the best material, and wurranted. . STKVENS & 7-UO. Detroit, Jandary, 1, 1847. ' ü'.'7-ly Tö Vñl FARMCI.8. 2OÍ1 ''''"' Superior Wool Twine. nnd .1 I ti !) isMiiiiiii-: ■ -i ' '" uloi Is cl n'.l tind . ■ ■ :■■■■■. i f pnrli i Molture l H! . .,, . ;,, [) ("a ■ i' Chiiní Di ni; Jeeiti. :'■! w Kn ve, Crow Bíiir?. Peclí Axps.Iíop. 'v-1lor iep BIG ANVÍU STORE, Ul'PKH TOWJS. m-.NKY W.AVELLS. Ann Arfcor, MSri 13, ÍStT. SOS COMSTOCEÍ & SEYMOUB, Dealers in Fanrij and Slaple Dry Goods Boots A N D S Í l O KS, II V K D W A !ï E, Croclcervj V Groccrics, al No. 3, Porlcr's Block, South sidc of the. Puhüc Square, 308 JACKSOX, M1CH. Temper (in cc IS on sel 1847. 1817. 8T E AMBO AT HOTEL. D.ETROIT, MlCü. DAWB13L BAIÏ'EY, l)virg i Hl biDwn Si nul, and ihui i ep lin I i: ihrunüli ut, i nöw i ■"'' sive tea lo ni c I ' frienda nd (He Trpvt'lliBg PwblH; 'iili "II 'hoe eonven.i nrei calculniucl in niaUe llicm cbml'ortable, md willi prieta lo '-ui1 I Meah, 25 Ceí. Eastern and Southern Stage OJicc krpt at this Home. ÜT Omnibus an I i Wngon nlw and In cónvcy i'.is" l'io I I.msc "ruo D! ' !■';.; . 8-r Pcacc Dcclarcd, AM) A TÏIEATY FORBIBB, WHEREBY S. FELCI1 can hold FrKK 'i'RACS AID CuMKilCK IN BOOTS, SHOKS, IjEATUer, and JFindiiigs ifall kinds, with oll persojia, Nativos o For. i'iu'ner?, un the followiug just and cn:i! term, viz : Óood AU íes - Lino Pnce - Uailij Vut, - and No i The 'i nina fuüy teste I the Credit System 141 hts greai lus, hoih of eonfiionco and . ,. i ,vni_' kv, il', it d in uch losa l.y fite, neecssit; . ui ' cullcet hia puy ' bifire harvtsl," as "rrr.n barvkst nnd sext i i l. " leaving hiin smlli in the j''ii .c. He has come to t lic aine conclusión ibnt cériain BCniible girls rfid on b 1 ite oecnaion, ('cc a or m 'ausband, reudy rmy Of n Shocnmtking ) All persons thqi cmt cnforin to ilic abovc reoty II dn well to enll 5n S. FtUii. Ann Arhor, Lnwei T.iwn, No. 4 Hiirnn Bluck, whe r ihay uill hot ba taxeJ for oibers' v.oik hq pïiy. N, 1!. A!' p '.1 in nny wny l'fl :!ie S''' i '""iil pay f ilicy nest ;uv' mean to Uuep so. C97 e... B. ÍEI.CH. Ann ArboT, Lowr Town. Jan. i, 1847. ROWLAND'S best Mül Saws, 6, 61, nnd 7 reet. Ro'wland's beat XCut Saws, nnd T (eet. h C. S. Pit S.iwp. H and 7 (eet. or American Mili S:iw Files. 10 to lfi inche. For sale at the sign oí tiie Big Anvit, Upper Tuwn. TJKNUY W. WELLES. Ann Arhor, Un. 10, 1847. y LINSEED OIL! ! Tiin Subseriber is manufacttiring Lii (Jil on un extensiva scnlu and be is atuu to MERCHANTS AMD PAITTTER8. on terms rnore Tmv )r-i!)lc fnr tlir-in ihan have evei liatofe l'eun oiTored In 'liis country, and he M nrepared lo supply orders for larga er smuil quantitica al priees ettremely luw. IX Cdmmonicatiomi by mail vill be prompt ly allende I to. D. L. LATOURETTF.. Long Lake. Gencseo Co. Micli. 