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UVR ADVEBÏISERS . ihia head, we publiah, free of iharge ha n-jnie, residence, and bi-sihes, of iliose who „avenid in the S" ok Libebtt. Wh Wagib., M " T'J". Ann A.bur. C. PmBKTTE, Güld Pens, Detroii. M'i.MiitE. Insurance, Ann Arbor. W.W. Dter&Co-, Jewelers, Uexter. . T. H. Akjutüong. Mj's, feo., Detroit. Beckleïs & Thomas. MerehanUj, Aan Arbor K. B. ÜI.AZIKS, Karin for Sale. Ann Arbor. S. VV. Fostbk, Thresliing Hacliines, Sow. S. & W. Mavnakd, Drugsisis, Ann t,.u-TO,K & ScnOUB. Mercl.anls, JnckBün T. H. AiiMTKO.No, Hul Siore, Deiroit. J. Giwwa Co., Mcrehints, Ann Arbor. W K PiitRV. Bookttjlar, Ann Arbor. C. Ctin, U Offieej Ann Arbor. G. F. Lkwis, Broker. Detroit. E. G. Burger. Demist, Ann Albor. C. Bli .-, Jeweler, Ann Arbor. F. J. B. Cbane. Insurance Office, Ann Arbor. D. L. Latoobi itk. I.inseed Oi!, Long Lake. W. F. SpaÏldiso. Marble Yard, Ann Arbor. Kvm-pA Haüi.asd, Machinisis, Ann'Arbor. 1). 3ifcEY, 'i'einperonee House, Deiroii. G. f. Hai:ki.-n t. Co., Druggista, Ballle Crk, Mich. Cook & n.onr;sos, Harneas Makars, Ann . RatmosC, Mwchant, Detroit. J. M. Bbowk,, Ypsilnnti. M. Whkelkb, Mercliantjnn Arbor. H. W. VViLi.r.s Haidware, Ann Arbor. .1. Sraqi E, Tailor, Ann Arbor. S. I), r:u, m:t. Deniist, Ann Arbor. SA.rui:i. V JiKOTUF.HS, Gein of Science. Stlvens & ZOOS, Uphulsierers, Delroil. W'm S. liiio.v.N, Attorney at Law. Ann Arbor. S Felch, Öhoe Store, Ana Arbor. Mills & Martin, Tailors, Ann Arbor. I. VV. Tiir.uAN, C-binet Ware, Detroit. Hallóos & Roi Cloihing Store,! De Jnoalls, Fisher, Sieani Mili, Ann Ariór. THE PROTECTiON INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONJV., CONTINÚES to insure upon the most ble tenns, iKvellmgs bnrns, nierse, milis, Biock in millo, and ovher kiiulf of nsurable pnpeny. Applyiotho office of their Agency al Ann Arbii. nithe post office building, opposile the Bank of Washtenaw. D. MINT1RE, Aefint. April, 81, 1847. 31-tf A List of Books FOR SALE BY FO"íLERS ó WELLS, At The Phrenological Cabinet, 131 Nassau Street, NEW YORK. All of which are neally bouud in chenp lorm. exprkssly 10 send BïSiviL, at the present i.ovr rítks of postage, at ihe prices ;,ffixed to eac!i work. Our friendí at a disiance may now endose the money for either of tbe followiflg worka, and reeeive thein by the return o!' the first mail. rrHENOLOGY VliOVED. 1LLUSTRA') & A.PPLIED:- 36ineduion, enlargcd. ; : O. S. Fowlkr: containing over 600 pages l'irno. niustrated by 'jpwnrds of 40 engiavings. A "kactical Standard wolk on the Sciunce. Price $1. MEMORY NTELLECTUXL LVPROVE AT.VÏ' : - New edition. greoily enlargcd and improved. By O. S. FowtKR. Appüed 10 eelf edticniion and juvenile nstruction. Illustrated by engravinas. A valuable work f'orold an.' yoiinj. Pp. 230. 12mo. Prie 60 cents. RELIC1OX. XXTULALAND REVEMED: - Or iho Moral Bearinos uf Phrenoloy, conipared with ihose enjoined in the Scripïure. By O. S. Fuwler priue 50 cents. LOVE ANDlPARENTAGE:- Apnlierl to the Jmprovement of Offsprrng. By O. S. Fowleu. Of which more than cighteen thousaiui conies have been sold within a year. - Price 25 cmls. AM.kTIVENÈ8iS:-Or the evils and remeiücs ofo icessive nnd perverted srxualify. includin warning and advice lo rrw Married and Single; being a Supplement lo Lovo and Pamuage. - Priee 12 cents. MATRIMOXV: - Or Phrenology andPhysiolo gy applied !o the sclection of congenial comrii'ins tor l'fe ; by O. &'. Fowlkk. Oí whic1', mom thnn "0.1)00 copies have been sold in ihe United Stniei.besidea hnving been re-pubhsl.eJ in Kngland. Price 25 cents. srxopsrs of phrenoogy and PHYSlOLOGY:By L. N.; c. mpnsing a condensed descripiion oftlie funcions of the body and mind: also the additional disCorerMM made by thft aid of Mjïneiisni and IVeurnlogy. Illustrated. Price 12 cents. J)IAIR[AfiE: - A new edition. enlarged and imp.oved, contsining an ara'ysia ol all ihe Socia! Org.ins. arnply illustrated. Also aeoncise Ilisroiiy of jts fonns and practices in nll og's and nationa. By L. N. Fowler. Price 37 cents. PHRENOLOGWXL GUWEx- Designed for Sin.lentsof their own Characters. Most of the on;ai]8areillusiHeíi wiih IWíijagraingf,hoing each orgau,Jaige and email. A good thing for beginner, Price 12 uents. PHRENOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY:- Applied to Temperance, or the lawsof li'e and'h. of which npwari's of twenty ihousand have been sold. No one should be without it. Price 6 cents. TIGHT LiCJNG: - Or the evils of compresaing ihe r.rns of amtial life. and rherehy enfeebling the vital functions. ICvery young wo111:111 sh'juld llave a Cf'Py. This work has alsc ml an extensive sale. Price 6 cents. SYNOPSIS OF PHRENOLOGY, A CH ART : - Designed for the use ol Praclical PhrenolosistS. With upwardi of 40 engravings. Prie f cents, or $1 per hundred. THE PHRENOLOGICAL ALMN.C FOR 18-17: - Coiitiiiniaii the Likencsses of many dutiaguished individuáis, besides a beautirul eniblematical head, which shows the localiun of all the organs. Ninety thonsanrl have nlready been sold. Prioe 6 cents, or 12 copies for 00 cen's. a soüí:r $■ températe life.