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Letter From S. T. Creighton

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C.-ntrf.vilm:, May lat, 1S47. Yrv. ■.:-■ F08TBK : In looking over your paper of the {'., I noticed a communication si-r.ed " A-," in which the writer says that he próposed to the citizens o hts place to givo me nn invilauon to delivrr itíem o course of lecturas, an 1 that they refused to do BOj Hom the fact, that 1 was reporte. 1 to be denuncialoryofchurchpsaml Ministers, especially of I). D's., ■ Decil Daubers," (l suppose he raentit deviPs drummers.) it the friendo oftheslave whohaye hoard t'iese roports without any qjalificafrotn our qpemies, rmy understand my posilion concerning the Chuivh and . try, is the object of this communication. First, then, I do dënounce the American Church, as suoh, as being proslavery; es standing wkh her ecclesia-tical heel iie neoks and hearts of more than foilT hundred tliousand of her own church members; as being steeped in human gore to her very li[s ; as having her aliars erccled upon the flesh and I, bones and sinews, of God's imnge ; as hoving her sacramental robes 11 innocent blood. Second, then, I do denounce the great mass of the Ministers of these Churches, may be found D. D's and worsof iheolngy as being guilty of s which would put to blusli the Algerine Pírate. n, ave, Ministers of the Gospel (?) who wil! sell tlieir sisters on the auclion block for the southern Seraglio, wliat are they, íf they aro not Devils Drum L). D's. who will tear-frotn the husband's embrace his boloved partner, parate tlem never more to meet untU the Arch-Angel shall proclaim the final judgment, what nre they, f they are net Drummers ? D. D's. and 'ssors of Theology, who will rob trundiebeds and eradles of their ientnortal co-.itents, and sel'. t!em on the auction Hoek by the pound to gét monry, with I to buy Bible3 for the poor heithon - wkat are they if they are not Deri.'s L'rrmrws ? D. D's. who will f cl 1 Jeus Cbrisi in the person of his " litt!e on tha southern plontalion, and it the money into the treasure of . ird fihusproving themselves b!acker in heart than was Judas;) what are they and for whom do they drum if no! for tho Devil? And f they are guilty of these charges, are they not commi'.ting crimes that would put to blush the I'iHATiS 1 Ans-.ver, ye who w ill. Uut it may l;c sal that tho persons who commit these deeds are southorn men, and thn ministers of the norlh are Bot rcsponsible fgr their conduc'. I ansu' r ihnt the direct perpelrators resiJfi at the south : bnt thoy commit thess acts of dmnning crime, and bloeding sorrow undor the direct str.cliun of the norlhern Ministers and Professors of reliffion, wlio extend to thcin the iigh'. hand of Christian fellowship, and brotherly love, henee they aro equally mplicated n the g-iüt. But while I speak thus of the Churches and .Ministers in genera!, Iet it not be understood ihat 1 nclude all, for I do not. There are many noble exceptions ; thero ;ire Anti-Slavery Churches, and Anti-Slavery Ministers; wilh such I have no issue, bul bid them God speed. Wliile I condemn and denounce a proslávery Church and Ministry, I at the same time advocate the building up of an Anti-Slavery Church an 1 Ministry. I am a beJiever in Cliurch, and Churc!) orginization ; but let the Church be buik uporf tbc cternal principies of Trutli áfld Justico, wilh its foundation stone lakl deep in the Ocean of God's loe, and not in ihe blood of h3 downtrudden poor. These aro t lio principies wiiich I Jove, and advocatsd wherever I havo lectured. Yet there ure men profest ng to be chrislians nnd Vlinistcrs of Ihn Gospel (t) who willfully niisrepresent rny view no other purpose than to iujuretny nfluence in tlio righteoua c.iuse of emnnoipatior. " Verily, ihcy have ihc-ir reward." In conclusión, I wouldsay tomy friand 'A.,' nnd his friends, that f t; ey wish to Imvo me lev.-iure.-in their placo I will i1o so f they will infonn inc wbere it i, nnd wheiher or nt a house can be obtained, &c. My Post-Oflioe apdreis, (or ;i few weeks lo cotiiv?, will I'C Adriaa, Mich. Yours for rip-lit,


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