283-ly Fins! Tmmi F.T. B. CRANË would rc.-pectfu'ly notify the citizens of' Ann Albor, nnj ihesuiroundilig country, that lio continúes to act af Aptii of iht HARTFORD FIRE ïNSÜRANCE COMPANY, and wil! insure Property ngainst Ussos bv Fire. ai lui.owi's' rafea, nh.' witli deap ■ ■ accurnoy. 'iVr Hertford fesuraoce Coinpany is otra of the ollosi and most sinhïe in the country, Bnd :il! losses stfstiiïned l.y thrm w1ll !■ - as ihey evel have been - ï'uoMrrr.Y paid i Fin1 ta ;. i ons element a tui nol to be irifled witli: ;1" mak e tip yotor mimi to cuniH ag.iirrst. it anci dos'i del.iï ! A ícw Iiouisdelay may le youi ruin. Mr. C:;ani;'s OITice ;o in Crane's new I?Ic'i. corner o! the l'ublic Square. Aun Albor. 280-tf TEETU! TEETHH TEETII.'H MASTICATION and Articulniion, warruuied by their being propafly ré B. D. BÜ3ÏÏÏETT, ill contiiniH tbe practicó ol DENTISTRY 'm til i's v.-iiiotts brancbeSf z: Scaling, I''illiiiLr. ■t:il [nseftingnn g-!;l platea or pivots Prom on to an ('unit.1 ffetu OM platea or tnisüta remodud. and tnado qqual lo new. OFFICE vcr C. I!. Th itnpson & Co. 's P!mi Store, J,iili"s wha reqsest it, can be waited on a ilieir dwelüii;:. W. B. Charges uñasaslly low, a:id all kiiii! of PRODUCE taken. Ann Aibor. Dec. 5, !P:fi. 2f3 - tl WATJKD, nt Porry's Bwokslore, 'i TonA elean Cotton :uid Linca Ilays. i Becsvv i.. and 3500 Dolíais mi cash, lor ihp Inrcostassoii merii ol lioo'ts and Stationcry over oiierod in thi . mul at liis us'inl low price. Ann Arbor. Upper Villaje, üct. 7, 1846. 2se-tf JUSTARRIVED BY EXPRESS riIIK Miziri Collt'ction of Sircred Music. b I E. lvrs Jun - eoníiiiiiiiiií the celébrate Chrisiusand Miserere by Zingareili wiih Eu( ligh o: ds. Tendiera if Mnitï vrill ploasc cali and cxau nc ihe wuik at Pkrt.t Se ü-Tor.K. Oclo'icr 7, 1815 üSO-tf THE LIBERTY MINST REL ONE HUNPRKD CQPIES of the fifth ea tion ol iins hihly popular work are lor tal at the Siena] office at 50 cents sinylc, or i..r) [ier dozen. Ternjs Coih. No.v is the time lo Liberty choira to stippiy themaèlvci. vn. s. BRoww, Attorncy 1% C ounselor at L au ANN ARBOR, MICI1. ( FFICE willi E. Mustt, V.sei. 2!)7-ly BRASS CLOCKS. A lnrgo lol o :in hour and H day BraM Clocks Caí sale ai N and f82 by the case. 302-U" J. W. TÍLL.MAN. MEDICAL B00K8. ANEVV lot -Medical Hooks. just opeue and for sa .rnenp for cash nt June ir. S! Psrkt'i} f mi ,rbor r. ... Cj_j r V ! TilK Subssnbei hoving liurehnsed the interJ, M. Koekwi 1 in 'ii" M -.. would nform -be i nl I ol tli e umi nlj linina eounfies. ih i he