-- Louis CoRNAifo, and riten by hiin at the age of S3 years; with a likoness of ihe aaihor.who. by his températe habite. aitained the remnrkable oge ui 104 years, and giving directions os to the quanty of food necessary to prolon? üfe. This work has bee tr;mslated into neaily every lagnage. Pp. 228. 18mo. Price 25 cenis. TUE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNL: - Ol' 32 lartjn pajjei. on goud paper and type, amply illustrated with engravings, adapied to all classes. It wdl be found very insiructrve and usefnl. Tenns One Dollar a year in odvance. COMBE' Ff P 11 YS IO I.&G Y. - From the las pj'Jinburh eclit on. with nolea anti observationê by O. S. Fowlkr. Tliig is tlie besi Work extant on Henllli and Longevity. Pp. 32a. 8nv. Price, 75 cents. PHYS1OLOGY- ANIMAL AND MENTAL : - Appüíid to 1 he Pieservation and Restoration ot Heahli. By O. S. FonuB. - Priee, 50. EDUCATtOX: ITS ELEMEIfTARY PRÍNOIPLE8 : - Foundod on th Nïtnreof Man. I!y J G. Spurzheim, M. U. Sixth American, IVom iho ihird Lonclon edition, enlnrc;ed and mproved by the author. V. 320. I2tno. Price 50, Booksfor sale ai the Phrenogical, at retad prices onhj, allor clth"r 0 which nuiy be ordered and w by mail, al the pricc afixcd to each work. Rationai.e or CftttfC, Pi ice (iá cents. HlWIAN lip. .Hl.. " 50 PiIII.OsmI'hYOF TUK WaïKR CuilE, " ü." ' Pracpc. of the Wat kr C'uhe, " ü" ' The l'no.NOGKAfHic Claus Hook, ■' 37 TlIK I'llONOUKAlHIC RtAl'KU, " 25 " THÏ l'l:II.SOI'HÏ OF Mr.SHKRISM, " 25 " Tea anp CoKFi.r, " 15 " Just PiiSilislied, Illiislrated Editiuii ot FAMIMAR LË8SONS ON THRENOLOGY, lor Chüdreii and Youlli. lOx:eiiiivelj illusiratcd by :i lugf numher of new and onginnl engrñ Designad for ihe use ol Scbools nnd Families. L!y Mr. L. N. Fowi.i;k. Price 50 cents. FAMILIAR LÈSSüNSON PHTSIÖLOGT. for Schools and FamiUs. A niply illustmied by oppiopriate cnüiuvings. iy L. N. Fow Ier Pnce 5 cents. Illustrated ISotany, VOL. Il, 1847. ED1TED I3Y J. L. COMSTOCK, M. D., Atitlior oj' 11,'iiru Natural l'l !'■-'' py. Chtmia'ri. Áíineralogjj, Gtoíoeyt Natural y. Pinjïijlogij, eíc , asñsttd BY }. C. COMSTOEK, ESQ. The succrss pf ilio ülustrated Rntany is no longer an experifnent. fur Etltbough il has been in existenee but one year, il already has a circuialion oí about five thousaiid, a suílicient number lo warrant its eopport, wliich cannot be suid of any othor wolk of lbo kind. indeed, it is the only wort I lilis characier publislied ín ibis country, whicli prutnisea stabiliy and a long lile. VVe thmls tlie prospecta ol UiAsecond yenro this Botany are veiy fiattering. One reasun. for ihe opinión is, the lact Vmi it is now very popular, having a large circle ol' f rienda. Anoiiier very important rmson is. the ecuring of an Editor for ihe coming year, whose popiílariiy ns an nu thor ín ihe v.innns brnnchc6 ol Natural Science, is so ';xlensive os to leave bis name tanuliar lo every sludent in th" Bciencea n this couniry.- We are fully satisfied t lint ilie líoíany [, tinder the present Editors, bear llie severesi criticism, and we iniend that it sliall become tr standard work. 1 n ihe course of its pul lication, it will contain an Iniroduclion to the Nuiural Syí-tom ol' Botany, a thoroush Treatise on the iBteresting and im jortant bninch of Vegetable Phvsiology. Notices on Fossil Boiany, and descriptiun?, botli seienüfic and popular, of nutnerous epecies of plañís, ihe propenies of which, medicinal and useful, will be fully explained. In th rt, it is intended to present a complete view of ihe latest and most important faets, discoveries, and theoi re?, m every tiopariinent of the science. The whole illustrated by splendid eulored engravings, taken fioni Nature, full size, and finishid in the nighest slyle of modern art. This work is clesigned to be eminenily popular in iis npplication, and there is enoueh oí that wiiicli is stranger than fieiion about it to render it, in no ordinary degree, ir.teresting and instiuc tive. We do not iniend to confine ourselves to the botanical dtscriplions of each plant, but to make it a ihoronghly scicnlific work, in all ihe departnients ot Botany. It will aUo give inforniation on the cultivation of plants and Sowera. Ín a word, it will compiise ihe whole scicioe. We give below ihe free opinions of ihe pres?. Fr.irn ihe Christ'n Adv. & Jour.. editd by T. E. Bond, M. D. The printed .pecinicns are really exqvtisilely done ; and Ihe great marvel with ns is, how the work can be afTurded at the price of $3, ptr annum, or two copies lo an address for $5. Ensravings can be cheaply multiplied, but paintings must be executed separalely, and without the aid of labor-saving niachinery. It will give us real pleasure to nnnounce the successive nuinbers ol tbis beautiful periodical, as we have been led to think the of Botany nol unly an innocent recreation, but eminenily promotive ot' piety. From Exchange Papers. ILtTSTRATEü BOTANY.- Nunbersix of this very pre'.ty floral work bas been received. and is, as usual, íilled with plütes representing native and foreign flowers, and wilh matier rebtmg thereto. We have herctofore spoken in lerms ol' commendation of this work. We (hink it superior to any ihingof tho kind publislied. ILLTSTRATED BOTANY.