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Gerrrit Smith

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Mr. Smith, having been solicitcü by numeroua frienda lo let bis name be used for the Liberty President iul ñoranatíon, lias come out in the (jppors, stating reasons wliy he will not comply,nnd giving a statement oftliings wlii'jh lie should deetn necessary ar.d proper lo bc dune by a President, so farashis influence could be ktwfully and justly exertei. - These poinls arft so perfeclly in keeping wilh Mr. Smtihs chnracter, that an cnumeration of tiiem will be of interest to tbosp who liiiow that gentleman. 1. The war stoppel, Mexico compensated fordnmages, and Texas restored to lier, or bought of her. 2. The army, navy, and military system brolicn up. 3. Al! ret"ic;tions" on commercial inte rcomse abolished. 4. Direct Taxation. 5. Liberal governmental expenditures fbr harbo-rs, lighthouses, &c. 0. Mobs and insurrections to be put down. 7. The Constitution to be brought irito the "widost.deadliest, sternest war against Slavery." 8. No land monopoly, and the homestead inalienable. 0. Political ríglits nrc natural and absolute : fojeign bom citizens should vote. 10. Property or color no bar to suffrage. 11. "1 would give office to a slnveliolder, no sooner lhan to any other pirate. - Again, I would give office to the person, wlio would give office to a slaveholder, no sooner than I would give it to the person.who would give it to any olher pirate. Slave holding would soon cease to be reputablc - would scon cease to be - were siavcholders excluded from civil office. It 9 no wonder, that it is, now , reputable. Were we to make civil rulers of sheep-lhieves, as freelj' as we do of man-thieves; sheep-stealing and horsesleoling would be as reputable ainong us, as mnnteuling." 12. "1 would give office to no persons, whonre in favor of the traille in intoxicating drinkt. I would sooner consent to give it to persons, who are in favor of li- censing gnming-houses and brothels ; for the gaming-houses and brothels of a country are,compaied with its drinkinghouses and dram-sliops, harmless." 13. Members of secret nssociation should not hold office. Mr. Smith, in some of these views, is several hundred years ahead of the average of big country-men. The avowal of such opinions now mnkes him sneered at as a fanatic. But they will be remembered to his honor a century henee.


Signal of Liberty
Old News