vill c ii bus na i ilifi utd BlanJ. in liie ITpper Town, sbyteriun Churcli. anti manufscluri Monument, Gr-ii-e Sl.oncs Painl Stonc TaMels, St. i-c. Tlmo wltliiiiL' i" nlil 1 1 1 ;. arlicle in hislin ,f businej? II Hnd by Hing (lio) he ha i B nnil Varieunfed M irble froi tbs Enw rn ' irblè ftiirries. w'hicb wil 1 In ,n Modern iyT ■ itentern pr oriniuiri only ,r':''1 "i" 8 ,,{." W. 1 gINO. Am, Ail nr. .J-in. 3'). IHiT. 872 Ty NEW GOODS! Cheap for Cash!! Til!-; Siíbsuriberstoeg leave Do inform iheir ,.; ! i-iiv ..-. -".'I tbe pulilic (t?nerul!y. tli .c ihoy nrn now i i ■ ..I EngHsk, Airíericdn iw -"! „ 7,,í. (.; lODS, Crockery, Shelf Hardware, PáinU, Oils, Dycslvjfs, Drugs and Medicines. V ro ganernl nsïjrtinenl ol IRUN. suiíable ,,.. vVa on i m i Uu ■ . Na'ü Roda, Hoise fi'r.i'i. and l!":!e Noils, Shcoi Iron, Tin Vare nnd Tin PLitc - also general absuilEOOTS SIÍOF.S, r.ei and Hiinwle'woik, ntí'cütom work to uit piwcbisera All oí wliieh ilicy will nll un he luwfst pnfsilil; iciiiislui Cash nr Bai.tí.k. 'eeüng confident n e do, thai we eon tnoke t lor lije iiiicrt-si iil":ill ihose wislriag 10 pur. linse nny f tin., aiii". ■■ tnentioned Goodg, We solicil ni le8l nu invi e f our Gj.uIj uii.í prieta bef'ore purchasing dscJAMES GIP.SON & CO. wVo. 3. Excliangc SSlock. Aun Albor, l-.e. 'J'uwn, Sept. 1-3. C CL O CKS AND IVA TCIíÉS ! ! jgSq2 FTMilI, SubscriGerhas jiisi L3ww ■. -- retíeived. (and s conjfr'í 'J&mSj s';""'y ' ' "''" i'N_ Hffif New York an elegant at d IA 1 UJ vvo" s(;'ccl':J ass-üruneni Jewelry, Clorlis, SVatchcs, i!tc. ócc. hointends iobiII ns(;teu8SI :ihj )t!e! esiablishinem ibis èide ol BnfTalo for n i h aionhj amoifg vi,icii n ay be róund iheiollöw ii'{: n zvoA asortinent o Gold Finger llinps. GoldUren! pina,Wristlel Güiird Chaina and Key. Si f ian Silver Tea ai . ï -; (firc ilver n:.(! ( ■ ■ - ugar Tongs Silver SsltjMnBiord nd !n ,. B m nS, Butler Knivts, Guid :uid Silvar Pencil Cases G.l.l eens, ' ' Pericil, Silver and öermaa Siiver ThimWe. Silver Spectacli s, Gei a an and E li el t!o. Gogglea, Clotjies. Hai'r andToofh Rn [.ariiei Brnshos, llaz e nd Pockci Kn 1 Si-iasurt;, Knivi s nnd Forks Brittosnia Ten Pols ai il Cuslore. Pbtcd, Gr;iss anrt Britlania CamllestickB, SnuH'crs &. Trays Sliavine Imxesand Soaps. Oliüpman's Besl (L?.o Strop, Calfand Moroceo i. Siik and CoMon puree. Violins and B.iws. Violin md Base Viul Stringf, Flutes, pifee. Claiioneis. Accordeon - Hius-ic Bonke for the same. Motto fc'e:i!s. Pu-el Pens BBd ; pco lioxes. tvïiry Dressing Comhs, Pule and Bnck and Pock,; Q0n i, WaierPnmts and I) utiee, Toy Watches, o rent varicty of DolU. in shorl tlie urriitest variety of ld i