- To all lovers of the beautiful in Nature and Art, we commend this work as eminently worlhy of patronage. - iV, Y. Tribune. 1LLTSTRATED BOTANY- Among the various publications that float our country, we see none that we considero!' more interest to the tiorist or admirer ot Naiure, than the Illnstrated Botany. It is illustrated with from four to six engraving9 every month, liandsomcly colored, rcpreseniing ihe plant true to nature, fis readin:; inaiter is descrip'ive of the plants represented, inakingita valuabloas weUasbeautiful work. TER MS. This work will be publishod monthly, wilh trom six to ten flowers, handsomely p;iinied, in eich number. I'rice, $:',()() a year, or two copies sent to one address For 5,00. O A very liberal discount allowed to aents. J. K._ WELLMAN, Publisher & Proprielor, No. 1 J u', Nassau-st. Janvari I, 1817. P. S. Editora who have publislied our Prospectus for the fiist year, wiil picase publish the above for thesecond year. N. R. Publishers of nev.=papnrs who who will gjve the above ihree insertions, shall receive tihc work one year. PROSPECTUS. HERALD OF Tl THThe Journalsof the day are divideii into three clnsses - rlie Sec!ari;in,-flie Partizun, and tlio Popluar. Of ihe fil'teen hundred seriai 'puMicationg inour laml, I imow of but two 01 three which pretend to be devoted to the Cause of Truth on all suhjects, unrestrained by sedarían or partizan interest, or by desire, (rom selfijh motives, to plon?e the greatest number of readers. Those which areiiot cnntrolled by some religious aect. or politica! party, or other society of exclusivos, are decitledly of tlio popular class, and will delend no cause, however good, if it be unfavorably regarded by the mats ; nor pulilish the honesi opinions ol any individual, il ilicy be opposcd to the general sentiment. Henee. he Periodic;ils of the day, do not maintain an unreserved allesiance to Truth, on the triumph of which depends the greatest gootl to the human fmity. The Cause of Truth demands Journals devoied toher interests, through whose pages the thoughis ol eyery candij mind can be brought before the public and tlioroughly canvassed. il wiii De aevoted to the ïmcrests of Rcligiom Pbilosophy, Lilerature, Science and Ari. I. will review sucli of ihe new publications as are ol stihstantial value, and canvass all ]iiesiion.ible doctrinm ihat may be published. Pfailosophsrs have demonstraied ihe infinite Wisdom and bouiiflless Bcnevolence uf' God in contemplating Hia Physical Universo, and it ia time the same demonstnitiuns were mado in relation to the MenMl World. In the former the suhlimest Order is manifest, while the latter, ihe dcbasement nnd miseries that alllict imankind, indícalo the d.;epest confusinn and disorder. He is not responaibie for the evils of the Mental Universe. for mnn originated iliem, and by man they can and will be removed. ine uiseussion ot ihe lnvfi of our mental and physical orgn.nization, and llio necessiiy of obedience to thcin, nc the only mode of regenerntion. wil] consiiiuie a particular feature of the Hkualij OL TliUTH. It will engage vigoronaty in nll thp Reformp of the d;iy whi'-.h are lonnded in Truili. and as II will ' hope all ihings' and 'believe all ihings.' lor the final triumph of Humanity ovrr all évil ihe only limit to iis aspirations will be the enlire redemption of the Human Race. The Herald ot Truth is pubiisliod monihly, in Cincinnaii. containg eighty octavo pages, neatly jrinted on tine paper. It will comprise two volimes nnnually, of 480 pages eaeh, and will be uflered on the followins liberal iprms : . One yearly subseription, $3,00; Two copies ier year, $5,00 , Five copies per year. ] I 00 Ten copies per yenr, $20,00 Twenty copies per vcar, $30,00. Olers of iweniy copies d,r tiie .xtr,.mdinary low price of rJc0. is made to those lüiie who tbrm a club and order the work to bc sent lo the same nt the Post Office. A liberal liscount will he made to Agent The Herald of Trutl) ia placed on n firm bnsis by sevenil individuáis ol great pccuniniy powci . U will appeur pratnplly on ihe tirst ol each inonlli. Pupén copving (bis froapeciue a few time will reteive llie wolk. L A. HINK, Editor.' Chicinnati. Jan. 1, 1S47. NEW GOODS. BY EXPRESS rUOM ÜEW VORK. Spring Fasliions THE iul'oriher hisjut rereived a fresh nsrorr niest of Spring iind Summer Giwds. and olTcis ihcin lor sale cfaeap, uwh ns Broadchths of all descriplion ; Salinets and Cassimeres, and evcry thing in the HÁNTA LOON ond VESTING Imc. am! every anide nsually fuiind in 11 jMercliniit TAILOR'S ESTABLISHMENT. Ha is now prapnred tü make und fii all kind of geniiemen's garment, nnH would tender his thliika 10 hie old cutloniers and llie publi.Q ecnpr.'illv. nnrl noliriis iheir fa vors. 03= GARMENTS cut lo order al all limes. WM. WAGNER, Dratek anij 'J'aw.ok. IIuiüii Sticul, Soullio the PUBLIC SQUARE. Ann Arbor, April 1847. NOTICE. rpiIIE co-pnrlnership lieretofnre exisnns beX tween Gaki.and & Le Fevrk, isJhiiday desolved by motunl consent. Either partner is authorized to uso the nnme of the firm in Beltlinii up tbc nHtstnnrlinfT business. Ali persen.indebted 10 snid firm are iwpeeted to niake itn. medíate payinent, as by so duiny they will eav . GARLAND & LE FEVRE. Ann Albor, May 1, 18-17. 