ijronghl 'i imni]o:. fan y work boxis. chü(irsn's teasetts, ',,;,, _■ ue Hnii Oa, mollina Snlta. Court PloB'er, Ten Bcils. Thermometers. ). VVood Pensil, BRAGS AND WOOD CLOCKS, S:c. in toet almost every i piense the fancy. J.adics nnd Gemlemen, ca.ll and examftoe for yonreelvcs. ,; and Jewelry repnirrd and wnrrnnted on short noiiee. Sliop nt lus old tand, opposimU. Hécker'gbriek Store, in tlie . accupied by M. WTieerer CALVIN BT.TPS. N. B. - Cnsh pni.ï fnr old Gold A, SiJver. Anti Ailior. July Ist. 184(i. 271-h '' ■'. ,- ■- - . . t rtMIE SUBSCRIBER has received h J. winter stock, wliicli lioollcis fot Coi at greatly reduced prices 'l'iic i'nlilic are.inviud to cill, examine, ar.i for ihpmselvés. Now on h;iiil. ond doi BOFAS of ( ■ v poriety and pattei ii in. m ici - Irom $'■ 0 ;"l(l "I . DIVANS, OTTOMANS, LOUNGES UUREAUS, ol uil kind, from 1 and op. ra, Card, TeS, Dréi, l'ier, Di:iing, an Xi.-i Tabli o. NN'.isli. C0dle, nnd I'nilet S tundí. Beusteads- Mahogony, M,ople, und Wilnu ! up. i Fortes ':nio Cnvnrs ; l'inno Stool Ponble nnd single Mjiikscs oí huir, sime! palm leaf, or airáw. Duublo nnd single Cot Ilcc'Bieatïs. do do Writing Deaks, CMAIRS.- Tb, heel nseorimrnt tl::t cnn 1 iound weetul New Vork and tlie cbeapott ihia city. inJsjr Chairs, a good nrticlo, nt $250 tl sett. Mahognny Frcnch Ctiairs, lir seat, n first rn article, and well fi 3 6l; Csafi only. iMiiIiognny Rocking CIkiíis. hair eal and !;ic warrnmed goúd, at tbc luw price uf $12, lur tl caah only. l'i-! and Cann Seat from (is. ntul up. Bird Cnjei, plain and giller : Iüril (üasse Hobby Horses, and Toy Wheelbarr.oW8, forhi dien; Patent ffhowei and liip i BaAs Boli Bath Pona, Camp Stool. Uipbrella and II Stands. Fiincj BeüoWs, Fooi 8crapr8, ';n Seat Co&nter and liont Slooli. ('m ia in ittaterii T;i!i!c covers. Palen! l'ost-OHicc linlances. l'i uno Fratnes, Willuw Waaons, Crndles, ('hair Clocks, and Baskets; Brittafinia Tuble Castoi verv etieap. Mahügany nnd Rosowood Vendors ; arnis and Japan : Bronze, IVTatiogany Knob4, Lock Glur. CurlcJ llair, nnd Cune Beata. Also, a l'iri'í' B9SQrtment of American Cas tors, eXpre .■■hr for pabini Makers, very chea Cash and the hljhe markct p:ico paid l'o niiv qunntiiy of WaTnnt nnd Chèrry Lurnber, 1 wtll nlso contract torany qwöWtty ol lir rate Walnut íjUinlicr. lo Ikï wnwed to order, aiu doíivered by the Ist of June next. J. W. TILLMÁN, No. P7. Jeff;: on Avenuei Detroit, Joauary 1, 1817. 297-Iy BOOKS! BOOKSÜ AT PERRY'8 i;(;KSTOI!K. TO THE PUBLIC TUF, nndersigned bavrng reiurned from New York wiü) a uew, large and iraluableitoek 'iooks, Stationen) and Paper IlangingA, ,; huw n-.icly to eell fot Cosb, ;niy lliiogintóf line nt !ii. luw Mand n Moin Street, oppo , il. Bi cker'i B ii : Í iori . Hè v ill By (o Dook purehnwr. ihw. by hi ff is JasJ fill on his re'urn (rom New York, ijie price of nearlj ovory iliin'.' in his Ifirt i bcon scld li fora. ud had il nol ben for liiw, i era would hnv? coDtiiiued lopny tlie piici - i Kifoie i-ii tTgftti. i con aay nlso, thm hi BnJei have ben be , ■ lions. sliowini conelusiveljr rhsi a pulilir iienéftctor. nlMiodpl i 10 muil, willnot gu.uBrewardedlntliien liiihleiie I comnmniiy. He ía ibnnkfnl I r tho favor nlronay oe1 und wnulii rospccifíilly s IIlíi n cominuance of th ' i ,. v. utd eay lo thosé 6 Ko nevi ■i! books ni !ni'. ihsi lio wil! show tlien : w iih ptoantre a' nny lim ihry moycall tehctfier ilíey wirii (o pun iiot. Cash nr1i'r$ from ihe ciHinliy wiH h n ■ ir. an I tbc I ?onswerepn . 10 end ihe pufetofr. II will nlso fccil to rbiíJ.en bs cheap os their pil'urchnseri will ! wfll m exnn fue IiíseiocU -inri prícea lie Do??' forsettlicpJacn: le snre yc.v cali afPERRY'SBOOK STORE, on Main Street, a few doors South of the Puhlic Square. WM, -R. TEÜKY. Aun AíBor, Jone 27, T8 :(. Íi69-if THRESHING MACHINES. TUK undereifned would infuini ilie public (hat be nianalacturfa Morí e Pi w i ■ Thrcsliiiig Maclunis ai Scio, 01 u superior kind uneniiil !y himsell'. Thcsj Titacih ;iik1 Michinr.s aYe particulafi) nnpted lo4lie ol Kjiirnejs lio w i -ii lo uw thein lor [hreshing their umïi grein, 'i i ' er, tbreshrand ÜJiluros'ca'n all hv logded ÍDto a Miini in s:zt (I wnirt'ti höx and drnwn wiiü one ■ir ol' borsi s. '1 me 'ii siguí d lu i iili fui burses. and "" nily tn nj lui mi min:!. : r. and ;- usi -i v. ,ili s. oi iilit norses with . Thpy ivork wiili trenth ol liora " oi-tit ol ss (Jone iban any oilicr power, and wtll ! y ;', 1, '.1:11 i.i-l i '■, i in ;lt p l ay w'uh foui lior:fs. I.i i ■ IS" ishels whcüt were threshed in lince buur; 'ith loiif hoi Tilia Power and Machine cnntnin nll tlir mlantages hecepsnry t.i make ilieni profitelite u o. porchiser. They ate airong nnl d !le - 'licy nre ea'sify moVed from one pnee 10 anoihr. The woik ut il, e utitca is say on t lit owpit in con pniison 10 o liois. anti OWKR niiy odirr power arid mai ayeevci been sold in ihe Stofe. aecaffline toibe cnl vaTl r 'I nuics ihat e. küuun to beV&Sblnlet) ood I hnvp n number of Powera 'irul Mr,cliine? iow icndy for s;l(? and persona wíafiing iu Inri re invitcd to cni! sduij. SEPAUATERj?. I nm prepiredio muLe Separa'eis fui ihow eho may want ihèm. The u'.ility nnd gdvanorges t;f i!iis P.iv er and Machine. wiH appcar e : i' nt Iti all on examini ni1 lie r.ecomnïei - low. All persons ara anniioncd ngninsl tn and Machiix s: tin? ;- ..