315-6w Gold Pesis, PRICE REDUCED. IT s mlmitfed bv all wlio use ihem, that Piqiiette's Gold Pens nre equal if not superior to nny ever oiTered in tiiia tnnrket. price 2,50. For salo wholesale. and relnil at the manurrc!o ry. Corner of Jeflerson Avenue & Griswold St., Detroit. 3M-1yr W ï S 5& 8 W %LÏ CLOTH, CLOTÍII ! THE undersigned would inform the puMir thnt they wilt continue to manufacture Fi.lled Cloth, Cassiiniere and Flannel, Qt their Psttory, twi) and a half miles west ('rom Ann Albor, on Huron River near the Railruad. TERWS : The pvice of inaking ciolh will be for Cnssimere, 44 ets. per yard ; for Fulled. clolli, 37L cis. oer yard ; for white Flanne!, 20 ets. per yard. - We will also exchange cioih for wool on reasonable terms. Wool sent by railroad aceompaiiied wiih in'tructions will be p.'ompily altended tn. We have ilone an exlensive business in rnannfietnrin eloth for eustomers for several years. and bt-lieve we iriee as good Puiisfaction as any Kstablishment in the State. We therefore invite our old cusiomers to coutinue, and new ones to come. Letters should be addressed to S. W. Foster & Co., Scio. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 1847. 313-tf. ALARGE r'nhlron ketrle for sale by B ;CKLEYS & THOMAS. Ann Arbor, Lower Tnwn. 3)0 TWO Horse Wigeons nnrl a liuggy for sale by BECKLEYS & THOMAS. CIME into my enclosure in December last, a palo red tiEIKER, abuul two yeors olii. with a white spot on her forehend, and some white on ihe back and flunks. The owner is requested to cali, pay charges, and take her away, orshe will be sold according to lnw. WILL1AM LENNON. Ann Arbor, Match 2-t, 1647. 309-Sw fyfifl Kegs Albany and Troy Gut iXJiJ Na}ls3dto 6)d. 20 Kegs VVrought Na.ilsGdto 12d. 5') lioxes " Bellevetnin" Giass frorn 7 X Vto 10 X 14. .r0 Kegs pure Leadin Oil. 50U Ibs. " dry. 300 Gallons Linaeed Oil. 20,000 feet Pine f,umb r, seasoned, clear stufl'. Together witli a ful! nssortinent ot' Locks, Latehes, Butts. Semws, Window Blind I''asten ings, &c. fer salo at witnin n fraction of Detroii prices, at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. 111 NflY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor. Marcli 13, Iü47. 3U8 COUNTY ORDERS. TUT. higliest price paid in cash by G. F. Lew ifi Exchange Broker, opposite the Insurance Ü:mk, Detroit, for orders on ony o( tftt countics in the State of' Michigan; also for Stntc ecu rities of all kinds and uncurrem funda Cali Híl SCfí. Dec I, 1845 241 -ti On Hand Again ! THE Subscriber would respectfully nolify ihe public, lliat he is locntecl onct more in ihe village of' Ann Arbor, and ia preparcd to nccomtnodate the community with n cliuice and well selecied assortment of NEW CrOODSconsisting of Dry Goois, Grockbiii, IIahhWARK, BoOiS AND SlIOES. CrOCKFKY. &C. te. which he will sell for READY PAY as chrap as the samo quality of Gooda can be had at anj othcr store in town. Persons vvho wish to make purchasesfor Cash. at Cash Pnces, will do well to cali befurepurchasin clsewhere. By keeping the first quality of anieles, by selling at small profits, and by a fair and honorable conrse in business, he expecls to merit a liberal shiire of public patronage. Most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken in paymnnt for Goods. O" üon'l, forget the place, - on the East Side of Main strem, a few doors south of the Public Square, n the same store with C. liliss, Jeweler. M. WHEELER. Ann Arbor. Nov. 24, 1846. 2'J2-tf FÜRNITURE & UPH0LSTEK1NG WAREJIOOMS. STEVENS & ZÜG, ÍN the lower end of the Wniie Hlock. directly opposite the Michigan Exchange. hnve on hand a large nssortment of FÜRNITURE, of ihuirown mnnu.'acture, which thcywill sell very 'ow for Cash. The alsu keep experieneed t'pholstcrcrs. and are prepared io do all kinds of Upholstering al thr shortcst notiee. f'nrniturfi of n II kinds matle to order of the best material, and tarranied. STEVENS & y.Vd. Detroit, January, 1, 1817. X"J7-ly New Establishment. CLOCKS, WATCHES, AND rriHE subscriber would respectfully announce i tu ihe ciiizens of Dcxicr and vicini'y that 10 lins opened a shop 11 ihe above plHce, in llie cornur siore, formerly known as ;- SheperdV'; where he is prepared 10 do ali. kinus of repairdg in ihe line of clocks, walchcs, jcweliy &c, jn ihe shories' nolice. Hoving liml nbont twelve ■cors expeiience in eome of ihe best. Knstern hliops, hc flalter hiinsolf thüt he can give catire saliiiclwn 10 all ihose wiio may favor him wilh heir work. He him and iscon?mnily receivmg, clocks, Wiitches, and jewelry ot all dcscnpli jus, whicli lie will aell jb cheup as ihe chelipest. W. W. DEXTER. A L S O GROCERIES }{ all kind; suclms, Tens, Suottr. MotaMH, EUinos, Coflee, Peppers, Bpioe. Fish, Cancües. Tobacco, Ciars&c.. &c. And in lact evkiiyi-hing iisnally keplin sucli an csnh!ishni(ïnt( l.i iuoit F.xcKrTKD) ouiisiaiilly on hand and tbr sale cheau. VV. W. DKATER & Co. ni:xTKi;, March O, 1S47 312-if Hat, Cap, GENTLEMEN' S FURNISHING EMPORHTM. T. II. ARMSTRONG, HAVI.Vfi taken the 8tad Nú. 5S, Woodard Avenue. 