■■■- inving adoptcil fhe i ■ iem tor the sawe wi tl . equired by law. S. W. FDRTrR. Scio, Wasblrnsw Cn , Mich;. .Junel. , RECO-M.'.IKNDATIONS. Diiviti" ibe year i-!5. caphol ilihndii liurchstetl and U8 d i wiih others, oi:e of S. VV. Fostcr's nci i-ented Hor?e I'uvveis ; n d ihreslñnj nnd ".cc rfiey ■■■■re. detlor arin] ■ ufe of Forniers wbo wam Powers nd tluir owb use llian auy other power in our knowletfco. Tl io be ueed iih four horses and are af ampie sironpili lor tiuit nuiïibr. Thcy nppenr t'o b coiisiiuctc:! i;-, such n mnnner ;jí to r ;i''r;r riien virvy durnble wiih lit.tle !i.-i!i;iiy of p [[[;■L onj o They nry eisily moveH fi ui :;noilier. Thcy cñn be vorked wiih nry humher ol hn.nla Froni four to tight, and wili ihfesli ilbol't SOO hlis'n'ls whpir per i J. A. J'OUlfciHUSScio, VValusnawco G. BLOÖD.. T. RPCRARDSON, " SAMUEL HI'AÏi', " ?. P. FOSTER, " ' N. A. PriFLPS, " ADAM SMITI?, " ' s. tn. bowen1. )., -n " WM. WALKErt. Wcburer, " THOS WARREfí, " " I). S.MALLI.Y, J,oJi. " I thrèehed last fall and winier w.'ili one nf P4 W. Foster's hnrso powers. mine ihnn filierii :. The repiira beeWWed iipmi ilie power nmoumed to "tlv ().} cew ; was in pond order when I had done ihmliing. 1 invariübly uted six horpns. A A RON VüUNGLOVE. Marión, Jun (i, 1 S Ifï. I purehnaed cue ol S. W. Fosfer's horec powers last (iiil and have used it lor jubbtflif. 1 have ueed mnny dilTereiil knds of powrs and helieve ihis is the best running power I luive everseen. D. S. JUKN.NET. Hamburg, June, )t' We pnrehased f S. W. Fosier'p Morse Powers lasi feil, and Iiüvc ustd i t and tliitik it is a fiist luto Power. JESSE HALL, DANIEL S. HALL, REUBKN S. HALL. Hamburg, June. 1S-ÍÜ. !H AT TUL P % NEW DRUG STORE, jjj 5 íft 2?'íe Crecí-, callcd the t 2pothcc(irics MSoll-, 5 F "ÏX71LL l)f loiind 8 cíe, rjhnricv. and J, fl TT complete aesortntent cfUrnge, S H icine Chtiiiiicnla. Oils. I'ninty, Oye-Sïufis, ? (rricr;:s, BüTgic.l Fnstroments, E'atent 3 y MoJicinea, School Fo iks. Faney Go S Jüwelry, tVc. purchased directly ql tfafl J 83 porteis ; which are ufil-red to the ü JJ nity tt ns luir p;ics ;is ;it any nilier t:..ii j Ii8hraeni ín thu State - Detroit " i' bj Phyeicians, Sufgen, ind the Trade, pj Jt will be supplied upvn the lotcest tam. - i Presciptions and orders attended to with cíiív and desputek' ï" Ji Be bute to rpcollect ihe place. 2 Jj G. F. HARRISON & CO. K ■g !' k, i!7. 3t3 S TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. TUE Sulisciiher ha constantly for eale gooú 08sortment of heavy WOOLEN CLOTHS, we]} sdapted toiliecountry market vibich h wil] scll at witoli f-:ilt! or :et:nl. vKiiy Lovv. C;tlt and x'ui at the Mínhvttan Storr W. A. &AYM0ND, 27."