3 doors noiili of Doly'a Auctkin Room. roccnlly occupied by J. G. Crnne, as a Hat Siore ; and added ilie stock of the lalter tu, hia own, and als-o engageil in maiuifacturine cvery description of JÍATS % CArX, He is now prepnred to ofTer to the Potilic ever orticle in liis line, either of his own or Mstcrn manufacture. Iwenty fivo per cent less than havo been offered in this market. In his stock will Ijc fciund Fine Nutra, Satín lieaver, Reaver. Otter. Brush an Sporting Hals, Fine Cl.nh. Siik. l'lush. Oil Silk and VnWet Oap ; also. Ricli Sük Cri.vats. Scarfs, Handkereheift Kid, Thread, Sük, anrf Buckskln Gloves j Collors, Busiims, VValking Canes, Unibrellas, &c. T A I L O R I N G . The Snbscriber has nlso secured the services of a first rale Practical Canter, by which he will he enabled to furnish garments of every stylcanrl descripiion, and in ihe most approved ana faahionahle mnnner. He is constantly rt-ceiving the latest fasliions, and, employing the best of workmen, he is confident that he will ;ive the be't of antisfaction to all that may favor him with their natronane in this branch of his busitess. 310-tf Farm Tor Sale ! ! TfIK Subscribe? oíiers for sale his Farm, situ ated two miles cast of the village of Ann Arlcr. The farm contains eighty acres of land well watered, and forty acres under improveinent. For further particnlirs enquire on the premses of ROBERT B. GLAZIF.R. Ann Arbnr, April I, lti-17. 310-3m KcvMScd Slatulcs. NOTICF is herfby iven thnt the Revised Statntes of 184í h;ive leen received nt tlie o!liec o' ihe County CIcrk. and are ready lor delivery toall persons entitlcd 10 receive ihem. Aun Albor, April], I847. 110 ROWLAND'S best Mili Saws, 6, 6i, and 7 leet. Rowlnnd's best X Cut Saws, fi, fJ. and 7 Ceel. L'nglisli C. S. Pil Saws. fij and 7 feet. Superior American Mili Saw Files, 10 lo 16 ini:!ies. For sale at ihe sign of ihe Big Anvil, Upptír Town. UENRY W. WF.U.FS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, lfc'47. 298-ly LINSEED OILU THE Subscriber is manufacturing Linseed Oil ou an exiensive scale and he is able to supply MERCHAXTS AMD PJINTERS, on terina more favorable for tiiem than have ever hefore been offered In this country, nnc] he i prepared to supply orders for largeor smull quantitics at prices cxlrcmrfy Inw. [Cf Communications by mail wII be prompt ly attended to. D. L. LATOURETTE. Long Lake, Geneseo Co. Mich. 283-ly riREi riREü FJ. B. CRAiL would rcsprctfully nntify the citizens of Ann Arbor, and the surrounding country, that he continúes lo acias Agrení of the HARTFORD FfRE INSURANCE COMPANY, and will insnrc I'roperty against 'osses by Fire. at llielowesr ntes, and wiih despatch and accnracy. The Ilnnford Insurnnte Coinpany is one of the oldesl and most stable in the country, nut] all lossnssustained by tbem will He - as they ever liave boen - pkomi'ti.y paid ! Fire is h dangerous element and not to be trified wi:h: therelore. mak e tip yoiir mimi to guard aijninst. it and don't uei.aï I A few hours delay niay be youi ruin. Mr. Ckane's Ófrico is in Crane's nevv Iïlock. corner of the Public Square, Ann Aibor. 280-tf TEETH! TEETHf TEETHH! MÁSTIC ATION and Articulntion, warranted by Iheir being propurly replaced. S. D. BUKWETT, will continue the practice of JFNTISTRY n all iis various branches, viz : Seal ing, Fillinf.. and iiiscrtingon gold platos or pivote, from onc to an entiresoit. Oli plates or misiits remodled, and made equal to ncw. OFFICE over C. B. Thompson & Co.'s Shoe Store, Ladies who request it, can be waited on at their dwellings. N. H. Characs unustially low, and all kinds of PRODUCE tnken. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5, 1846. 293- tl WAjTJED, at Perry's Booksioro, .r Tons clean Cotton and Lincn Rngs. 1 Ton lincswax. and 350n Dollars in cash, for the largeetnssnrt ment ol Books and Stationery ever olléred in this Village. and at bis usual low prices. Ann Arbor, Upper Village, Ocl. 7, 1846. 2HG-tf JU8TARRIV ED BY EXPRESS TUK Mozart Collection of Sncred Music, bj E. Ivés Jim - eontaining the eelebratet Christus and Miserere by Zingarelli vvitli Eng lish worde. Tendiera of Musí: will picase cali nnd exam ne the work at PjSRKT SC Jt-iTORF. Octobei 7, 286-tf WJTI. S. BllOWIV, Attorney ty Counselor al Lato, ANN ARBOR, MICH. OFFICE wiih E. Mü.MiY, Eso.. 297-ly BR A SS CLOCKS. A large lot of 8u hour and 8 3ay Érati Clock lor sale, at $14 and $22 by the case. SB2-U j. v. TILLMAN. MEDICAL BOOKS. A NEW lot Medicnl Books, just opencd and lor ea Jffneap for cash at Juno 15. 2 Ferry's f nu tlrbor Tlll Subscriber having purchased the imeresis of J. M. Rockwell in llio Mnrble [ïusineps. wonld inform he inhabifants of iliis and adjojpins couiities. tha'. lie will continuo the iusine:s al the old stand, in the Upper Town, icar iho l'rcsbylerian Cliurch, and manufaclure to ordrr : Monumenls, Grive Slones Painl Slone, TaMels, $c. fyc. Those wishinf; to olitnin nny article in liisline of business 'ft'ill (ind by calling tbnt be has an assortrnpiit of White mul Variegated Mirble from the Enstern Marble Quarrics. which wili br wrougbt in Moilern s;yle, and soldnt etistern prices. ddding Iransporlation only. Cal! and get. ibe proof. W. F. SPAULDING. Ann Arbor. Jnn. 30. 1847. 272-Ty NEW GOODS! Cheap for Cash!! THE Substiibersbeg leave lo inform their old oustornsrs, and the public gsnerally. lliey are now receivinga large nnd plenoid SMonmept ol Englith, American and West India. GOODS. Crockery, Shclf Hardware, Pains, Oils, Bt)cstitjfs, Drugs and Medicines. Also o general assurtment of JRON. suitable for Ironing Wasrüons and Bugiea, NailRods. Morse Slioes. and Hoise Nails, Sheoi Iron, Tin Ware and TinjPlate - also a general assortmem of BOOTS # SHOES, tlrck nnd iliin eale work, and cuslom work to suitpurcliasers. All of whieh ihey will scll on the liiwest possible terms for Cash or Baktkr. Keeling confident aa we do, that we can make it for the interest of all those wishing to purcbase any of the above mentioned Goods, we do most earnestly solicit at least an invescigntion of our Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhcre. JAMES GIBSON & CO. JYo. 3. Exehange Block. Ann Albor, Kuwer Town, Öept. )4, 1846. 282 -tf CLOCKS AND WATCHESU feol rïlHE Subscribcrlias jusi Byv ■% rcceived, (and is confa &ÍLf5slam'y rece'ving) fron' ffrV W ,nw Ynrk an elegant ar d Vt" 1 wJiliiK wc" selected assortmunl Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, ifec. &c. which hú intends 10 sell as lote os at any uther establishment this side ol Bufliilu lor rrwl y pmj onlij amoiig whicli niay be found thetollow in: a eood aasorlment oí Gold Finge Rings. GoldlSrenstpins.WrislIels Guard Chaina and Keys. Silver Spoona, Germán Silver Tea and Table Spoons (first qualiiy.) Silver and Germán do Sugar Toiigs. Silver Snlt.MuBtard nnd Cieam spoons. Butler Knives, Gold and Silver Pencil Cases. Gold Pen, " " Pencüs, Silver and Germán Silver Thimbles. Silver Spcctacles, Germán nnd Steel do. Goggles, Clothes, Ilair and Tooth Brushes, Lalher Iirushes, Rnzorsand Tooket Knives, Fine Shears and Scisaors. Knives and Forks, Brittannia Tea Potsand Casiors. Plated, Bras, anrl Brittania CanllesticUs, Snuffcrs &Trays, Shaving boxea and Sonj!s, Chapmati's Best Razor Strop, Calfand Morocco Wallets, Silk and Cotion purses. Violins nnd Bows, Violin and Base Viol Strings, Flutes, Fifes. Clarionets, Accordeons - Music Books for the same, Motto Senls. Steel Pens and Tweezers, Pen cases. Sntiffnnd Tobacco boxes. Ivory Dressing Combs, Side and Back nnd PocketCombs, Needie cases. Stelettoes, WaterPaints nnd ÜMisliee, Toy Watches, a great varicty of Dolls. in short the greaiest variety of loya ever brouaht to this market, Fancy work boxes, children's ten setts. Coleene Hair Oils, Smelling Salís. Court Plas'er. Toa Bells. Thermometers. Germán Pipes. VVood Pencils, BRAGS AND WOOD CLOCKS, &c. in fact almost every thing to piense the fancy. Ladies and Gentlemen, cali and examine for yourselves. Ciocks. Walches and jewelry repnired anti warmnted on sliort notice. Shop at his old stand, opposite H. Tieilicr'p brick Slore. in the Store occupied by M. Wheeler. CALVIN BLISS. N. B.- Cash p.-iid for old Gold & Silver. Anti Arbor. July lat, 134G. 271-ly THE SURSCRIBER lias received his winter stock, which heofl'ers lor Cash. at reatly reduceil prices. The Public are invited to cali, examine, and judge for themselvea. Now on hand, and daüy adding. SOFAS of every variety and pattern, and the Iaiest fnshion. prices (rom $30 und upw.ird.s. DIVANS, OTTOMANS. LOUNGES, BUREAUS, of all kinds, from $1 and up. Centre. Oard, Tca, Dress, Pier, Dining, and Nest Tables. Wnsh, Candle, and Toilet Stand9. Bedsteads - Mnhogany, Maple, and Wilnut, from 2 and up. I'inno Fortes ; Piano Covers ; Pinno Stool.". Doublé and single Matresses o( hair, shuck, palm leaf, or straw. Doublé and single Cot Bedsteads. d do Writing Desks. CI1AJRS. - The best assortment that can be found west of New York and the cheapest in this cily. Windsar Chairs, a good nrlicle, at $2 50 the sou. Mahogsny French (ühairs, liair seat, o first ratc article, and weli linished for $3 50, Cash only. Mahognny Roiking Chairs, hair sent and back. warrnnitd good, at the luw price of $12, for ihe cash only. Flag and Cane Seat from Cs. and up. Bird Cages, plain nnd gallery : Bird Glasses. Horses, and Toy Wheelbarrows, for chil dren; Patent Shower and Hip Bailis ; Boston Bath Pans, Camp Stools. Umbrella and Hal Stands, Fancj Bellows, Foot Scrapers, Cane Seat Counter and Boni Stools. Curtain material. Table covers, Patent Post-Office Balanceo. I'ic turo Frames. Willow Waoons, Cradles, Chairs. Clocks, and Baskets ; Brittannia Tablo Castors, very cheap. Mnliognny and Rosevvood Veneers ; Vnrnieli nnd Japnn ; Bronze, Mnhogany Knubs, Locks. GIup, Curled Hair, nnd Cüne Senls. Alan, a large nssortment of American Castora, expreasly lor Cnbinet Makers, vory clieap. Cash nnd the highesl marte) prioe paid for any quanlity of Walnut and Cherry Luniber. 1 will also contract for any quentity of drst rate Walnut Lumber, to be sawed to order, and dolivcred by the lst of June next. .1. W. TILLMAN, No. 87. JeflV on Avenue. Delroit, January J, 1817. 