-tf 1), troit. Ë. G. BURGER, Dentist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. SI. & T. W. KOOt's STOREj JHAXE & JEWETT'e BLOPK, '261-tf ANN ARBOR. C CLARK, Att ney and ounselor, niid .litstiiv t Pean'. j.'Offirp. Courl Houee Anti Arbor i lOif Tl.i-i ecellent eoropound ie ior BaU t y the ' MAYNAUDS. 'BY IM'USTF.Y Yií THP.IVE!' Kcvj and FashioKcblo TAILORING ESTABLISI-linfi'IXT. 'In llif onc prcL'nanl .-u j i l CLOTHES, riglxly underyoed. i üjclutled all tliai nien hnve ihoughi. dreitnied, dom", and been ihe u;le exiemal Univi tbat il hal ia ia bot cloihing ; and ih essence ol nll 6cifnc li?a in lire 1' ii 1 1. o 5 o p 11 ï o r C i. o t ii r. s .- Cinly'c. TïlLï Subscrü ers having fornied a co-pMnerbip (nr ti ai can j ing nu iliu Taiioiing Birsiness n all lts branclietff ■uuld rake iliit mcitiod ol nformfng ibe i i Aun Albor and vu-iniiy. ihai ihey i Coytid i il.iir uliop, So. IÍ), eouih MaiiSl-t wliee lliey are prepsred In !o Bil wotk in il.eir '; . i: I.!. l} Ie, r iiiii;ibilityf by any oil.t - - ■ ' , liti eni ín the Tltote centU'incn me p.TiicuIaiIy nvilcd in onll wl.'p prefer bnving ilitir garments nitide ir wherA none bui experirnccd 'v lin en ire fimployed, ir.H't.i.! t being matte dy a shop lull ol i'itls - for, be il known, ihal we m ploy ui the bi n) liai ds, ni d hüviti n adfi ficrniani rments ili G. C. Peoii o" ■ Y mk, ilie Nnpuleon ol Failiion Pul lithers, 1 's A mericnn and Ki V' ! ül1 ; tiis ' Afírror '! Fui iTnr.è," ii Moiïrtily Periotlicol, íeVoted i ncc of cutting nnd nmking garmciHa of ill kinds - ihcae itdvnnjnj ned v. ni, ;l.e tuienin-n ni id x r t , í i ■ o) ihE 8ul f ril f s. t ' i - r ; i ■ c ■ - 1 ! . 1 1 j i s !■! nol Uii g uilt i ;-s. on v i' I e j nid id ih cuitirg i gnni . . ■ . b infbtniftiion ol all forcruied, ihat iIh cry oí [Ue tBitor&'is nlt i hen i ).-■ s'iy il.c uihinsí h; c tpt.ilcd lili r:imcni - llu le :." li[:(8 ol i: i !.i; g a ; Oori lii ol it ; wlici . ol evk) hín(lufl ti;t fíiult üt'&n; rile cu! !( i '.■. i' 'i lieirf'.irc. (o i tu a velo n tliis tT;í h d of do iiLr huí : ;t ■-. rlifl subsoritifró ufe i í i: r c ï lo wnrrnnl 'I iIipíi i i he im.verfal pro; i 1; '■ i 'i p i v. : rni n v rhiui ñu] i'i ól iril's. j- ; ; 1 1 i:l, ( do notvet ' - i:i .-is ilii personificniion ol' perleciioir, vel il v. !! !