2i7-ly BOOKS! BOOKSÜ AT I'ERRY'S IïOOKSTORE. TO THE PUBLIC Tl II F. uiiclcrsigned hnvinr remrned from New York wilh u new, lal ge and vuluablu stock of Hooks, Stalionery and Paper Ilangings, is now reaiiy to scil for Cneh, any itiingin hi? line nt li is nevv stauJ on Main streel, oppolite II. Becker's Brick Store. He will sy to liuuk purchnseis. tliat. ly bis tfl'iris last fall on nis re'urn frotn New York, the price of nearly overy tliini;-iii liis line luía been sold lesa than licrctofore, níid liad it not beun for him. pureliasers woulil have continued to pay the priceshereiofoie eharged. He can say also, that his snles havo been boyond his most sanguine expectations. showing conclusively that a public benefactor, although ever so small. will not go unrewarded in this enlishlcned ;ommiinily. He 3 th.inkfiil ("r ihe favorsalreatly bestowod. nnd wnuld vespectfully S'ilicit a continmnce of llie t rade ; and he wnuld sny to those who ucver have purchaied books of him, ihat lie will show tlicm nrticles nnd prices wiiíi pleasure B' finy time ilicy may cali wheiherthey wíbIi to puichose or not. Can orders from the nounlry will be attended to, and the bocika packed as well as if tlie persnns were prpseni to attend the purchases. He will also sell to children as cheap as iheir pareno. Purchasers will do well tn examine his stock and prices before purcliasing elsewhere. Dorit forget Ihe -place; he sure you cali at PERRY'S BOOK STORE, on Main Street, a few doors South of the Public Square. WM. R. PERRY. Ann Arhor. June 27. 18lf. 209-tf Peace Declared, AND A TREATY rORMED. WHEREBY S. FELCII can hoi.d Fkkb Tk.uik ani Com.mkkck in BOOTS, SBO EK, EéKATller, and Findings of all kinds, with nll persons. Naiives or Foreigners, on tlin followin! just and oqual terms, vi. : (Jood Articles - Loto Plicas - lltadij l'uy - and No Trust. The subscriber having fully testert the Credit System to his great loss. hoth of confi lence and CBsh and having &ufleied much loss ty fire. necessiiy compela hint to collect hia jxiy " lfjrc harccst," as "after and nkxtfall." very olten come up " missing," leaving him sadlij in the Boot-hole. He has come to the earnf conclusión that certain sensible girls did on a late occasion, (tee to tal or wi hushand, ready nnv or no Shocmakinit ) All persons ihnt can conform to the abovc trealy wil! do well to cali on S. Kelcli. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, No. 4 Hnron Block. where they will nol be taxed for otliers' work who ncver pny. N. B. All persons i ndeb teil in nny wny to tlte s'ibscribrr, had beller cali and pny if tliey are honest n'1 mean to keep so. 297-Om S. FELCH. Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Jan. i, 1847. Temper anee House! 1S47. 1847. STEAMBOAT HOTEL. DETROIT, MICH. DAHÏIEI, BVRKY, having laken Ihis well known Slnnd, and thoi ■ oughlr rppnired il ihrourrhout. is iiow (-xtensively prepared to accommodate kis friends and the Travelling Public wilh all 'hose conven ionces calcujfited lo maUe ihem comfortable, and with prices lo 8uii the times ! Meals, 35 Cents. Easlern and Southern Stage OJJice kept at ttis House. ITT OmniUup and Hgiine Wagon alwuys on and lo convey Passengere tu and Irom the House free of charge. 29G-Gm COMSTOCK & SEYlHOVlt, Dealers in Fancy and Stnple Dry Goot9 Boots AND SHOES, HARDWARE, Crockery & Groccries, at No. 3, Porfer's Iilock, South side of the Public Square, 308 JACKSON, M1CH. TflTfHE 7 AR MËtS AA Lbs. Superior Wool Twine. ámlJ" JU doz. Sheup öhears, nnH n full assnrlment of Farming utensils of n!l Uinc's, Axc8. Shovels. Ppudrs Manure and Hay Forks, Log and Cable Chiins, Drae 'l'ecih, Slraw Knives, Crow Bars. Peck Axes.Hues, &c. lor sale at the BIG ANVIL STORE, UPPER TOWN. IÍF.NRY W. WELLS. Ann Arbor, Mnreh Vi, 1847. 308 CHEAP STOVES AT YPSlLANTl! ]OÍ COOKING &PARLOR STOVES, ■ AJ juetreceived, by tlie Scuêciiber, (moslly frnm Albany) making a good assortment of the latestand best patterns. whicli -II be sok at Low Priccs! not to be undersold this side Lakt Erie! Also, Copper Furniture, Cauldron Ke::les. Hollow Ware of all eizes, Slove Pipe, Sheei lum, Zink, &c. TIN WARE.' Mnnufartured, and conetantly kept on hand which will also be sold very low. P. S. - Pnrchasers will do well to cali and examine for theirown satibl'nclinn. J. M. BROVVN. Ypsilanti, Jüne 20, 184G. S71i FOR SALE CHEAP for CASH, or every kind of cour iry Produce, Saddlcs, Bridlcs,Harness, Tninks, Valises, Trunk Valises, Carpct Bags, $c. Also a aood assonmein of W'hips & Lashkb, which will be sold very low, and no mistiike. at COOK & UOBINSON'S. Ann A rbor, August 12, 1846. 2?7-tf TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE Subscriber has constantly for sale good nssortment of lieavv WOOLEN CLOTIIS, well adapted totlie country market which he will ■aU'at wholcsnle or retnil, vkrt i.ow. Cali and see them at ihe Mhitta Stork. W. A. UAYMOND. 27"-tf Detroit. JS. G. BURGER, Denlist, FIRST ROOM OVER C. M. & T. W. ROOT1? STORE, JRANE & JEWETT's BLOCK, '201-tf ANN ARBOR. C CLARK, Att ney and ounselor, and Jus.ire t Pcaco. OfliretCouri House Ann Arbor, 9 'UIU THE LIBERTY MINST REL OME HUNDRED COPIES of the (ifih edi tion of ihis highly popular work are for sale nt the Siennl office at .r0 cents eingl(, or Ij 4,50 per dozen. Tcrms Cash. Now is tho tima for Liberty choirs lo supply iheinsclvcs. tl BM jriB til I I M I ïll.'ÏP ÍVi'y JpZ&9 Tliia excellent compound is for sale by the pronrietür'e Agents. MAYNARDS. 