■(■ l.n i.i' in mind ihai we na' iiiliing so plain, ihnt a luilorcs cbuuoi n iip wror e il f be tj y. Oni ;! . ■_' ij uit; : vre i!l rfo ovr Wf rt jnn ri ciiir CusKin er ivikli h i!, r,' . fol we ! I lUfm in i' 'i :i : ■ lo ilieir tturk, rrtd i o! iiirselvcf : ond in lefuin, e i.]ici thfm lo p'enisp lis by Ai'lifiiuh f-1 íi.p love oí ni'iuvip iIp rnoi of tü i'!.'' vt ' ms it ?p vfiy n;cce-rt' in ilrff-i ('- fcnerle times, ve u!l !;■ :i 1 ! c rn! riisecunt ..: Ca. L. MILI S, C. E. MARTW. Kan Aii'dv. Jnnuofy A. !?. CHEAP ËTOVES AT YTSlLAXTl! Í)K COÓKÍKG & STOVF.S, SJ' jugl n ri ived, liy llie Schrei iber; (mon'y from Aümiiy) niiiking a gm.d m tul of tbe i.TK . ■ liioh i ili In Eu!d ai .'.'ir P i bc tinder&uid iliis biiie Laks Aiso. "(.-ner Furnii ■ ron IO::!'i, Wnre of al] sizcs. Stuve Pipe. Shec i on, .ijink. ii'c. Ï'LV Miriuüietured. nnd eonsianily Kepi on bknd hi li wil] ,. ; j (v S. - rui v II do wcll to cal! otad nefüf theirown 8alhftciinn. J. M. BROWN. Tpgitam!, J:n20v. lg-!(i. i7 1 1 FÖR SALE CVP toa CASH) oj everj kiod ofcoi-r. trv Produee, Sqddles, Lridlcs.Harvcss, Tninks, Valites, TrurJ: Taisra, Carpet Bags, $c. Also a lmo i ■'--■ "in e lll ,.i . i, P. & 1 . ,- s r r f . whicli wül bu sold vriy low, mul nq I (.(JOK A KOlJhVsbN'S. Ann Arbor, Auriisi 10. i 846. '.;7-tf nEADir MADE EÏAM.GCK & RUJIOTÍDi HAVKnow nn hanrf, jnst mai ufactured unricr ilirir n n ii;si i 'iciion. al iii i K'i-ll kpuwri C LOT HING EMPORIUM, corner of J ■ Woodtcurd avenves, Detroit, oiii ul ihi largesl and most cúmplela nesortn ens of lieady linde Clothivg exfx bofore oiiered n ;lius Sciu1. w Inrit iliey nre prfpnred tn sc!l ni i'.ic r, y ' ir -! Ca.'lt prices, tor thee nes. Cali and see I ! Detroit, Jan. 5, ! 8 7. í9?-if COKlí, RYE &. U'HEIT. WANTED by the subscribera, 10.000 l. 1 1. 1., ol Eurn - lO.iii U búshsúcrl R-'e, ind I0.C0 1 huslii'ls of vcdattliO Steom Mili, for wliich C:ish wili be I : l.VfiAl.I.S. LAMB, & ÍJSHF.R. Ann Arbor, Jan. 4, 7. 298-lf. BRIGHT and Black Log Cliains, 5-16, 6,16, 7-li. A 8-JO wrapping do. iSnr-'ght ond twiated link Trice do. Halief do. For snlc very chenp at the sign of tbe Big Anvil, Uppnr Ton. hi:i?y v. welles. Ann Arbur, Jan. 10. lí-47. 2. 8-1 y BLLOT5MIÏHS TCOLS " i RMITAGE Mouae Hole" Anvüs. J%. "'Wrtghe.'' do. Coitere) Keypd Vices. V. est'sbeei Bellowa, 30 to "tí incliess. , Hanri Hammers. l'ils and Rnsps of evB'V kiod, can bu lound al Üie Jion Store, sien of ihe Big Anvil. HEBTRY W. WKLLES. Ann Ardor, Jan. 10, ]t47. 298-ly BLAÑKST Warrantt Deeds, Quit-Claim Deeds, Mortoaoks, Chattf.l Mortcages, BüMMONSJES, SüBPtENAS, Attaciiments, execitioxs, Leaseb, Masters' DjseoSi foreclosures ix cliaxcery, Marriage Ckrtifica'ti s. The abo ve ure printed on good paper, aflpr tho most approvod forma, and cnti be had by the single, dozen, quire, or hundred, at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor, Lower Towil. November 1, 1846


Signal of Liberty
Old News