263-1 y THRESHING MACHINES. TIIË undersigned would inform the public ilmt he nianulactures Uorse Powers and Threshing Machines at Scio, of n mperior kind inventcd by himself. Thes3 Powers and Machines are parliculorly ndaptcd to the use of Farmers who wish to use thein lor threshing their own grein. The power, iln c.-li'-r nnrl ii. liucti erin all be loaded into a conimon sizcd wnpoü box and drawn wilh one pair "f hnrees. Tbey are designed 10 bo uscd wilh four horses. and are abundumly slrong for ihat nuniber, and may be saf'ely used wilh six or oight norses wilh proper care. They work wilh lesssirenglh ol' horses according to the amount of Jiusineas done than any ollier power, and will ihresh generally nbout 200 bu6hels heat per day wilh four horsrs. In one inftanco 158 bushels wheat were threshed in thrue hour wilh four horses. Tliis Power and Machine conloin nll the advantapes necessary to make tliem profiiable to the purch.ieer. They are slrong and durable. - They are easily moved from one place to another. The work of ihe horses is eaey on thepe powers in comporison to oihers, and the price is LOVVF.R than any oiher power and machine, have ever been sold in the State, according to the real valué. The terms oí payment will be liberal for notes that re known to be absoluttly good. I have a number of Powers and Machine now ready for srile and persons wishing to buy nre invited to cali soun. SEPARATERS. I am pre pared to muke Separaters for those who may want ihem. The iitiliiy and advnntages af this Power and Machine will nnpcar evident to all on eiamining the recommer.dations below. All persons are cnnlioned against making [hese Powcre and Machines: the undersigned hnving ndoptcd the necesenry nieaenres for securini; letters patent for the same within the timo required by law. S. W. FOSTER. Scio, Washtcnaw Co., 1ch.. June 18, 1346. RECOMMEXDATIONS. Dtirinfr the IS45, eachof ;hc undersigned uirchased and used eitlier individunlly or joinlly with oihers, ore of S. W. Fosler's newly invented Horsc Powers and ilircshing Minchinrp, nnd helieve they are Iwlter adapied 10 the use of Farmers who want Powers and Macliines for iheir own i'se thnn nny other power and threslier within our kndwIedEo. They are ealculnted 10 le used with four hoi ees and are of ampie strength for that number. They appear to bo constructen m pneh a manner as to rendcr them vcry durable wilh linie linbiliiy of getting out o( order. Theyare eisily moved from one placo to another. They cnn be worked witb any numher ofhnntls from fotir to eighf, and will ihreili abort 200 bnshels wlipnt per dny. J. A. POUIEMUS, Scio. Washtenaw co. G. BLOOD, " " T. RICIIARDSON, " " SAMUEL HKALY, " S. P. FOSTEIÍ,, N. A. PHF.LPS, " " ADAM SMITH, " " J. M. BOWE.V. Lima " WM. WALKRR. Webster, " THOS WARREN, " " 1). SMALLEY, Lodi. " t threshed last fnll and winter w.'lh onp of f?. W. Foter's hnrpe powers. more than filtepii thonsnnd hushels grain. The repairs bpstowed npori tlie power amounted 10 only GL cp.nts. and it was in pond order when I had done threshing. 1 invariably used eix horsf. A A RON YOUNGLOVE. Marión, June 6, 13(6. I purchneed one of S. W. Fosler'e horee povvere 1.181 fall and have nsed t for jobbing. I have used ninny different kinds of puwers and believe iliia s ihe best running power I have ever peen. D. S. BENNET. Hamburg. June, 18ÍG. Wc purchased one of S. V. Fostcr'B Hor.e Powers !nst l'all, and have used il and think it is a íírat rate Power. JESSE HALL. D.!VIEL S. HALL, REUBEN S. HALL. Hamburg. June. 1846. 269 if READV MADE CLOTHIWG-ÍÍ IIALLOCK & RAYJIOX. HAVE now on hand, just manufactured under their own inetruction, at their well known CLOTHING EMPORIUM, rorner of Jrffcrson and TVooihrard aventitsf Detroit, one of the largest and most complete assortmeniB of He tul y Jflade Clothivg ever before ofi'ered n this State, which ihey ara prepared to se!l at the vrry Ictoest Cashprices, for these Cash times. Cali and seo ! 1 Detroit, Jan. 5, 1817. ?93-if CORN, RYE & WHEAT. WANTED by the subscribers, 10,000 bushels ol Corn - 10,000 bushels of Rve, and bushels ol Wheat. delivered at the Steam Mili, for which C;ish will be paid. INGALLS. LAMB, & FJSHF.R. Ann Arbor, Jan. 4, 18-J7. 298-:f. BRIGHT and Black Log Chains, 5-16, 616, 7-16, & 8)6 wrapping do. tSaríght and misted link Trac do. Halter do. For B;ile very cheap at the sign of the Big Anvil, UpporTown. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, 1847. 2!J8-ly BLAOKSMXTHS' TOOLS. " 4 RMITAGE Mouse Uole" Anvils. S. " WrightV; do. Cotterel Keyed Vices. West's best Bellows, 30 to 36 inchess. Siedges, Hand Hamniers, Files and Rasps of evety kind, can be found at the Iron Store, sign of the Big Anvil. HENRY W. WELLES. Ann Aroor, Jan. 10, 1847. 298-ly BLAIVKS. Warranty Deeds, Quit-Claim Deeds, mortgages, Chattel Mortgages, SüMMONSES, subpoenas, Attachments, executions, Leases, M asters' Deeds, FORECLOSURES IN ChANTCEKT, Marriage Certificates. The above are printed on good paper, after the most approved forms, and can be had by the single, dozen, quire, of hundred, at the Signal Office, Ann Arbor, Town. November 1,1846


Signal of Liberty
Old News